The Pile
Does anyone else have a pile or bag of gifts/things that people leave for SKs at your house? SD will sometimes go months without seeing us at our house so "the pile" just accumulates. Usually it was holiday stuff or sporadic gifts and tribute to SD. Now that DH and I have kids together every time people get something for our toddler and baby they get something for SD. The result is it's like Christmas everytime she gets here.
She is pretty good at saying thanks when she receives things, though she usually goes over the top like she just won an award (not an exaggeration). but then she leaves the pile here, like she wants to be able to enjoy it at our house. The house she often refuses to visit... She only takes things that have a brand name, everything else might as well be junk.
The last few visitation weekends SD14 has cancelled at the last minute or wanted to just meet for lunch/shopping. My DH sometimes will do the daytime visit but usually not. It's a long drive and a lot of money to shuck out for just a couple hours. If he does the daytime visit the pike doesn't go with him.
DH has been on really good behavior since his pouty bi*chfits after talking to BM. He realized after the fact that he was taking it out on me and apologized. Guess we don't need counselling for now.
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No, people never left stuff
No, people never left stuff at our house for the SDs. I would have said - take it to their house, it is only 3 miles away. But they did leave serious amounts of junk at our house and once every couple of years I would have a sneaky clear out and take most of it to the charity shop. They never ever noticed that it was gone as they never looked at it. I was not happy for my (smallish) house to become a junk storage facility.
Once Spawn phased out of our
Once Spawn phased out of our lives people would still try to give me cards to get ther her, I would refer them to DH and let them know he's her parent, he knows where to get a hold of her. One time I had a family memeber tell me I was being How is that possible, I am not her parent as everybody pointed out to me time and time again. As my DH reminded me every time he undermined anything I said to Spawn. Yet somehow I was petty for having them provide the gifts to Spawn's bio parent.
How do men get off this hook
How do men get off this hook for these kind of things?
Right I didn't realize how
Right I didn't realize how antiquated my family's way of thinking was until I stopped doing all the "mom" stuff for Spawn.
Bratty was off at college when SO and I met, and his family is scattered around the country. So no cards or gifts were dropped off here as his family would send them to Bratty at her college.
Our bigger issue was getting Bratty to move her own crap out of the house but that's a different issue.
You are not being petty, it isn't your job to be SD's gift collector. SD is still 14 so I'd leave it alone for a couple of more years. After that if her visits are still sporadic then DH should either drop off or ship any gifts you guys receive.
We typically have a pile. We
We typically have a pile. We see SS9 on a long distance schedule, so alternating spring breaks, alternating Thanksgiving breaks, half of Christmas break, and two two week stints in the summer.
Family members tend to mail us or give us gifts for SS for holidays and birthdays. Since SS' birthday is in the spring, if he isn't here for spring break, a pile accumulates until he comes for summer visitation, so he can open his presents then. Family and friends refuse to mail stuff to BM's home because BM has admitted that she throws out everything that comes from DH's family or friends.
I can't recall really having
I can't recall really having this problem or not very often.
Not at our house. But, my DW was the CP during the CO years so his stuff was at our home anyway. Now, we barely keep any of our own stuff and are adopting a furniture and clothes only in the house model.
The SpermClan was so pathetic that they never sent the Skid any cards or gifts. They belong to a fringe Christian cult that does not celebrate Christmas, or did not for decades. Then when the SpermIdiot started dropping seed in ever increasing numbers of baby mamas suddenly Christmas became a big deal. Though they rarely gave SS any gifts even when he was there on Winter/Christmas visitation because it was not fair that he got nice things supposedly paid for by CS while the younger SpermIdiot spawn could not have the nice things that SS had from his mom and I and my family.
So, no, we did not have the Skid delivery issues you are asking about.
We have had Piles, usually
We have had Piles, usually gifts from my family as my skids normally didn't attend my family Christmas or if my parents would drop off or send them birthday cards here. SS now 22 hasn't lived here mostly for a few years and SD now 18 moved put angrily 2 years ago. We get their stuff to them when we can. This past Christmas, we had a pile for SD, some cards/money from my family and a few little things from us, because she refused to come over for Christmas because she got upset over a comment I made a few days before (Other than stopping by late that evening to scream at her dad. Long, stupid story I have written about before) We let her Pile along with a couple gifts from us for her boyfriend sit here for maybe 6 weeks, as she was not communicating with DH during that time. He finally dropped the Pile off at her mom's after my dad asked about the check he and my stepmom sent her not being cashed. No thank you, nothing. Fast forward to April, she was turning 18 and my DH and I had bought her a nice bracelet - even though we hadn't seen her, we wanted to do something special as 18 is a big deal, and I gave him the idea because I mentioned it being special to me that my dad got me a piece of jewelry around that age. Silly idea, trying to bridge the chasm with stuff, but it felt like the right thing to do. He reached out to her to see her on her birthday, mind you she had not communicated since Christmas, but she did respond to this text saying, oh, I didn't expect anything from you today since you like to deliver gifts late - referring to the Christmas pile. That pretty much illustrated to me the person that she has become and drove home that it is time for me to fully disengage, no more false hope of making connections. First of all, she didn't get her gifts timely because she was being a brat, second of all, she got her actual Christmas gift from us early at Thanksgiving, which was money toward a new phone (which I never heard a thank you for, not sure if DH did). Third, how entitled can you be. Thinking about this makes my blood boil again, which is fine because I have been feeling a little guilty that I am not joining DH this weekend to go see her at her new college place. I was having that feeling of maybe I should try again, maybe things could be different, but this reminded me of that feeling I have had so many times when I have tried, so I'll just stick to my polite distance.