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Update to visitation blog

secret's picture

So far, so good.

Ss hasn't really had any regressions or anything, but has started up again with the "my mom says"... which we generally ignore.

He did start climbing the furniture again, though, and I'm not impressed... when I asked him to get down the other day, he says that his mom lets him do it at her house... and I snapped at him a little, saying that I'm not his mother, and this isn't her mother's house, is it... he shook his head no... "then get DOWN. NOW."

I've been enjoying my free time, and I think DH has been enjoying my free time too... more than me, I think! lol

Amazingly, there haven't been any hiccups either. There was one day where BM didn't end up taking ss, but her mother was all too pleased to step in, so whatever, didn't affect me.

Come the summer, I'm going to try to push for something a little closer to week on week off... because DH works so much more during the summer, and the brunt of childcare will fall on me, week on week off just works better FOR ME. Ultimately up to DH, but if he wants me help, he needs to consider my input.