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I'm drowning in testosterone!!!!

Sassy's picture

I love my boys....but there are so many of them and so few of me! I have a bio 12 y/o son and three step-sons (11,16,17 1/2. First off, they eat about $2000 a month in food-holey moley! The mother of the three has a great job, but has to be forced to pitch in when we need help. We have the boys five days aweek, so in my book, she's lucky I don't sue for child support! Anyhoot, all of my boys are great kids (thank God), but the oldest is 17 1/2 going on 35 and knows absolutely everything. I try not to take it personally when he's a smart aleck, cause I know he's a teenage boy, and I'm just a stepmom, bot good golly he gets on my nerves.

A bit of history: Their mother cheated on dad when they were 15, 13 and 9. The oldest boy knew about it before Dad did and was put in the lousy spot of trying to hold his tongue. Well this wasn't the first time she had cheated, nor the last and dad finally took the kids and left while she flew off to Canada to be with some guy she'd never met. That realationship lasted about a month and then she had several other men sleeping in her bed at various times when the kids were at home with her. The oldest took this to heart since he was raised to be moral, and not to have sex until married. So-he's now 17 and hates his mom, and probabaly most women. He thinks she has lived in way he was taught was wrong and hasn't forgiven her since he knows she's the reason for the divorce. He puts up with me, but our relationship is nothing special. The 16 year old absolutely loves me and clings to me like stink on poo. I have no worries about him. These two older boys have decided thay hate the guy mom finally married and so talk to me about it. Oh boy! Then their is the baby boy who is 11. He was always his mom's boy, but since she left he's become very attached to me. He's 150lbs, but he still comes and sits on my lap and grabs on every chance he gets. He is still young and needs the mama-love he isn't getting from his real mom. Last, but never least is my Bio son (12) he is a lover and a fighter. He was always my mama's boy and still is, but now he and the 11 yr old compete CONSTANTLY for my attention. Good golly-they were both the babies in the family and now they have to share that role and a room-Heaven forbid. :O

So, those are all my troopers, not to mention hubby. I am trying to keep the peace with their very frustrating mother, take care of all of them and their icky boyness and get through nursing school. HELP!!!!


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
I didn't have the size of troop you do, but I had only sons-and they always had friends around, so I went thru the huge amounts of food, the lighting of farts, the boy smells, the ogliging of any form that resembled a female within 20 years of their age....

and laugh about it!

Think of this-you could be dealing with SD's instead, who tend to be very self-important, very self-involved, rude, competitive (with you), instead of a troop of maybe kind of smelly grocery hogs!

Anyway, good luck with school-close the door and study. At least they're old enough to make their own sandwiches...

Sassy's picture

Thanks....I think it's under cntrol-but that's when they strike!! Ha ha. I still make their lunches and do all the millions of loads of laundry for the six of us, but they have finally become acustomed to doing chores. I make them all clean their own stinky rooms, take out trash, load/unload dishwasher, wipe the stove and microwave and do the counters. Nobody ever had chores before they met me except my bio-so it was a huge shock to them. They eventually got over it, but they still whine (as boys will do). Blum 3

I thank the good Lord every day for my boys, and for the fact that I have no girls-OMG I would die!