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So,it appears DH is going to use his holidays to fly out and visit his daughter & 2 grandkids

SammyJo58's picture

I was very sick in bed night before last and he came in to tell me he had been looking at flights out west...high season for Air Miles, so we didn't have enough to cover the flight. I was planning on using our AirMiles for a January vacation, so I suggested he just search a flight. He checked the bus and it was 2 and 1/2 days just to get out there, and he only has a week off. After he checked flights, he said he can get one for $500. return. My only comment was "That's not too bad".
If he expects me to book his flight and send him on his merry way.....pssshhhhhh.....he's a big boy, he can handle it himself. I'm neither going to encourage nor discourage this trip. I only mentioned to him today that if he IS going, that he should book before 14 days, otherwise his flight will double in cost. He thanked me for the suggestion.......but I still don't know if he is going or not.
Even though I suggested he go when he was moping about, I must admit I will still be very hurt if he goes visiting his daughter when her last communication to me was so hurtful and hateful. IDK, maybe it is something he needs to get out of his system. Hopefully it will give him some clarity. All I know is that my son will be at college, my mom will be at my brothers, and I will be alone here with the two dogs.
I didn't get married to start taking separate vacations.
Maybe I should book myself at a spa for a couple of days.
Welcome to my pity party. Sad