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Disengaged and going on

Sam2's picture

Well today is SS birthday.  I haven't seen him yet but his laundry got done.  His dad of course finished the laundry for him.  He started it yesterday evening and went to bed with the second load in the washer.   When his dad and I got up this morning the wet laundry was sitting in the washing machine and the dryer was full of the first load.   I walked past, he could've done it, today he is 17.   His dad walked past , turned around and started the dryer to fluff his son's clothes,  then he proceded to fold them after placing the other load in the dryer.   Soon son called up "Dad are my clothes done?"  Hey if you had finished it last night they would be done, I however, kept silent and went about my morning.  I of course forgot that it was his birthday today so I haven't wished him a happy birthday.  I know I probably should but he hasn't wished the last three of us who had birthdays before his happy birthday so I'm not really feeling it.   His dad will take him out to dinner tonight.  He'll get some good one on one dad time at his favorite restuarant.   I'm glad I don't have to go to another ackward dinner in which he looks at his phone the whole time and barely talks to us.  

On the school front , he is apparently signing up for dual credit.   The deal with the college classes is if you fail , you pay for them, otherwise the school district picks up the tab.  Pretty good deal if you finish.   I'm not sure this kid can handle college classes as he barely does homework.  We shall see. 


Sam2's picture

Package arrived, delivered to his room.  They're getting ready to go to dinner.   Question?  Any packages?  "Yes it's on his bed."  "Were there anymore?"  "No just the one."  Hmm.  Interesting.  He got his present from his dad this morning and mom's was coming in the mail.  My husband doesn't get my kids anything beyond what I say is from both of us.   The same is at their dad's.   I knew what his mom was getting him, not that I care but I guess it was information I needed to know,  He was getting gym shorts, a gym bag (because hey he's going to the gym so much) and a warm flannel jacket/shirt thing.   Dad got him a shower speaker.