Has anybody wondered about
If their skids are really your dh?The thought has crossed my mind a few times about my ss.I would think about it but the thought would just go away but it keeps popping up in my head.Only because ss looks nothing like my dh and i mean like his height,feet size and no features like his dad at all.Would you ask your dh if ss was his?Or leave it alone.I know his ex cheated on him a few times in the latter part of the relationship but maybe when ss was conceived to i am not sure.
- sam's blog
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Leave it alone. Its up to
Leave it alone. Its up to him to acknowledge it or not. Nothing good can come from it. I wonder the same thing about my skids.. but would never bring it up, nor would I persue it. Dh did mention to me in the beginning of our relationship that he questioned if he was their bio dad.. but we do not bring that up.. EVER.
me, personally
I would have asked my DH to have a DNA test done. I can talk to my DH openly like that. I guess it depend on your relationship with your DH.
I dont want him to get offended so i dont know how to bring the subject up.
SS16 Zippy
Was an invitro implant (pitre dish)-hope they got the right sperm and eggs (species) together -hummm....
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
After reading some of the comments
I would like to say, I would bring it up in my personal life to my DH. But like most have stated, the kids are the ones that will be hurt do to the BM deception. Sometimes it works out for the best and sometimes it doesn't.
Well their are allot of BM that turn around and tell the DH that the kid isn't theirs just so they can do what they want with the kids (move to a different state ect.) Then thats when you have to get a DNA test to safe gaurd your rights as a father. Talking on a personal level.
to me, paternity
is less dependent upon DNA and more so on who raises u, so even if SD wasnt DH's, if he wanted to be and considered himself her father, and wanted to stay in her life, i would support him. to me, even if a child doesnt biologically belong to someone, if that person has raised him, he/she is his parent.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I remember another member
took it upon herself to get one of those dna kits where you just have to wipe the qtip on something they have both drank out of, etc. She sent it in and if I remember right found out the kid wasn't his! OMG! Imagine that!
But alot of other members thought she was out of place to go and do that on her own without consenting the husband. I guess the husband was one that wouldn't care if blood said the kid was his or not.
But, how could it not matter? Why would you pay CS on a kid that isn't your? Why cause your new spouse, and new family all that drama if the kid isn't even yours?
I had the same thing to a really close girl friend of mine. She got married, dude had three kids. She insisted they all be tested because she just KNEW those kids weren't his. Guess what, not one of them were his. He'd paid child support for these kids for 8 years, at 1500 a month, calculate that. She didn't have to pay it back either because he accept the kids as his, well that's what the judge said. But he doesn't have to pay anymore either. Of course he accepted them as his, she was his WIFE at the time! Geesh!
But I don't feel to bad for the three kido's. They found thier bio dad and have a relationship with him now. My friends hubby, and my friend still remain close with the kids. But they aren't breaking the bank to pay for kids that aren't his either. I don't blame them one bit.
I know if I even suspected SD's weren't DH's I'd make sure he got a paternity test!
My x used to always say he was going to get one with my son, I always tell him please do so you can shut the fu*k up and so can your girlfriend "of the hour". If theres nothing to hide you wouldn't give a crap.
JMO, of course.
i agree it would be tough
dealing w thsi crap, especially the unGODLY amount of CS for a kid that's not his and he really shouldnt have been paying for.
BUT if he raised the kid and has been a part of his life for YEARS, hes family regardless and a judge likely wouldnt absolve him of his parental responsibilities (or rites).
its a slippery slope.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
That was Melis and she told her husband what she was doing and he had no objections. So it wasn't behind his back or anything. Just FYI
yes but she did tell him she was doing it
We misunderstood her at first.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I'm not sure if stepmomjen
I'm not sure if stepmomjen was referring to me because she said they used a swab test, and we used toothbrushes, but it was my first post & I did get a lot of those "not your right to do that" type of comments because I didn't mention my DH at all in the post so people assumed it was just me that did it. Anyways...I obviously have been in this position and still am, but I would agree with most people in saying if your DH doesn't want to know, there's nothing you can do. And if he does, prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster. My DH hasn't had much contact or much participation in raising SS except for 2 out of his 11 years of life, which were BAD as a result of SS's emotional state (BM got busted with drugs, he was torn away from sisters, school, friends etc and moved 3000 miles away with a father he saw twice a year and barely knew) Its a really long story with much details....but the point is the decision to find out I think is a very personal one, theres always a chance of the kid finding out on there own, such as ferretmom's situation...but the end result is if the dad acted as a dad and held the child out as his own and the child is no longer a baby...it wouldn't make much difference in MOST states in regards to child support. Some states let you request a paternity test & cs is obsolved if he isn't the dad, but most states have statues of limiatations, will only allow it if you know who the real father is & the guy wants his parental rights. No judge will leave a child without a legal father...there's A LOT of factors to consider and they vary greatly by the state the child lives in. I would say if there is a personal reason to find out, make sure its a good one and DO NOT LET NOT WANTING TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT BE THE REASON! Its not a good enough reason to turn a child's world upside down. We know my DH isn't his bio dad and we still pay it, voluntarily, but I'm sure a court would make us anyway. BM refuses to give any info on who the real dad could be because she doesn't want SS to know & she doesn't want the real dad to know. She wants to protect herself and her lie.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Ema, no there was someone
else that did it without her husband knowing. I remember it mostly because I remember everyones reaction to it! It was alot of, it was none of your business remarks! LOL! Things like that stand out to me. It may have been a while back!
And bell you are right, it is a slippy slope. If I found out that my daughter was switched at birth it would make no difference to me, my baby is my baby! So I can understand that to. But I would want to know....
I don't wonder...
and I don't care.
Doesn't make a bit of difference to me whatsoever. They are DH's daughters regardless....
But that's me.
Some people disagree and think DNA is an absolute in these matters...I just think don't think it's as black and white as that. As humans, we're too emotional to leave it to just the science.
I think some things are better left in the back of our minds and only visited when asked. It's their journey, not yours.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I miss a lot Jen!
I am usually never on here during the week because I can't get on this site at work so (I'm off this week) I miss a lot - thanks for letting me know I just didn't want anyone to think it was Melis!
Yes, I just posted about this a few weeks ago
I posted about this once. I do not believe that SS7 is my BF's. He looks nothing like him. He sort of looks like BM but I don't know.....SD10 is the spitting image of BF so there is no doubt that he is her father but SS has not one feature of his. There is absolutely no resemblence between SS and SD and their baby pictures or even now that they are older. SS has darker skin and dark (almost black eyes). SD is very fair skinned with blue eyes like BF. BF told me in the beginning of the relationship that he left the BM once and then they got back together when she found out she was pregnant with SS. I guess there was word around that she had been sleeping with some other guy while they were separated. BF said he questioned SS's paternity but BM flipped out and said he could get a paternity test if he didn't believe the baby was his. Apparently he dropped the subject after that.
I asked him if he wanted a paternity test now. He said no, that he didn't want to know the truth. I dropped the subject but I do think about it often especially when we have the skids. It does bother me and I am a very nosey person so I would love to know for sure but I'm not going to press the issue. I won't even bring it up unless he does. As far as BF is concerned SS is his no matter what.
My H and I used to think that
SD9 was not his either. She didn't look like either of them. But once I have my son....well him and SD could be twins! My Hs kids look a lot like his mothers side of the family (my H takes after his father).
SD looks like a member of our family. You would never know by looking at us that she wasn't "ours". I love that it drives BM crazy.
just a thought
If it were me, I would ask your DH very non-chalantly if SS looks like BM and if he looks like any other members on his side of the family. If he doesn't take the bait and talk about it then you will just have to live with it and leave it alone unless you want to outright ask him if he is really SS's bio dad.
H had the test done on his kids-years ago. Before he knew me
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
because bm had the youngest (yes, there is yet another girl) done on one of her weekends (the child was an infant at the time), and turned out she was not H's.
But I still firmly believe the wife (stepmom), should have that right, if she's involved in the skids lives. I believe that if your life is going to be entwined with these children, you have the right to know if your H is truly the biological parent or not. That does not necessairly mean the kids won't be considered "his". It does not make the kids any less important. Depending on the circumstances, it does not mean he should not support the kids (tho I believe if they are not truly his, he should have that option).
All it boils down to is the simple fact that as wives, whether it be first wives, second, or seventh, we have a right to know, quite simply, whose kids we are helping raise/pay for/feed/care for. Just as the fathers have the right to know if the kids are his biologically or not.
Well, DH had those doubts
because of the BM getting caught cheating. So he already had the test done before i came along.
But his daughter looks exactly like him and has his mannerisms.
It looks as if he carried her for 9 months from the start so .... no question there.
But if not, then i would not say anything to him. I think with as much as he loves her and takes care of her.... It would crush him totally.
Besides it takes more than DNA to be a daddy in my book.
I agree
with everything each and everyone one of you is saying.I would never treat ss different or expect dh to.He is his father regardless i was just curious that if dh already knows and just hasnt said anything to me.I know that he loves his son and i would never try to change that.
My boyfriend has had that
My boyfriend has had that thought in the back of his mind since the day his son was born. He just wants to know for his own peace of mind, he would not treat his son any different if he found out that he wasn't his BF. Some people say, "why would you want to pay CS on a child who isn't even yours" because to him that child is his, he has raised him as his son for two years and he is his father no matter what.
We are going through this.
BF has always suspected that SS7 isn't his. He has alot of BM features but we cant really see BF in him at all.
BF only mentions it every now and then, all I've said is that I will support them weather he chooses to find out for sure or not. BF has basically said that no matter what the results are it doesn't change the fact that he has raised this child from birth and has fathered him since. I have never pursued the matter with BF since then. It is his son and his choice.
I think who has been in the
I think who has been in the child's life consistently AND DNA matters. Think about it: ask any man out there if they had a child out there and had no idea that child existed, would he want to know? He'll most likely say yes. Why? Because DNA matters. Heritage matters, family trees matters...now imagine that he was never told because BM married someone & the guy is playing daddy...imagine they know the truth but decide not to tell the real dad since he wasn't there to raise him, not that he was given the choice. Is that fair to the real dad? Or the child who could have other siblings out there he doesn't know about either? Or imagine a person finding out on their own, realizing everybody in their life knew the truth and had been lying to them. Then imagine how that person would feel if when they finally found out, went to look for their real dad and found out he died the year before...and now the person never get to know their real dad (this situation has happened for real) Its very complicated and personal. Its a shame DNA tests aren't done on every kid at birth! It would eliminate so many issues...but probably cause quite a few as well!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Playing Daddy?.
I respectfully disagree with the premise that DNA is important to being a parent.
Certainly I understand the emotional element of the DNA connection. I am exceptionally close to my Mom, Dad, Brother (S-I-L), Niece and Nephews but that closeness has more to do with the commitment we have to each other as a family than the details of the DNA. However, DNA has very little to to with being a "real" parent IMHO. Parenting is an action, a commitment, dedication and putting a child's needs above your own and not the result of what nucleotides one contributes from their double-helix.
If DNA was truly that important to being a parent would there be the number of deadbeat NonCustodialParents that there are out there? If DNA was all that important would there be as many manipulative, self serving, evil BMs and BFs that put their kids through hell to use them as pawns to hurt the other bioparent that we read so much about on this site?
In my SS's case, BioDad is a loser non entity in his life who has fathered 4 out wedlock kids by three different mothers and dumped the youngest three off on his parents to raise. What value does DNA play for any of his four spawn? Other than life he has given them nothing. He is no parent. At best he is just SpermDad. The womb donors of his youngest three are no better. (Sorry CG. For purposes of this response I thought the "Donor" label appropriate).
I have no genetic interest in my SS whatsoever, but I am totally invested in his life. I AM his REAL Dad.
Anyone with a penis or a womb can father or birth a child. Not all of those people are parents.
I recognize and am eternally thankful that I won the parent lottery. My Mom and Dad are incredible as most Mom's and Dad's are. But, there are many kids out there that would be far better off with a caring StepParent or AdoptiveParents than the looser, neglectful, abusive genedonors that they are stuck with.
I have friends who are adopted, do not know who there birthparents are and have no interest in knowing. Their "REAL" parents wanted them, love them, are dedicated to them and put the needs of the adopted and bio kids above their own. They have REAL parents but have no DNA in common with their REAL parents. No great loss IMHO.
There are many examples in this community of Sparents that are far more and better of a parent then either of the BioParents in the Blended Family. Much of the discussion in this community is about not only how to fix the whack job BioParent opposition and the troubled Skids but how to fix the BioParent spouses.
Many StepParents do far more than "marr(y) someone (BM/BF) & the guy (girl) is playing daddy(mommy)". We accept that we are marrying a package deal, support the Skids financially, emotionally and parentally and rage when we are discounted by the courts, Skids and XSpouses. I think the courts and Xspouses despise us so much because they know we as Sparents have the moral and character high ground in many cases. They just don't know what to do with us and often transfer their embarrassment for their own shortcomings and hatred of us on to the children.
Not that some of us Sparents are not wicked. I know I have my spells. }:)
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
I can understand your reaction to "playing" daddy
But remember Rags, you had some favorite terms that were offensive to others
As far as genetics, it does matter. So does the REAL parent, who is the one who raised and nurtured the child.
I have a friend who is adopted. She LOVES her parents. But something was always missing for her. It wasn't the genes she was missing, but the personal family history. She doesn't have siblings from her parents. Did she biologically out there somewhere? Someone walking around looking like her?
Her parents were always supportive of her searching for bio family, but she never put a lot of effort into it because she felt guilty, like they would be hurt. After her dad passed away, she decided to really look and find out. It was then her older sister found HER. Her older sister had been searching for their bio parents for some time, had found out who they were, that their BF was no longer living but their BM was. She first talked to her BF's sister, who was so amazingly excited. So when she found my friend, they went to see this aunt. The aunt told them the history. Evidently their BF was married to someone, but in love with their BM. She gave both of them up, though the affair continued over many years. A few weeks after my friend was born, the BF was in a wreck and died, likely on his way to see BM and my friend.
Fast forward a few years. My friend's older sister calls to tell her she has found
ANOTHER sister. Evidently the aunt didn't know about her. They all three met, and are all very much alike, as well as very much individual people.
They all favor each other, in looks, personalities, and are now reunited as sisters.
I think it is the most beautiful story.
The BM tells the aunt that she can't see them. I'm not sure why, but perhaps it is just all too painful for her. The sisters have respected that, and are content with each other. So sometimes it's not the parent, but the loss of their sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents...
HISTORY that makes a genetic bond important.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Cetainly your example is a good one and the way it should be.
However, the bond your friend and her previously unknown biosisters and extended family created was due to the commitment to each other they chose to make. They really have no history except that which they are making now and going forward.
I understand the importance of family. Mine is 100% BIO and the foundation of my life. But no more important than the family I have chosen to create with my wife and SS and there is no BIO element to that family at least for me. We are a strong family non the less.
Your story brings to mind the cable show "The Locator". Have you seen it? It tends to be very heart warming
Best regards,
I haven't seen that show. I
I haven't seen that show. I tend to try not to watch a lot of reality TV that will make me cry (even if it's a happy one.) One thing that I find so inspiring about my friend and her sisters, is none of them are bitter having been given up, or that their BM is unwilling to see them. I credit that to their parents, because obviously they don't feel they are lacking in anything regarding the parents who raised them.
I know a writer in her 50's who is terribly bitter about being given up. I'm not sure if she has facts to back it up, but she has a movement she's started, to discourage parents from forcing their kids to give up their babies. You could google around and find the website I'm sure, I don't want to post it here. But she gave me this promotional cd about it, asking for feedback, and I was all excited to watch it. Then I was angry, disappointed, and gravely concerned. She seems to be completely convinced that her mother wanted to keep her and wasn't allowed to (may be true because of her age, that was a long time ago when girls were sent away to get rid of their kids.) I don't think from the site that she was taken (as in stolen and sold which also happened a lot and still does to a degree in foreign countries in particular.) THEN I could see her anger. But if her mom was a teen in an era where no one supported "unwed" mothers? Perhaps her parents did what was in the best interest of the child.
Sorry to digress.
I agree that biology isn't everything, and chosen family can sometimes mean more to us than those we inherited. But I don't think we can discount biology as meaningless. I know in all my research of borderline issues, a high percentage of borderlines were usually adopted (fear of abandonment is number one motivator for all the dysfunctional behavior.) Now I think the increase in teens is likely from a BP abandoning them, either in custody situations, or disinterest in the child from birth in the case of a single parent.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I wasn't trying to say
I wasn't trying to say ANYONE that has a role in a child's life is unimportant, but there is always a curiousity to know your family history, medical history, where you get certian characteristics, etc...I just don't think its anyone else's right besides the child's to decide if they are allowed to meet their bio family. Just my opinion based on some situations I have seen and been a part of in my & my families lives.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
okay sorry about the term, I
okay sorry about the term, I didn't mean it as offensive, I just meant it that is how the real dad would see it from his perspective if he found out he never knew about his son because someone else was taking his role without his knowledge. Just trying to look at it from different perspectives.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Situations are always so different...
Rags for instance is a lot like my exH who "plays daddy" to my BS13 whose "real father" walked out on him before he was even born.
But none of the terms are relative to my situation. The "real father" isn't a father at all. The man who stepped in and through absolutely no obligation, "plays daddy" is more of a father emotionally and financially than the man who contributed to his DNA. Even when we divorced he could have walked away, but instead considered it a privilege to call himself "daddy".
So terminology can be taken offensively when reflective of personal situations.
It's so hard when the biological bond between a child and a parent is broken for WHATEVER reason.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
No offense taken.
You did fine in your post. It generated a lot of great dialogue and a good representation of different perspectives.
It is a difficult issue and for sure a parent should know if they are a parent.
Don't sweat the different perspectives. That is why I am here. If I had all of the answers I would have my own show or be writing books and making millions.
Best regards,
"If I had all of the answers
"If I had all of the answers I would have my own show or be writing books and making millions."
Man! That's IT!
Why don't we all DO that? Between all of us we have MOST of the answers, yes? I would settle for SPLITTING some millions!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Since I am SDad and my SS is my wifes, he looks like the idiot..
there is no doubt. My opinion is that this is a sticky issue and needs to be handled very carefully. At least two people are at risk of being devastated in this situation. Dad and the kid.
I know that if my wife and I were to split or if something were to happen to her I would remain my Skids Dad. That said, I would participate directly in his support but would give everything I have to charity before I would allow one cent accrued by my efforts or my wife's efforts to benefit DickHead.
If I survived my wife I would fight tooth and nail for custody of my SS though the odds would be severely against my being successful. I would however most likely get visitation and would take every second I was awarded. When he turns 18 I would encourage him to move home and I would provide him with a college education and all of the benefits that his Mom and I have worked so hard to provide for him.
Thank God he is 16 and at most would only have to put up with BioDad and the SpermFamily for a reasonably short time before he could leave them far, far behind to have an amazing life that none of them has the motivation to match or the ability to comprehend.
Pompous or me? Absolutely. But, we have raised him to be far more than any of THEM could or will ever be.
Best regards,
As far as my situation
SD got most of her looks from DH, which explains part of why I found it so easy to love her and not associate her with BM until SD started demonstrating full force where most of her PERSONALITY comes from.
BD looks just like DH too. He has some strong Italian genes, which dominated both BMs French/German genes and my Irish/Welsh genes. SD and BD do have a blend in the personality department, but unfortunately, DH wasn't around due to deployments a lot when SD was having her personality trained environmentally. He was in Korea from the time SD was 1 and a half and returned when she was 3. That's a lot of crazy BM time, especially since they didn't live near either of their families and BM didn't embrace other military wives, or make friends.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Looks don't always mean anything
My DH went through this situation a couple of years ago due to his divorce and issues with the insurance. BM had always been extremely promiscuous and it turned out the SS was NOT his – but he was a dead ringer for DH. I’d have sworn SS was 100% DH's kid, they looked so much alike. BM also made the statement that DH should have gotten SD17 DNA tested too, because she wasn’t his either (older SD21 is the reason they had to get married, but sometimes I even wonder about her paternity). It was really bad on DH and the SS when the truth became known. At the time, DH and family (and BM’s family) were not wanting to let SS find out until he was older and a little more stable (he lives with BM and has some major emotional issues) but unfortunately, BM’s vengeance against DH was too great to let it alone until SS was old enough & stable enough to understand; she made a big scene out of informing SS that DH was not his bio father. She actually did take him to meet the real bio dad, but he obviously wants nothing to do with BM or SS, so that pretty much backfired on her.
SD17 doesn’t look like DH or the rest of his family in the least; several people have made the comment how similar SD17 & I look! Whoa – she’d freak if she heard that one! It does bother DH that BM (and even DH’s mother)have made comments about having SD17 tested, but I believe he really doesn’t want to know. This may sound cold and cruel, but I believe everyone should have a right to know who they are and their family backgrounds – especially for medical reasons, but that’s JMHO. And I’m ashamed to say, I’ve used that info against DH when we’re in the midst of a major battle over SD17. I won’t even go into the details of that - it’s something I’m definitely not proud of, but I know in the back of DH’s mind, he has his doubts as to whether SD17 is really his. Even if the tests come back negative, that the DH isn’t the father, it’s still a very bad situation for everyone involved.
I hope you can refrain from making comments about DNA in fights with your DH in the future, that probably cuts really deep. I definitely can understand if SD17 makes your life hell how it would be hard to, I'm not sure of your situation, but that would probably be something that might cause resentment. You're right, its a very bad situation and feel for anyone involved in one. I personally have 5 different people in my family dealing with 5 separate situations, all from different angles! My DH found out he isn't really SS's father, My half brother has a child he's only met once who is now 9, doesn't know where the mom & kid are, but she's remarried and has her husband playing daddy, my sister's son thinks his stepdad is his real dad, my stepbrother's step-daughter thinks he's her real dad & I found out 3 years ago what I thought was my whole sister is really my half sister because we have different dads. I have a total of 5 brothers & sisters, by the way. LOL But its absolute craziness. This subject hits very close to home for me and saddens me
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
But what happens
if something ever happened to the child like needing blood transfusion or backround medical history?And you gave them the wrong info because your not the bio parent.I believe that the parent should know but not the child.
When it comes to medical
When it comes to medical history, if a child needs a blood transfusion or something like that, of course they will find out eventually. Its THEIR medical history, they won't be a child forever. And its definitely something to think about, especially if cancer or something runs in the family. Breast cancer for women is a big one. Also for geneology purposes...people trying to find out their family tree 20 or 30 years down the line will be in a completely different blood line and not even realize it. Wonder how many people out there think they are long lost relatives and they're really not...or how many people out there don't know about siblings, aunts, uncles etc. Its sad really. Not that any of that discounts the people that play important roles in the child's life that aren't blood related. Its just interesting to think about how many people's lives in this world are effected by lies or unknown parentage.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"