Aggravated and confused...
So I just submitted my first post and I'm worried about what people are going so say.
I am young new stepmother and do to the experience my older husband has with life I see it as a disadvantage with the way I see things. Am I handling things right? Am I with the minority on this one?
I want the girls to be included in our lives. We have so much to share and want to create new memories with them. But how can we get the chance if their mom is breathing down our backs.
We (the BM and I) did talk however and I found out that oh, if we wanted to take the girls to an amusement park or out to dinner, then it wouldn't be a problem. But birthday's and holiday's the BM will be included in all the deals. (Her words)
Then what the heck is divorce!
There are so many thoughts swirling around my head right now about this that I'm emotionally exhausted. But I can't sleep. I need a distaction to make my mind focus on other things for it to then realize that it needs to shut off for the night.
What will the day hold for tomorrow as the count down continues and we have just 8 days left before Christmas.
- ruthie's blog
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Don't worry, this can be
Don't worry, this can be fixed. First of all, now that she is no longer THE Woman in his life, she can't/shouldn't dictate that. She can try to if she wants, but your husband should put his foot down, and if he's never dealt with this before, then you can show him how to have new family traditions. I think it's best for you guys to pick a day when you get the kids, whether that be Christmas Eve, or Day, or a day around then if it can't work out for either of those two days. This can't continue. They aren't a "family" anymore. And you two may decide to have kids on your own, so you need to focus on having family holidays together, and including his kids into your new family. Out of curiousity, you two just got married, so how long were you dating prior to marriage and what did he do on holidays during your courtship?
We dated almost 3 years before we married. He had to work on Christmas the last 2 years and this situations never came up. (Wondering now if he planned to work because he knew this was going to happen) I went and had Christmas with my family and when he got off on the next day we would go over to her house (she has custody of the girls and the house) and have a celebration with them. I knew it felt uncomfortable, but at that time I was more worried about trying to get his girls to like me and thought it best to keep my mouths shut and try to make the best of the situation. I look back now and think I should have put my foot down.
With the Christmas' before I came into the piture, when he was off, he would be over there bright and early to open presents with them.
On other holiday's..Thanksgiving, I had to work this year, so he went to her house for a couple of hours to celebrate, then his parents, and once I got off, we went to my parents. Granted it was only a couple of hours that he was there with them, but I wasn't with him. Last Thanksgiving, I actually don't remember what the situation was with the kids, I just remember that we had Thanksgiving by ourselves.
I'd never try to make my husband decided between me or the kids. But with the way his Ex is doing things, she's making him. That was a huge reason why they divorced to start with. The kids where number one in her life and she made him number two. He was the third wheel, looking in from the outside at the family.
I feel that its a no win situation! Have holiday's together or lose the skids.
Starting your own traditions
I don't think that just because you went along with it before you have to continue to go along with it now. Prior to the marriage, things were changing and the transition is confusing for everyone. Now that you are married, it's time for the two of you to begin celebrating the holidays as a family yourselves. Yes, that includes his daughters. No, that doesn't include his ex-wife. Express it to him that way, that it's time to start your own traditions as a family and have him explain it that way to his girls and their mother. Reasonable people will understand and be fine with it. And if the BM is not a reasonable person, well, then Christmas won't be the only issue you have to deal with, sadly.
~ Anne ~
I'm new too by the way :)
This place has helped me sooo much, but this is my first post!
In my BF's divorce, the parenting plan makes specific provisions for SS being at either parent's house for the holidays (which I didn't know until a few days ago when I got it out and read it for myself). Does your DH's divorce include court-ordered visitations? If so, the parenting plan might already outline where SD's are to be and with which parent for holidays.
Holidays seem to be a major issue on this site, mainly due to what you're going through right now. It seems to be a common staple for divorced women to try to force themselves into their ex husband's (or vice-versa) family holiday time.
Has she remarried? A lot of these problems seem to go away after the ex has remarried. And how old are the children?
I'm not going to tell you anything that you don't already know. It is unnatural and usually very uncomfortable for all involved to include ex-spouses in the holidays (especially after one or both have remarried). It sends mixed-messages to the kids. The ex-spouse who is foreign to the home can be uncomfortable and feel like an outsider. When I was a child with divorced parents, I would have never been comfortable with my father coming to my mother's home to spend a holiday with us. While she may feel that her forcing this issue is "what's best for the kids", what she doesn't know is the confusion and anger that the kids may feel as a result.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
She hasn't remarried. She
She hasn't remarried. She won't because of the children. It will be too much for them to deal with. She doesn't want to hurt them. So she says.
Apparently its what the kids want. They're 16 and 18. They don't want to come over to our house, they want Christmas at their house with their dad. And seeing as how that tradition doesn't change with them getting what they want, guess whats going to happen. After getting into a huge argument with my husband this morning over it, I have to be the one bending now because they're not. Apparently I'm now causing this huge conflict and its apparently all about me...the whole concept of us now being a seperate family escapes him. I've told him time and again, the girls are welcomed. I want them to come, just not the ex. "But that's the mother of my can you punish her....You're now a part of the family, they want you there too...."
Living in the same town hasn't helped. Makes me wish we lived in Alaska.
I went through a similar
I went through a similar situation: the first Christmas that we were a couple, he went over to his ex girlfriend's place for a few hours in the morning Christmas Day. It really upset our whole Christmas because I just wasn't in the mood for the rest of the day. Well, THAT was the last time that happened. Now, Christmas with the kids means Christmas with the kids: he picks them up on a certain day and we do our own thing. Same with birthdays: she has a party for their daughter on her bday -which he pays for by the way cuz she's so broke- (& for some reason she never throws their son a lil party), and we do our own thing with them. I'll usually bake cupcakes and we take them to their school so they can have cupcake birthday time with their classmates. The kids are 6 & 5. One re-married, older gentleman once gave me some good advice, something his wife had to get him to see, and they were all the better for it: when a man remarries, or is going to remarry, he has to "bring everything to his wife." Meaning if he has kids, he has to bring the realm of the children and the concept of family TO HIS WIFE. His "family" is now his wife, his kids, and any kids that they have together. That's his family. It's like a new birth. It's not for the wife to fit into his old family unit. It doesn't exist anymore. She used to dictate how he couldn't bring the kids around me. And he would sneak (and I didn't know that he was sneaking until he came out with it in an arguement. I just assumed it wasn't an issue.), but then he just wouldn't bring them around at all because he felt guilty because she stressed not to. I let it go for about a month before my ultimatum came: I'm not going to be with someone who still lets their exGF control them/their time/our time like that. We could bring our relationship down several nothches to a "casual dating" situation or just be friends, but I was NOT going to seriously date someone who is still listening to his ex. And he knew that I meant it, because I truly did mean it. We've gone through soooooooooooo much, but things are so much better now.
We aren't married yet by the
We aren't married yet by the way but we're planning on it. Plus, he knows that I was in no way going to marry into a situation until stuff like that was ironed out! So this dating period (about 3 yrs) has been a good time to work all this stuff out. I didn't want to find out things were going to stay a mess AFTER the "I do's"! Altho from this site I see that you can't prepare for everything, you can at least try to get the logistics of how things will be handled on track.
It Changed Over Time
The first two years we were dating, his kids were very little 3 and 5 and then 4 and 6, and I knew he wanted to see them open their present Christmas morning, so the kids would spend the night at their BM's parents house with BM, and my DH (then boyfriend) would go over there EARLY in the morning and then come visit me mid-morning. I accepted that and said it was fine because of the kids' ages, although it made me feel very sad. The second year that happened DH came home and said "It was fine but I don't think we'll be doing it that way next year, it doesn't feel right." (p.s. I was invited, but I chose not to go, I didn't want to spend my Christmas morning with the ex and her family).
Then we got engaged the following summer, and the next Christmas it all changed. We arranged with BM to have the kids Christmas Eve evening (not day) and Christmas morning (which I thought was very generous of her, and unexpectedly so--I think it had to do with the fact that her boyfriend (now husband) does not celebrate Christmas). This year (now DH and I are married) we will switch with BM and stepdad and they will get them Christmas Eve evening and Christmas morning; we get them Christmas Eve day (for celebration with my dad's family), then we drop them off Christmas eve and pick them up Christmas Day late in the day to open Santa presents at our house. Switching off holidays is specified in the settlement agreement, which helps, although we have this slightly different arrangement for Christmas since in our thinking Christmas is a bit different than other holidays. The kids actually love it, getting to go to both houses.
For other holidays, it's technically an every other year thing. For birthdays, we do separate family parties but we ALL go to the kids' parties with their friends--same for sports games, plays, etc. Sadly that tends to make those days that I don't look forward to, but I go and try to smile because in our situation, it's the right thing to do.
I wholeheartedly agree with the other comments--there comes a time when the new family needs to create its own special traditions, that's what being a family is about. I agree that doing otherwise will most often send mixed messages to the kids. I insisted on knowing we were on the same page about that before we got married. I'm curious that the "everyone in one place" deal is enforced so strongly as outlined in the post, given that the children are teenagers. Respectfully, it seems to me that unless there is some exceptional factor, teenagers are more than old enough to cope with having two different families with two different and independent holiday celebrations. They will perhaps soon be having their own significant other relationships that will increase their "family" circle even wider, and hopefully they won't expect their sig others to always go to their mom's house, and not share the celebrations with the sig others families. ...
Gwen: “They will perhaps
Gwen: “They will perhaps soon be having their own significant other relationships that will increase their "family" circle even wider, and hopefully they won't expect their sig others to always go to their mom's house, and not share the celebrations with the sig others families. ...”
This is a very good point and I’ve never thought about that aspect of it but it is very true! Maybe this is something that can be brought up to the kids….it might help them to understand the dynamic if you bring it to their “level”.
Make a GREAT Day!
Tricky, very tricky...
The way I see it, you have two options, you can grin and bear it until both kids are 18 and by every account old enough to deal with a different routine, or you can make a stand and let your hubby know how miserable this makes you.
I have been lucky (in a weird, almost not too nice way) that my Hubby can't stand his X and can barely stand the few minutes he has to be polite to her when they exchange the kids. But holidays are a beast unto themselves and when both bios want to be with their kids that leaves us newcomers kinda out in the cold. I've had to share a few birthdays and whatnot with the X and it's not fun. She either pretends I'm not even in the room (complete with looking straight through me) or is overly chummy in such a fake way that makes me want to take a shower afterwards. Hubby has a hard time understanding because for him it's all about the kids. He puts up with all this crap from her "for the kids" and he's willing to sacrifice just about anything for them. So I end up feeling like a heel for wanting to have our own celebrations with the kids. It's a fine line between striving for a new happy family cohesion and giving the kids a sense of continuity and reassurement that they are loved by both their bios.
I think a lot of the burden placed on us steps is that burden of feeling like an outsider when we want nothing more than to create our own group. You don't want to create a situation where you are telling your hubby "it's them or me", because he will resent it and wonder if you resent his children. My best advice is to sit down and honestly, and without anger, lay before him your feelings, your ideas, and everything you have said to us in your calmest "i'm not trying to argue but you need to know this" tone of voice. If he starts to get angry, take a step back. Show him you're not trying to confront him. If he can be made to see your side of things, he should be more willing to find some sort of compromise that will help both of you. I have to remind myself that Hubby feels conflicted too, and often continues doing what he's always done because it causes the least amount of problems. Also, I've found that when I try to hide anger or resentment, Hubby can still tell that there's something wrong, and it leads to tension later. The hurt or resentment builds and builds and turns into something far more painful than it started out as.
Agravated and confused..
I think the girls ages really make a difference here...they are 16 and 18...definitely old enough to realize that their parents are divorced and lead separate lives. I can see maybe doing this for younger kids...much younger...and maybe even for a year maybe two after the divorce to get them use to the idea slowly. But 16 and 18...Can't see it. My BF did that a couple of years ago, when his youngest was 10..his ex came over very early in the morning and spent the day with them...but as soon as she was old enough to know there is no Santa...that stopped and they each do their own thing.
Good Luck
Husband doesnt understand why I dont want to socialize w/ exwife
My stepson is in the Nat Guard in basic training. My husband and I are suppose to pay him a visit on Family Day. We are leaving on a Friday and coming home after we visit with him on Saturday. The ex wife didnt know if she would come at all but now has decided to arrive on the same day. First she was going to arrive on Saturday afternoon after we left. When I found this out, I told my husband that I was not looking forward to the visit now that the ex is going to be there. He smarted off to me saying that I dont think she is coming to see you. I said of course not you are missing the whole point that I do not want to socialize with her at all. Oh, I forgot to mention that the ex will be bring her boy friend, who is my cousin, her older son from another marriage and his children and my two step daughters. This will be a family reunion but I will not be comfortable. I will be the outsider with no family there to back me up...not even my husband. Then he dropped a bomb shell on me that his son wants all of us to go out to dinner. I told my husband he could go but that I would not be participating in having to socialize with his ex. He is very angry with me because he thinks that I should do it for Brent. Brent will soon be 19 years old and he should understand how I would feel. They seem to forget about ex girl friends/boy friends that they did not want to be around after their breakup. I feel that his children dont think about how it makes me feel and they never have. My husband has made it clear that his children come first but he needs to get his priorities in order because they are not always going to be around. Who will be left here when the are got it, me! I have been sick on my stomach and feeling really terrible about the Family Day visit. I would hope that Brent will understand of I dont come.
My husband usually takes her side when I say something negative or anything about her. I confronted him about this and he said he would always take her side when I was wrong. I dont really care what he would say about my ex husband but I would never make him feel he was 2nd best like it makes me feel. The other day I was talking to my husband and my stepdaughter got a call from her mom on the cell phone. She told her dad it as her mom. He answered the phone immediately and interrupted out conversation. That was rude considering that sometimes when I call him whenever I am away he tells whoever answered the phone that he will call me back.
He sometimes calls her to make small talk about who may have died in our town. Why does he do this. I feel as though I am second best.
Whats next?
Not easy.
(She She) I can relate
Whenever I made a slightly negative comment about my DH's ex he would defend I stopped and let him make all the negative comments. I would tell him how I feel about something she did but from my perspective and not talk too much about her and BELIEVE ME she did horrible things. I think with the ex, it is kind of like, you can say something about your mom but don't want anyone else too and even though you are the new wife...this one thing I did understand somewhat even though it still stings a little to remember him defending her. In the end, and I am separated and don't know the future, but in the end for me it comes down to is your husband able to have you and his kids be his priority, and have boundaries with the ex so that everyone is clear...i.e., he will fix a toilet in an emergency but won't refinish their old bedroom set (mine did - at her house). My DH's ex calls daily and though she left him 7 years before I met him...somehow she thinks of me as the hussy who stole her man. In truth - even though divorced...he's always been so available to her that in her mind I did steal him. It's been pretty much hell. I can't believe, I wish I'd known so many others have similar issues with ex...what I started to say was it also comes down to do you really know your husband loves and wants a life with you but of course has to deal with Ex. If so, don't make it difficult for him...this is his lot in life and those are his kids. In my case...DH is so emeshed...doesn't know who he wants a life with I think. Any prayers out there would be great!