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Advice anyone?

RoseColoredGlasses's picture

This is prolly more a general parenting question. I have an 8 year old SD, and recently, she's not doing the usual procrastination when it comes to chores. Lately she's been throwing fits about being scared and oh this house is so creepy and the door came open by itself yada yada (here come the fake tears) when I know full well she hears scary stories all the time and its never bothered her before. I dont let her read or watch the stuff, so I know its an obnoxious act and an attempt to get out of doing whatever it is i asked her to do.

What do I do now?

RoseColoredGlasses's picture

Well, I'm new here. I debated for quite a while on whether to write anything or not, but I guess I'll never get help if I don't, eh? Well, I guess I'll start at the beginning. I've been married to my husband for nearly 3 years. He has a daughter from a previous relationship who is 8, and we have 2 younger children together. He is in the military, so we tend to move quite a bit. My SD (until recently) spent long breaks from school and summer with us. My husband just came back from a deployment, and he decided he would like for her to live with us. That's all well and good.