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About to lock ss in his room or drop him off at mothers work. ( Just venting)

rlock12's picture

Ok! Ss11 came back and is grounded to room still. I work overnight at a local nursing facility. I also have a very bad cough hoping it's not pneumonia. I got doctors appointment today .

He constantly picks on my kids. For a long time, I couldn't leave him with ds by self because he would hurt him. I'm still having issues with him hurting the kids. Today while I was trying to sleep he pulled my ydd off the top of her bunk bed and then ran off to bedroom to not get caught being out. About an hour later, ydd was crying again. He fucking knock the chair over she was in and pulled her out of it by the arm. He can be good as gold until the day or two before going to bm. I'm really not sure why he acts crazy before leaving to see her. He lives with us. I'm thinking I might make his life miserable when he comes back from bm. He will remain grounded for all weeks he is with us this summer. I might throw some meals he don't like I'm there to like tuna middle casserole and peas other little things like a big chef salad with lots of spinach leaves.

My kids and ss normally go to an summer program so I can sleep. But his ground from anything fun and my kids are getting caught up an laundry because Friday I'm taking them on vacation by themselves no dh or ss. My kids and I need a break from the madness here.


EvilAngel's picture

I don't have my own kids but if I did and I knew my skids were hurting them... Well I would probably be in prison.

rlock12's picture

The funny thing is he pretty good until the before going to Mom's. I wonder if he does this because he knows we can't follow through on consequences right away.

rlock12's picture

Thumbs up. I do too. Last summer when he acted this way I could take him to his dad or dad would make frequent visit home to check on him. if he was acting out he would handle it immediately because dad was in town making deliveries. But dh changed jobs to make more money and travels out of town picking up or dropping off deliveries. So He is not easily available.

Heregoesnothing's picture

Can you call the kid out on the behavior? Hey buddy, the day or two before you leave all of your good behavior goes out the window, what gives? My DH and I have had two or three of these conversations with SS6 (though he doesn't get violent, he just completely stops listening and becomes ODDesque) (BM has EOWE visitation) the past month or so and it seems to help. He was terrific up until the moments he left today. (BM has been gone a month, it may also be because he hasn't seen her as well?) we have asked are you excited, angry, etc. he usually says he's excited, and we explain what's acceptable and what isn't, and why it isn't fair to to be angry at us for her behavior, we don't control what she does or when she decides to,show up.

But hurting your bio kids is super scary, my DH, who has had disney tendencies goes ape if SS hurts our dd2.

rlock12's picture

Dh had a talk with him today after work. He extended his ground to the next two weeks after he comes back from bm and told he is going to take the paddle to him. He stayed in the room rest of night no Xbox or tv. He came asked us if he could do his chore. I pointed out to dh it happens every time prior to bm. He hadn't realised it. I think if we continue the consequence until after bm. He might get the picture. Plus we told him if he continues to hurt the Kids he will have to stay with Mom for vacation