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Rant,Vent ,w/e! Woke up to loud tv Fh is wake!

Riamama23's picture

I knew it wasn't ss12 cause it's still morning and he rarely graces us with his presence you know, why would anyone come out of their room,except to use the toilet(no sink or bath),when you can play ps3 all hours!Oh, and in the after noon he comes out "dad you gonna play?" over and over!I want to buy a recordable card for fathers day and have him say that!! Of course it will be so adorable to fh! The kid hardly eats and whines about it at times it's not McDonalds or bologna! My bios never ate bologna and when ss had them try it bd10 said ewe I know why we never bought this!Then he "ewes" at my kids for eating steak and ribs at bbq's!!! WhatEver! He's just a kid,I do love him but I have to get it out! I have somewhat dissengaged no hygeine,no food not my problem!!One more thing he has double lips from sucking them i clear it up every visit not this time! My cousin earned the nick name hickey boy before he broke the habit! FH on the other hand....I need to find a site for bitching about him more than the ss!Know of any???? I have barely spoke to him.he had some nerve to ask me to cuddle on the couch!!! You know I'm not good enough to sleep in bed with but now!!!!ugh!!!! When I speak my mind it makes a huge argument not gonna do that especially with a kid in the house! It goes no where anyway! I need to get over it but,How?? The guilty parenting he does annoys the fuck out of me! Grades are a good example my bios know good grades expected not rewarded!ss if you bring your all d report card up you will get this or that lol NEVER happened!still got the games but that was for.... Oh who knows! I could spoil my bios if I wanted but for what???? That's not my style! Thought about it just to show up fh! I have been out on the patio trying to gather my cool and play Ms.Happy when I go back in!I feel a little lighter after typing this *sigh*


StarStuff's picture

Ha, your post made me think of my sister who had the whole "double lip" thing going on when she was in either 4th or 5th grade. She looked like a clown for like a straight-up month!