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Another day in the life...

reluctantgma's picture

Can't remember the last time I got a full night's sleep, tho I did go back to sleep on Sunday morning until 10am. A first in a long time. Today I'm up as usual by 3-4am. Not that I need to be up this early, just can't stand the silent standoff that bf wages with me. Apparently he believes that taking over several of my own chores without my request and cooking everyone's supper last night relieve him from any acknowledgement of his verbal abusiveness towards me yesterday when I tried to explain my feelings of depression and hopelessness about our relationship. He climbed in the bed last night without a word and instantly went to sleep, as if he were entitled and welcome to be there with me. Not. Wish I'd remembered to lock the bedroom door before he got to it.

All I want is to share a healthy, functional relationship with the person who should be my adult partner. I don't deserve to be attacked like I'm his worst "bitch" enemy whose only goal in life is to drive his son and family away. He's made it perfectly clear that he wishes to continue on 'as is,' separate individuals/roommates with no trust for or mutual agreement between one another merely existing in the same household. Guess that makes my remaining choices quite clear and relatively easy, huh?

However, I don't see it as easy as simply telling him to take BH and their things and get out. Doing it face-to-face will just provide an 'in' for bf to indulge in more verbal abuse, crazy making and/or similar forms of bullying and guilt tripping with me as the captive audience. It's likely he's already begun to stage his exit to transpire this way. I do not intend for him to have the pleasure. Hopefully within the next day or two, they'll both have to be out of the house long enough for me to change the locks, set their things on the porch and get the hell out of here myself while they come and then go.

BH has now gotten up and out on the school bus. Bf got up to watch for the bus and stopped by my office to inform me icily that I can now have my bed back. How generous!