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Mother's Day weekend

RedWingsFan's picture

Howdy all,

Had a nice weekend, albeit busy. FINALLY got the chinchilla mansion done. DH did a fantastic job! I helped make the shelves and bridges and installed stuff but really didn't contribute much. It looks wonderful and the chinnies LOVE their new digs.

Didn't do much yesterday. DH went to the cemetery while I was still asleep to leave his mom flowers and then brought home donuts. DD15 called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. I slept in.

We then went to DH's grandparent's place for a visit. They asked how stepdevil's awards presentation went. DH told them how she snubbed us. They're not surprised and say SD never calls them anymore and they refuse to buy her love with gifts like DH's dad does. Then DH says his dad told him a few days ago that SD told her cousin that she HATED me and that's why she's not coming around her dad anymore...DH's grandma just laughed because that's not what she'd always heard from SD! Oh I love her, SD said, over and over again. We get along great!

Funny how the story has changed depending on who SD14 is talking to. She told DH's brother something entirely different than she told her mother's attorney, which was entirely different than what she told her cousin and DH's dad. The story changes with her moods I guess.

Also funny how she'd confide in me of her supposed bisexuality in October and say she was so happy we were all back "together" as a family again, and then all of a sudden, she hates me and that's why she's been a bitch to her dad all these months?

She's just pissed that dear daddy isn't bowing down to her demands anymore and that's all my doing (which I'll take full credit for thank you very much!). So, being as how she doesn't want to come off sounding like a total selfish bitch, she has been claiming all kinds of things. She ran out of things to say so now she's blaming me.

I told DH last night that I just don't even care what stepdevil says or thinks anymore. I've done all I can do with her. I'm DONE.

Happy FFFFING Monday everyone!


imjustthemaid's picture

I'm glad you had a good weekend!! The cage looks great!! He did a really good job with it.

I would ignore the little turd. She is just mad because she doesn't call the shots anymore.

Happy FFFFING Monday to you to!! I am still pissed from last night even though he thinks its all good now! I guess he will figure it out when there is no dinner for him tonight and the house is a mess. I am on strike today!

RedWingsFan's picture

Yep, that's what I'm doing. I've ignored her since October. She thinks she can get under my skin, she's sadly mistaken because she's pretty much dead to me. I have nothing for her.

I just commented on your blog. You have every right to be pissed.

Take your own advice honey - ignore the little turd!

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes I am taking my own advice!! I am getting off the hamster wheel and ignoring the entire thing from now on. I am done!

JMC's picture

The chinnies mansion is awesome! Hell, makes me want to come back as one in my next life, lol!

RedWingsFan's picture

Ya like it? I also added some hay racks last night to it. We'll slowly add things (toys and stuff) as time goes by. They LOVE it.

Hanny's picture

Glad you had a good weekend! And you forgot to mention that your team won!!! Of course, you know I live in Anaheim (Ducks), Good games!

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh I know! How could I forget that? Was a HUGE win last night. I'm exhausted today after sitting up late to watch.

GO WINGS! We're taking on Chicago next.

amber3902's picture

Good for you, Mel.

I'm glad you're not letting SD's comments get to you.

Hope you had a Nice Mother's Day.

RedWingsFan's picture

Thanks Amber - I'm definitely not letting stepdevil get to me anymore. She can fall off the face of the earth for all I care. The only thing that bothers me is that FIL gives in and enables her. But, I can't control him so oh well.

Anon2009's picture

I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day! That chinchilla mansion sounds nice!

As for sd, Kaybitesback said something on one of my blogs that I agree with: " kids that age do not have the maturity or understanding of that quite yet." I think some do, but for every one who does, there's 8 who do not. When I was a teen, I was angry and confused. I'm sure many on this site were angry and confused teens. Like I said before, when you take a kid off the pedestal you've put them on for 12 years, you should expect to have one angry, confused kid on your hands. And those problems do not completely heal in 2-3 years. When it comes to feelings like that, there often is no time limit. While I do think some blame should be assigned to her, and that she knows her behavior is wrong, most of it should still go to her parents-she's a minor, and if she's living with the person who rewards her behavior with fun things, she has no incentive to change. If bm would use those rewards for her improving her behavior and losing weight, I'm sure that'd REALLY help sd tremendously. I'm sure that if bm took away privileges she likes for misbehaving, that'd help her too. I'm sure that if bm made some effort to spend time with her daughter, and I mean real quality time, that'd help her too. I'm sure those things would help sd tremendously. I think she's screaming for that attention from her mom. Her mom doesn't realize that or doesn't care. Or both.

Once she grows up and moves out of BMs house, she may pull her head out of her a$$. She hopefully will have outgrown the wacky teenage hormones. She may surprise you-she may REALLY pull her head out of her a$$. It just likely will not happen within the next 4 years. But once she's out of BMs grasp, she might surprise everyone.

RedWingsFan's picture

Hey Anon,

I think we've agreed that Stepdevil is an angry, confused and immature kid and I don't place all the blame on her for her actions. All I was saying was that I'm sick of the bullshit lies and excuses that come out of her mouth and that I'm not going to allow it to affect me anymore. If I never see her again, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Dh has also agreed that he's not allowing her to get to him. He'll send her birthday cards and texts saying he loves her, but no more gifts/money.

I'm happy that DH isn't all depressed that his kid treats him like shit anymore. I'm happy that she no longer graces us with her mopey presence and that my life isn't being dictated by a hormonal, nasty teenager.

I honestly could give a rat's ass if she EVER pulls her head out of BM's ass. She can remain there for the rest of her life for all I care. She's burned the bridge with me and I'm not rebuilding it. If that makes me a bitter bitch, then so be it. I'm done.

Anon2009's picture

I'm sorry if I was hurtful-that's not my intent. I am glad that dh will continue to text and send cards. That is the right thing to do. If he hasn't read anything on pas, he might want to do so. It won't change things with sd (at least right now) but it may help explain a lot of things for him.

I know that you likely will never see her again, but there are posters here who were pased as kids (and badly, too) and they have overcome it. Please share that with dh, so that he can have some hope that maybe he and sd can work things out someday.

RedWingsFan's picture

Anon, I didn't take your comment as hurtful at all. Sorry if I didn't convey my thoughts very well.

He already is up to speed on PAS and how his ex is PASing his kid. He gets it. I feel bad for him, since she is his only child and I do hope for his sake they are able to form some sort of bond later on.

I don't care for her any longer and she made it obvious that she doesn't care for me. He can most certainly have a relationship with her that is separate from me once she is able to see the light.

Shook's picture

At least your daughter loves you!
I didn't realize your SD had issues with her "sexual identity". Did I read that right? Is her BM that way too? Sorry not caught up on everyone's back story.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah my girl is awesome.

SD came to me in October and asked to speak to me alone. I followed her into her room at our apartment and she said that she only felt comfortable enough with me to say what she needed to say, that she thinks she's bisexual. She knew I'd understand, because she'd overheard one of my friends at a get together some time ago say something about me being bi.

Yes, I am, but I'm married to her dad and she knows no details of our sex life. She only knew that I had been with women in my past and since she felt ok to discuss it with me, wanted to know how she should approach her parents with the news.

As far as I know, BM is straight. But that's only coming from DH since I don't know BM at all.

Shook's picture

Your BM would have a fit if she knew DS confided in you about something like that. Too bad SD's such a jackass because you probably would have been the one perfect person for her to communicate with.

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh I know right? She did end up telling BM and DH both about her supposed bisexuality. After seeing her at the awards presentation, I'd have guessed her more butch lesbian. I'm not judging her, nor anyone else. I'm just saying with her heavy eye makeup, hair hanging long, no style, the way she dressed and sat and carried herself. She's just so awkward and anti-girlie...

Anyhow, she constantly asked me why her parents split up, why me and DD's dad didn't work out, all kinds of inappropriate questions. When I asked her why she always asked ME these things she said she felt most comfortable with me out of any other adult in her life.

Yet, now she hates me? WHATEVER

Shook's picture

Very strange. Well at least you thank your lucky stars you didn't get full time custody. Hope she comes around when she gets older & less angry.