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Off topic step parents but please I need HELP

RedButterfly's picture


i have been reading step talk for a while and I think most of you make great insights and comments. That is the reason I follow this page although I am not a step parent and neither is my husband. We have a very serious problem with my MIL. I think this is the reason I came across step talk since you post some issues regarding in laws. To put you in context, my MIL is a narcissistic that uses his children as supply. She is most of her time alone since nobody can't stand her. My FIL is codependent ( I think) a sweet man that tries not to talk and to be far from Her most of his time. He never confront her (or almost never). My SO and his brother were practically raised by this narcissistic and  control addict mother since father was busy working and too afraid to talk or to intervene in their mother business. Welll, my SO is 43 and I am 37. We have DS4months and the problem with my MIL has exploded. It all started when I gave birth and my father and mother in law came every day. I was very sore after the birth and I couldn't seat properly. I had to breasfeed my son lying in bed and I usually was in CONSTANT pain. I thought i would go crazy because of the pain of the post partum stitches. I was taking pills for 40 days . In these days, when my MIL visited I started to feel bad because she started to make comments regarding my breasts saying I couldn't make enough milk and she could breastfed her children perfectly (although later I learnt it was not true but anyway the point is she hurt me on purpose when I was in pain physically and in a vulnerable place emotionally). Not only this comment, many other comments and intrusions to my privacy . She insisted in coming for my son's first bath and she always wanted to hold him and even started to tell me recently that I should stop breastfeeding (I have managed to finally get a whole and beautiful breastfeeding with my child). She also insists in not following the pediatrician recommendations and instead following HER recommendation (she didn't attend school, she barely can read and write) . All this would matter to me if my husband wouldn't worship her and he even administered medication (harmless drugs for constipation) even when the doctor told us it was not recommendable and the baby didn't need them. 
My MiL started to come To my house every day without notice . In order not to be rude I tried to use white lies or simply arranged to be walking with the baby not to coincide with her and be able to breathe freely and enjoy my baby and my time off from work. She also messaged me several days to  come To my house and I decided to put boundaries and only allowed her to come one day during the working days. We also take the baby to their home on the weekend so in my mind I thought it was a good arrangement. She got to see her grandson twice every week! things could have remained calm and happy since my husband didn't say anything. However yesterday I was all day out of the house with my son visiting my parents (I visit them Once or twice a week just for your reference, I try to be fair ) . When I came back my So was extremely angry saying that I shouldn't avoid his mother  and put poker faces to her . He told me she had been at home that day crying and complaining about not seeing his grand son (she saw him last Saturday and Monday) . She also said that I should make my things and let her babysit my baby for a few days. My So told her that he would talk to me. He has told me that I MUST text her mother twice in working days to let her know when the baby is awake to see him. Also, In the weekend, she MUsT see the baby again. I told hiM that if my parents would require the same the child will receive a grandparent visit six days a week so only One day free to do other stuff or see friends, uncles, etc . However I haven't been able to make him change his mind (or his mother mind!) and he insists that if I don't accept want to be divorced to have the child every other week and be able to take him to his mother . What can I do? I think it is a very unfair deal and I should be free to spend my time with whoever I want specially after I always try that my MIL sees his grandson Twice a week. I Also never let her be alone with my child and I think this is another demand although I haven't been told directly. I do all the childcare and run the house hold. My husband sleeps in other bedroom and has never helped me during the nights. He helps during the day and works a lot so I dont complain about him much more except for today. He was so angry that he hit a chair with the floor. I was a little afraid to be honest. He was shouting very loud and calling me names. I have not insulted him or his family only telling him I need privacy and I like to do long walks with my child in the stroller (which is true ! ) so I wouldn't like to be two afternoons glued to the chair or walking slowly  with his mother (she walks very little for a knee problem). I know he is an asshole specially in this episode but I cannot think of leaving my 4 month son in his hands and his mother's hands every other week so I don't want the divorce... please help and sorry for my English ( I am not native ) 


CLove's picture

My heart goes out to you during these stresss-filled times, but I reall have not any great advice for you. Perhaps look into domestic violence groups or womens shelters.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

So he is threatening to divorce you if you don't leave your baby with his mother for a few days? What is your immigration status? I only ask to see if that is something he can hold over you. Nothing you are doing is wrong. You are being more than generous by allowing his mother to spend time with the baby twice a week. Is your family in a position to be able to offer you support if he continues to behave this way?

To put your mind at ease, in most states, since you are breastfeeding, custody would not be week on/week off. It might be worth it to consult with a lawyer, just to see exactly where you stand.

RedButterfly's picture

I live in Europe and I am from Spain so no problem with this. I have a family and I have support. I have money and I have job (just now in a long maternity leave) just I don't want a divorce (or should I want it ?) I don't want my child only some weeks. In fact I don't want to lose my husband over suck a stupid matter and such a bitch and manipulative MIL.

just I don't know what to do next I am aware that I can go and don't look back at except for my child visits 


Winterglow's picture

Try reversing the situation. Tell him if he doesn't get his mother in control and start helping with his baby that YOU will divorce HIM and take the baby with you. Let him sweat about that.

Frankly, do you really want to spend the rest of your life with a useless (does nothing arouind the home, sleeps elsewhere, won't help with the baby) mummy's boy? He might be doing you a favour if he wants to divorce you ...

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Sorry - I made an assumption I shouldn't have. I'm sorry you are in this situation. Unfortunately, as long as your husband doesn't see anything wrong with what his mother wants, you are in a difficult situation. I wish I had more advice.

Findthemiddle's picture

if you don’t want a divorce - you’ll have to learn how to out smart your controlling husband and mother in law.  That’s your only option.  If you don’t they WILL bulldoze over you and bully you into submission.  They want control of your baby- they don’t care what you want.   The walk avoidance  thing when the MIL is over isn’t going to cut it- you can only avoid control freaks like that for so long.  You know them better than us - so there isn’t much we can add on the details of how to push back effectively but without provoking them.  You’re in a tough situation- I wish you the best. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

You are absolutely right to want to establish healthy boundaries and your SO should support you. I would suggest couples counseling.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Go get help from domestic violence resources, take your baby and leave.  He doesn't really want a divorce, he just wants you to bend to his will.  With a child so small and still breastfeeding you are unlikely to have to give him 50/50 custody currently.  He is bullying you.

tog redux's picture

I started to say your husband was a passive Mama's Boy who learned how to appease his mother by watching his father, but by the end it became clear that he's more like his mother than his father. 

This man threatened you with divorce to please his mother. I'm sorry, you married a narcissistic bully who has learned well from his mother. Stand up to him now, don't give in. If he's going to divorce you to please Mommie Dearest, might as well get it over with. 

Also, no judge is going to give him 50/50 custody of a breastfeeding newborn. Consult an attorney. And be sure to get documented that he gave the baby unnecessary medications after the doctor said not to. Start building your case to get full custody. 

RedButterfly's picture

For your help. Good point to start to build my case to get full custody. Truth to be told he is to busy making money for himself to have time to take care of the baby. A detective should easily prove this.

he almost doesn't share his salary with me or the baby we pay half and he always complains about paying something for the baby

yes, you are right he is like His mother. I see it clearly now. Time to prepare plan b. 

tog redux's picture

Also document that he was slamming chairs around in front of the baby. Keep a log. 

My guess is that if you leave and don't make him pay Child Support, he won't want much visitation with the child. 

simifan's picture

Check out reddit :

They will be better able to help you. Search the forum for an: FU binder. It will tell you how/what to document for family court. 

A wife and child should be a new father's number one priority, not his momma. Best of luck to you. You deserve to be treated better.