BM Hell and My upcoming weekend - FML
So, this weekend we have my FDH's SD9. I normally do not dread our weekends with her, but this weekend is destined to be a disaster. We have 2 events (a girl scout event and a violin recital) that will require me to see her BM, and this woman hates me with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
I haven't had any interaction with this bitch since Christmas (when I joined steptalk). Over Christmas, she made it her mission to ruin my holiday. Just a little background, so you know what kind of hell beast I'm dealing with...
BM and my FDH never married. She dated him briefly like 10 years ago and when she sensed that the relationship was ending, she pulled the goalie and got pregnant. She had told FDH that he must have punctured the birth control pill, but admitted years later during their paternity action that she had quit using any birth control. Anyway, they have had 50/50 for years now, and she makes every necessary interaction excruciatingly painful and exhausting. If she's not berating his fathering skills, she's sticking her hand out for money. In short, I like to call her the "fuck you, pay me" mommy. Just as an example... She sends my FDH an "invoice" every month for practically every dollar she spends on this kid. She does not seem to understand that taking her daughter out to dinner or to buy clothes is not an "activity" like soccer or girl scouts, for which expenses are split. No joke, she even bills him for half of the postage to send the bill.
Like myself and my FDH, she is an attorney. She knew me before he and I started dating, and knew that he and I were very close friends, and never had a problem with me before. Now that he and I are together, she tells any of our colleagues who will listen that I am a gun-toting, alcoholic, drug addict, slut, whore, degenerate that is unfit to be around her child. Awesome, huh? Over Christmas, she sent me a gazillion nasty texts telling me that her daughter hates me and that she has gotten on my FB page and had discussions with her daughter about what a terrible person I am. It's exhausting. She threatened to not let SD spend any time with her dad over the holidays because I own guns. Despite them already being locked up and out of access, I dropped $1100 on a massive gun safe just to shut her up.
When I moved into his house and we decided to rent mine out, we moved his daughter from the smallest bedroom to a bigger one and converted the smaller room into a walk in closet for my stuff. BM threw a fit, despite me dropping hundreds of dollars to have the new bedroom decorated super-cute and more age appropriate than the room she had (unchanged) since being an infant. She threatened me for wanting to paint over a stupid mural in my now closet. I think my biggest problem is that she acts like she's his ex-wife as opposed to some girl he dated. Even though she has moved on and has a boyfriend (who is a 25 year old student...she is 41), she still acts like I need her permission or approval to make changes around my FDH's house, which is MY house now too.
After the Christmas debacle, I completely checked out from interacting with her at all. If I suspect that she is going to be at a SD related event (which thankfully, she skips most of them), I don't go. But this weekend's events, SD has begged me to attend, and my FDH didn't tell me until after I committed that BM would more than likely be there. I'm anxious because BM has absolutely NO SHAME and if the mood strikes her, she will make a scene anywhere, in front of anyone, for any reason. Anyone else deal with a crazy ass like this? I'd love to hear other people's encounters and how you deal with your Skids crazy bio-moms. Thanks!
- red flags's blog
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Stock behaviors and comments
Stock behaviors and comments to adopt in situations like these:
Stand with a "marginally amused" look on your face while she talks.
Dig around your purse for that nail file you've suddenly needed.
Make eye contact and speak with as many people around you as you possibly can while she's ranting.
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion"
"How predictable"
"My, what big teeth you have"
Just kidding on the last one (or maybe not).
I watch our BM gush all over DH and find it yakky inside my head but I won't let her know that. I know she's doing it only for my benefit. I keep reminding myself that this is only X minutes out of my day, my week, my life since most of the time I avoid the general vicinity in which she presides.
I really don't have much in
I really don't have much in the line of advice for you other than what B22S22 said, but I have to say, when I read your first couple of paragraphs, right up to and including her charging for 1/2 of her postage... I was picturing the typical trailer trash gal that so many of us have to deal with, who has no job, no education and is just looking whatever free goodies she can get.
Then you blew my mind when you said she is a lawyer!!!
Then you mentioned that she is 41 and has a 25 year old boyfriend... Sounds like my SS13 BM, she is 38 and has a 20 year old BF (same age as her 20 year old.. who is not DHs) I never realized that women had mid-life crises too! LOL
Am wondering why you allow BM
Am wondering why you allow BM to get away with harassing you via text/ on your phone? I am in the UK, but after the millionth time of my BM texting my DH calling a a c*nt, sl*t, b*tch, wh*re... and threatening me (she would do this at the drop of a hat e.g. one weekend DH had to work and ofcourse that was my fault) I reported her to the Police for harassment and told DH if she continued I would prosecute her. He passed the message along.
Don't know the US federal laws but am assuming there is legislation in place for harassment, for name calling which can be classed as threatening and as BM is an attorney it would go down like a lead balloon with your law society if she got slapped with a criminal charge. Our solicitors can be disbarred here - am assuming the same in the US?
You have her over a barrel. If FDH protests about this, then eyeball him and make him choose. Besides which this affects you, its abuse towards you so he can take a flying leap imo. I would also be cold hearted enough to get really upset about these events and ensure sd hears this, voicing the fact you dont WANT to report her, but you cant see what else you could have done (key word is DONE - dont give BM heads up over doing this, revenge is best served cold and with no forewarning). Even if you dont feel the victim, PLAY the victim. I find anger can get people's backs up but if you get gently upset people are more inclined to be protective (if this means your relationship with sd/FDH goes unaffected by you doing this then DO it). }:)
As for her going mental about you making changes in the house - what has been FDH reaction? I do so hope he a)either completely ignores her while bend over in hysterics toasting her lunacy with you (after all she can fit as much as she likes, doesnt change a damn thing
and boy does that grate hence her anger and jealousy over what you did) or b) he has a blanket smug email he sends her "Dear BM, SM is my future wife and this is her home. Not yours, so its none of your business what we do or when we do it in our home. Regards DH"
Then ignore her other emails/calls. I would suggest your DH actually gets a phone that only BM has the number to, so that you can switch it off and record her VM's and threats to block access based on the fact your guns are locked up tight in a secure safe (which unless your 9 yr old sd is a cat thief and master locksmith) is unable to access. Am sure this would go down well with the judge when you take her arse back to court. All these VM's/texts/emails will make her look like a lune along with her criminal conviction of harassment (think restraining order as next step if the charge doesnt stop her).
My advice is to take this firm approach but they dont stop. Not when they are on this level of madness. Mine didnt, she just escalated it. So take charge if FDH wont and protect yourself and your family by doing the above, and then watch BM fall.
P.S as for this weekend, make sure you look understated hot (i.e dont look like you are trying hard) but outclass the bitch. Then ignore her. Not sure why if at all you have to pretend to be nice to this vile specimen and I would expect FDH to back me up in your shoes - his job is to protect you from this bully, not kow tow to her fakeness and attempts to strike at you at any given opportunity. Remind FDH you are in the position because he made a poor decision to procreate with BM and will be seeing BM on the weekend because you want to support sd, ok damage done and we all make mistakes so you arent blaming him but you are expecting him to make his allegances known even if that means snubbing BM in public and explaining to sd9 the reason for this "sd, I would like to be friends with your mother but her behaviour towards me and sm is unacceptable when all SM is, is nice to you and does nice things (insert lovely example). This is between me and your mom, not for you to worry about and if your mom says anything its ok to say you arent taking sides..."
Yep. She's a lawyer all
Yep. She's a lawyer all right. But she is still a mental midget. And her law degree and bar admission did not give her even an ounce of class.
Then take her down Redflags.
Then take her down Redflags. Use it against her. Shes asking for it!
Fortunately, FDH puts her in
Fortunately, FDH puts her in her place when she goes on her ridiculous rants about me. And while I LOVE the idea of slapping her with a misdemeanor charge, I'm afraid I'd rather her not lose her job and hit him up for even more money. Sigh. She's a piece of work. I'm sure this weekend will be interesting...
For the longest time, FDH
For the longest time, FDH just blindly paid any invoice she sent. He did it just to try to keep the peace. Finally, he realized that the hundreds of extra dollars he was throwing away didn't buy him any peace, so he stopped. They were absolutely ridiculous. One even had a charge for $0.85 for hair bands. Out of control...