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But it's my dream *Fill in the blank".

Rags's picture

DW is on a call with our eldest niece in my IL clan.  

She was hired full time with the school district as a SN student class aid at the beginning of this school year.  This is about the only chance that she, her mother, and my SIL have at a long term job that will provide benefits and a pension.   

Over the 40mins this call has been going on so far, there has been some more of the eruptions of genetic multi-generational oddities.  She is considering quitting the school district to work a vet clinic. Because, it is her "dream job".  smh.  She and her BF of a few years have apparently "almost" qualified for an FHA home loan and are intending to buy a house.  Going down the same drain that her parents have gone down .Way over dreaming.  Her parents first home was foreclosed.  They ended up buying another home about a decade later after my BIL 1's bovine bride got her buy out for working at an employee owned company for 11yrs, though she had been fired for about 10 years when her shares matured and they paid her for her ownership % in the company.  BIL1 and the bovine bride listened to my CPA bride and payed cash for a modest home, paid off all of their debt, and but a notable chunk into an IRA. 

Her GPs lost a home to foreclosure, her uncle, my BIL2, lost a home to foreclosure.  All bad choices due to some rush to buy a home when they have zero employment stability and income stability due to a complete and total lack of skills or qualification and being unreliable as an employee.  It is all about the dream. 

Which when translated into reality, is ultimately invariably a pipe dream. We have owned 4 homes in our marriage, we are currently "homeless" and rent.  None of our homes have been lost to foreclosure or have ever been at risk of being lost.  This is a major source of delusional superiority for most of my IL clan.  Oh well. We could write a check for any house we wanted, within reason, but..... no mortgage/home, not worthy of care ... for much of my IL clan.

And... her BF got fired "for no reason" which terminated his medical insurance and he ended up with a $25K hospital bill due to his insurance being canceled on his termination date.  Of course, not his fault, fired for no reason, getting ripped off by the employer, etc....  All verbatim crap we have heard over, and over, and over again from my entire IL clan.  Homes are foreclosed because the banks are mean. No recognition that not paying results in no house. Not paying, results in no car.  No pay, results in no .... fill in the blank.

Right now she and her BG are both trying to get FASFA submitted for their next "dream" of some flavor of trade school for him and a CC for her to progress to being a Veterinarian. I cringe at this as it is the formula that my SIL went down the crapper with taking out nearly $100K in school loans and never competing a degree. SIL is also working at the school district as a get her ass beat by ill behaved spawn class aid.

Her younger sister (BioSis) is on some interesting hybrid schooling. She is too stressed to go to class because she is bullied..... kids are mean...... too stressful..... blah, blah, blah, but.... she can go to class for the stuff she likes which is the ag classes.  How the F does that work?  Your too stressed to go to school but..... not the part you like. This wussy school crap is beyond me to understand.  I miss the, get your ass to class, sit your ass down, STF up, do what you are told, do the work, or.... fail and be gone with you ...... model.  The hybrid school niece was for years a bully. She is a very large girl who would throw her size around ... until... her bullying bullshit started to be reciprocated. Instantly she and her parents went into the victim hood cry baby bullshit.  So now she gets to go to school for the stuff she likes which is where her friends are, and stay home for the real classes.  No doubt there was some legal consequences for her earlier bullying bullshit so ..... victim, victim, victim and reward the bullshit instead of having her ass eternally in supervised study hall and weekend detention. Of course if I said this, I would be the evil mean uncle.

It is so sad that she is going down the same entitled, generational failure model, and so is her younger sister.

Then there are the twins. One has been remanded to a behavioral lock in group home for threatening to kill my BIL1, the bovine bride, her twin, and the two older sisters.

I just cringe any time there is a in depth check in between my bride and her clan. It is a dance of the usual multi-generational delusion, the never ending pursuit of the fill in the blank "dream", and recounting of some not their fault termination, foreclosure, repossession, massive bill, etc, etc, etc, victim mentality...

Once again, my bride is either a mutant or an alien implant in her own family.  That becomes increasingly clear year after year, after year.

Dash 1




Rumplestiltskin's picture

It sounds like they all have poor impulse control. Also poor planning skills and inability to sacrifice what they feel in the moment for future gain. It's probably a combo of genetics (overly emotional) and poor life skills being passed down the generations. As long as your DW doesn't give them ANY of you guys' money or too much of her time and mental energy, all you can do is, well, try not to think about it. It sounds like you both have good boundaries and a good sense of what's going on. It is so frustrating watching the same people fall victim to their life choices over and over and over. "Bad luck" can and does happen, but often there were choices that lead to some bad breaks. 

Rags's picture

Oh, never a cent to my direct ILs.  Though DW did give her now deceased Unicorn cousin, with my approval, two slugs of money over the years.  This cousin was her only close relationship in her BioDad's family.  MIL lost her first husband to a  vehicle accident a couple of days before my MIL found out she was pregnant with my DW.

DW would spend parts of each summer with BioDad's family. She and Unicorn cousin (BioDad's brother's eldest of two) were extremely close.  When Paternal GM passed Unicorn took on an even more hallowed position for DW.

She married her HS BF who ended up being a POS.  They had two kids and lived on the ragged edge of homelessness, etc... for decades.  We first got the call for $2K when she was broke and about to lose their home to eviction.  We agreed to loan her the money interest free on the condition that she paid it back at $200/mo. We got one $200 check in the mail followed by a panicked call to not cash it.  Never saw another Cent.

A decade later DW got the panicked call from Unicorn that she had to move out and take kids because her DH pulled a gun on her. Having learned our lesson, DW paid  deposit directly to the apartment complex. management company.  Unicorn backed out of the apartment, the management company gave her the deposit we had paid, and SURPRISE!, a few days later Unicorn is on a GFs beach vacation with her couple of BFFs.  

Unicorn was then Dx'd with breast cancer which she beat. Then later with a very rare cancer that ultimately took her life after being hospitalized for 18mos.  Unicorn is a Sainted part of my DW's life.  Not at all for me.  DW gets very recalcitrant regarding the reality of the Unicorn. I call her as she was and not as anything special which by her own behaviors, she was not.

This is a touchy subject in our marriage. One I never bring up but do interject with the facts when Unicorn surfaces due to a date on the calendar or when her shit of a DH reaches out to my wife.  It is an odd thing. His family seems to have a strange fixation on my wife going back to DW and Unicorn spending summers together with their GM.

DW would never give anyone else in the IL clan a Cent.  I am more likely to assist than DW is. Though they don't like my assistance since it is extremely strict and requires them to abdicate any self determination giving full control to my bride.  

MIL and FIL lost their home and a separate farm to foreclosure.  They were struggling.  I offered to purchase a home for them to live in, with DW and I retaining the deed, they direct deposit 100% of their income into an account fully and solely controlled by my bride, their CPA eldest, and she pays the mortgage on the house, has food delivered, and pays all of their bills from their income, and she gives them each a very small allowance. Once the modest house is paid off we would continue to charge them rent and invest it for their benefit.  When necessary, the house would be sold and the proceeds used to support them in assisted living along with the investment of their rent and other excess money from their monthly income.  Because the house was ours any remaining assets upon their demise would go to my wife.

They were all kinds of offended.  Interestingly, when my MIL asked to tag along to an investment advisor consultation that DW set up for her Aunt (MIL's sister), the investment advisor offered to assume management of my IL's income under nearly verbatim terms to what I had offered. When I offered, it was all offensive. When the investment advisor offered, it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Meanwhile 10-ish years later and back at the ranch, FIL has been passed for 7yrs, MIL's entire income from her job, FIL's SS, etc... goes to the investment advisor who gives her a small allowance, pays her mortgage, insurance, and bills,  and invests what is left.   We do not have the stress of dealing with it. And MIL is happy as a clam.

It is interesting how a recommendation made by two separate people can drive two entirely different reactions. One of intense offense, and the other adoration for it being a great idea.



JRI's picture

I feel for you watching your DW deal with her family.  It's hard to watch and even harder for her.

I don't know much about the online schooling, I'm sure it was necessary during covid just to keep things going. My YSS's daughter, T,  16, is doing it now from his home.  I don't know all the details but due to his career moves, she's attended about 5 schools in 3 states, ie doesn't have close friends.  She supposedly attends her classes but the teachers are in continual communication with YSS about problems.  So, after driving about an hour home from work each day, he's sitting with her to get her work done.  I suspect he's doing it himself.  I would feel sorry for him but I'm secretly thinking "Karma!".  She's on the net all day and he's worried about her.. Her mom has effectively checked out altho she occasionally swoops to rescue "T' because YSS is "so mean'". Yeah, I'm not a fan of online.  She should be in school doing her work and dealing with peers.  Sigh


Rags's picture

IMHO, at the University or Grad School level online has a legitimate place. My brother and I did our Graduate school together online.

However, for K-12, IMHO it should have to be done in brick and mortar school environments.  School is not only about academic progress, it is about learning human interface, accountability, and being honed in the crucible of competition. Socially, academically, and athletically.  Letting these kids avoid all of that because they don't like something is an abdication of parenting IMHO.

The age of tuff shit parenting did not produce such fragile, unprepared,  coddled and cry baby spawn.

Reality is that the only people that care about  fee fees or what they like and don't like is the person whose fee fees and likes and dislikes are in discussion.

IMHO of course.