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Heading home to spend a few hours with the kid before we drop him off at the recruiters to start his USAF adventure.

Rags's picture

I had some early AM meetings and am now leaving the office to go hang with the kid.

16:00 we drop him off at the recruiters, they take him to a hotel, wake up at 03:00 tomorrow, off to MEPS for his final start up stuff then off to San Antonio for BMT for 8.5 weeks then it is off to MO for tech school.

This is a mixed bag. He needs it, his mom and I need it, but we have been a close family for nearly 17yrs and it will be a huge change for my wife and me. With the exception of three semesters of military boarding school and 7wks of visitation per year he has been a big part of our marriage.

I am some what surprisingly emotional about his departure though I am looking forward to being able to chase my wife around any time I want and for us to start integrating in the community and expanding our social circles.

When I went to bed last night for the last time as a full time dad I gave him a hug and told him "make yourself proud". He said he would. That is the last advice I can give him. He has refused to do his best for his mom and I, for his SpermClan for my parents. Now he can only succeed or fail for himself.

We have done everything we could think of to give him opportunity, raise him as a young man of character and to perform to his ability. He has been a good kid but has performed far below his ability.

Now ... it is all on him, His mom (or me) will not be able to salvage the situation if he fails to perform to his ability, chooses to WoW his way to bottom 10%er failure status and spend all night every night playing games with his SpermIdiot.

I am going to recommend to my wife that we cut his linked bank account off so he has to sink or swim on his own, with his own income and his own independent accounts.

We will not be able to mitigate the consequences of his decisions any more. We have saved his bacon his whole life. W

When he has fallen asleep in airports and missed flights (twice) she called and got him re-booked instead of letting him sit in the airport until he figured it out for himself. When he flunked out of boarding school she is the one that held his hand through the enrollment process at our local HS. Etc, etc, etc……..

When he went back to his usual level of procrastination and was on the verge of not finishing HS on time, I rode his ass so he would graduate on time last May. His mom and I forced him to do the work to graduate.

He has never had significant consequence for his decisions other than mom and dad (me) getting pissed off about it.

Now he will have true, real life consequences. I hope he learns and remembers all that his mom and I have tried to teach him.

He has still not notified the SpermClan that he has enlisted. I asked him about it last night. He said “they have not called me in weeks, they don’t need to know”.

Sad but par for the course for the SpermIdiot and toothless moron SpermClan.

At least he is done with them. I hope he finds his own success and pride.

He is a good kid and can do it if he chooses to.

Make it happen kid. Your mom and I love you. If you are proud of your performance, we will be proud of you.


Gateway1987's picture


Wish there was more men like you. As a mom, it is hard to cut those apron strings so just bear with her because this may be a really hard time for her, but glad she has you to help her through it.