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Happy New Year!

Rags's picture

I hope everyone's new year is going well.

Mine is good... but......

I left mom and dad's on Tuesday.  I drove from Austin to Las Vegas.  My car that was blasted by a huge hail storm at the end of Sept and took two months to get fixed had to get home.  I tested (-) for COVID on Sunday and left for home Tuesday AM.  1200 + miles. I love road trips but still not yet fully recovered from COVID it was a long two days.  Pretty much uneventful other than the beautiful vistas.  I overnighted in Las Cruces NM.  

I pulled into our garage at 6PM yesterday.  

I woke up this AM not feeling great.  Went to the grocery for some stuff and picked up some COVID tests.... I just tested (+) again.

Mom and dad are negative so my guess is that I was reinfected after testing (-).  I will test again in the AM to verify.

Most likely we will cancel our weekend trip to Tahoe.  We are meeting friends their for the weekend.  

On the work front, I have two companies indicating that they are generating an offer.  One is a great role that I am very excited about.  Though if I verify the (+) test tomorrow AM I will have to delay the trip to meet with the exec team until I am confident I am (-).

It is good to be home though it is increasingly difficult to leave my aging parents.  Their mortality is becoming increasingly apparent.  Both are very healthy  now that they are COVID (-) but ..... 79 and 81 is notable.  They are still inspiring, have a love that is beyond measure, and .... have very devoted kids and GKs.   My niece is due with the first GGK in May.

Anyway, please wish me luck on a (-) test in the AM.  Though Iam not optimistic.

Have a great year STalkers.



CajunMom's picture

Best to you on the job offers and hope you are 100% better asap.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

You've got this @Rags! Get healthy and then it's time for you to nab this awesome job. Hopefully it's negative and you can go meet the Exec team. Way to go - what a great update !

CLove's picture

Best of luck with battling this whatever it is, and best of luck getting that perfect job Biggrin

New Years has been ok - not sick right now, been going to the gym with husband and we have not been as consistent as we need to. The skid has been ok - painting for a class projecct so she cant do basic chore stuff.

Feral Forger went to ER for a gas bubble.

Work is meh, but not bad. We are gearing up for the new season and its budget time, and W2 time and all that entails.

BUT that being said, Im making vacation plans as we speak Biggrin

Rags's picture

So, the next AM test was ... inconclusive.    There was something obviously wrong with the test strip. Several layers were misaligned.

These tests were over a year old and very low quality.  I ran to CVS and bought the Abbot Labs Binax Now multi strain test.  The result fo the quality fresh test was negative.

So, off to Tahoe we went.  We had a great time.  It was beautiful, snowy, and ... windy.  So our Saturday snow machine tour was canceled. so we feasted and libated extensively.  We did rebook the snow mobile tour for early Sunday AM.  What a blast.  I was an avid snow mobiler in my mid teens and this ride picked up right where the last time I rode years ago.  A great ride out while the snow was firm from the overnight freezing temps.  As we made our way back it had warmed up above freezing and the snow was soft. The R ski dropped into a rut then burried and flipped us into a snow filled ditch.  I almost saved it, but not quite.  Neither of us was hurt but it was exciting for sure.

2hrs, 26 miles round trip.

We had a good time. 

Most importantly, I did not end up with a COVID rebound.

And, today... both companies that I have been engaging with are flying me out for interviews. One next week. One the week after. If the company next week makes an offer and demands a short horizon response... I will have to forego that offer. The one the following week is the one I want.  Though an offer is hand would be difficult to decline.

Thanks everyone.  I appreciate the support.