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Happy New Year!

Rags's picture

COVID central for the Rags clan ... we all went to bed early last night.  Not that sleep was happening with the WW3 of neighborhood fireworks raging around us.  Normally I would have been blowing stuff up with everyone else.  This time, it was just annoying.

The Skid, DW, me, mom, and dad are all grinding through day 5 of being COVID+.  SS tested + after traveling back to his duty statuion. He called his mom with that information and I ran and bought tests for the 4 of us at mom and dad's. We all tested +.

We thought that my brother's family dodged the bullet other than my eldest nephew who tested + the day after we did. But my youngest nephew tested + yesterday and my pregnant niece tested + this AM.  Hopefully they all have nothing worse than what those of us locked down at mom and dad's house are dealing with.  So far my brother, my SIL, nieces DH and eldest nephew's DW are negative.

Stay healthy everyone and may 2024 be a year of adventure, health, joy, and prosperity for all.



JRI's picture

There's nothing like covid to make us remember and cherish our good health.   DH86 had a very minimal case with only sniffles.  I thought I was on my last legs and the after effects lasted for months.

Rags's picture

Im glad you are both over it.

This is round 2 for DW and I. I tested + the first time Dec 25 2021.  Basically a very long lasting moderate cold. Felt like crap but nothing heinous.  Same this time.

DW had a far more sever case about 18mos ago.

This is the first confirmed case for both of my parents who are 81 and 79,  They are improving at about the same rate DW and I are though mom had more severe symptoms.

AgedOut's picture

covid the gift that just keeps on giving misery. sending my get well wishes for all of you. I wouldn't even wish covid on my exhusband and he was a whole bag of dicks all by himself. get well soon!!

CLove's picture

I hope its not too harsh. I remember our whole entire break off we had it - 2021. Super miserable.

Sending healing vibes.