Bonus Parents - Random Musings About Something Positive.
How can a role that exists because of failed marriage and broken families be positive? That is THE question and THE goal of Sparenting.
On the surface being a StepParent in a positive way may seem daunting or even impossible.
Sparenting is likely the most difficult emotionally intense role anyone can willingly accept. But, oh the rewards. A child who's life has experienced so much uncertainty and upheaval can come to us, in our homes and feel loved, a part of a strong family, and truly belong to something that provides them with stability and a foundation to grow in to adults of personal character and of standing in their communities.
Because of what we can offer them as bonus parents they can go on to successful marriages and have truly stable and strong families of their own.
Our battles are rarely monumental. They are constant small struggles to guide StepKids in a positive direction. They are often a constant pressure of gentle guidance used to direct our spouses to make decisions and take actions that are truly in the best interests of the kids and not just giving the kid what the kid wants when the kid wants it. Sometimes our efforts and influences are not so gentle and roughly akin to writing the RIGHT decision on a 2x4 and beating our spouses over the heads with it until they get it. Learning how to apply progressive motivation in order to leverage the right effort from our spouses and from the blended family opposition is one of our biggest challenges. And yes, sometimes progressive motivation does require the message to be written on a 4x4 and applied liberally to the craniums of our spouses, the Xs and the Skids when the 2x4 did not get the message across.
Our roles are ones of providing assists for our spouses and our Skids. We are always there, always ready and always, always, always or at least nearly always under-appreciated. And we rarely if ever get to be the lead.
Our wins come when the Skid sits by us on the sofa and places their head on our shoulder after several days of willfully antagonizing us, in our homes when all we were doing was providing structure and stability.
Our wins come when our Skids friends say "Your Mom/Dad is really nice" and the Skid glances at you with a smile and a wink. Our wins come when our spouses thank us for being there after a particularly brutal phone call from the X.
No matter how well things seem to be going the fragile veneer can shatter at any moment and we can go from being the coolest, most loved parent and spouse to evil and unsupportive.
True victory comes to StepParents when a young man or woman moves on to their own lives with a hint of our swagger in their steps with some of the values we have provided and with a small glance over their shoulder and a wink letting us know that they know full well that they put us through hell but also know that they always have a home to come home to. They can always come home to us. The ones that will tell them the truth, the ones that know that their Mom and Dad have often hurt more than they have helped, the ones that see what the Skid is going through often far more clearly than anyone else.
We are the Bonus Parents. Every one knows that the salary or hourly wage pays the bills but the bonus's make the cool memories. We may not be the primary contributors but we can provide the cool memories.
If we choose to.
Sparenting is not an activity with an end. It is a journey that never ends. Right when you think you have nailed Sparenting down and are successful, the Skid, the spouse or the X find the discarded 2x4 and smack you in the head with it.
So you always have to ready to duck.
And in my opinion ......... the view is definately worth the climb.
We are the bonus parents and bonuses are always positive.
Just my thoughts of course.
- Rags's blog
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That was absolutley wonderful.
I think I'm going to print this out and reread it every time I am at my whits end with my step kids! Thank you Rags for taking the time to put your thoughts on this board to share with us. Really, it was great.
~all you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust...and sometimes a machine gun~
Very nice!
I have to admit I'm not particularly crazy about the term 'bonus' parent... and I'm not sure why, maybe it's because it would make me a bonus mom (BM)? LOL! I like to think of myself as my SD's grown-up friend. That's what works for me. When I sit back and see my SDs picking up on my habits and values, yes it brings me a smile because maybe, just maybe I really am making a positive impact in their lives!
Thanks so much for the boost!![Smile](
Bonus Parent is not a term I usually use it was just a lead in.
But, I think it sends the right positive message about what we can bring to the lives of our StepChildren.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
I agree... it does bring
a positive message. Maybe I also just think I'm even better than a bonus-parent. Because I just know, without a doubt, that I am the smartest, most level-headed, normal yet coolest extra-parent my girls could ever have! LOL!!!!!
Forgive me, I'm in a goofy mood today.
Goofy mood or not ........ you speak the truth.
Your girls are lucky to have you.
Now go beat some sense in to their BioParents!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Wonderful post. This is how I try to feel about my SD's. While they might drive me batty sometimes (they are teenage girls after all) it feels good when they surprise you every once in a while with a kiss on the cheek and an "I love you" when you drop them off at practice. Those moments make it worth while to me. And when they want to imitate things you do, it may seem silly to you at first, but when you think about it, it's only because they think you are something special.
And when they graduate from college with a good education and and have a career, I know it will be me and DH that got them there. The end goal makes it all worthwhile.
Thank you for putting this out there and reminding us that we can make a difference if we try.
Yay Rags!!
I loved this - so much more than you can realize.
Since I don't have biological kids, I take extra special pride when SD over here does something that I know comes from me - a word, or saying, or mannerism. It's a pride that I thought I could never feel, would never experience, would never know.
And I love it when DH says, "Thanks for shouldering half of my load, my worry, my life".
And I love it when I read something like you wrote above. Because we can make a difference, even though we are faced with some pretty nasty obstacles.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I agree with most everything BUT
Rags, please help me deal with my feelings once the phone rings, a text comes through, threats are made ect by BM....that is my struggle. The Skids are great and I know what I am helping them with but I just can not see living an entire lifetime with the BM" negativity, being the only one observing the SKIDS emotional reactions and refusal of DH to put a stop to it.
Caller ID and the delete button. That should solve your problem
There is no law requiring you to answer the phone, listen to a V-mail or read a text message or e-mail.
Sooooooo, when the Caller ID shows BM, don't answer. When the answering message starts with "Hello, this is BM" delete it without further listening and when a text message or e-mail shows BM as the sender............ DELETE without opening.
Tell DH that BM called or initiated contact but you do not know what she wanted and let him call her back at his discretion.
Neither you nor your DH are at BM's beck and call.
Soooooo,,,, don't BE at her beck and call.
Just my thoughts of course.
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Thank you but I can do that
Thank you but I can do that and will can not. He does not understand that he is the only person that can control how she affects us.
Until he and I agree, I guess I will just walk around angry and resentful. Sad but true.
Actually, isthis4me
I'm going to take my "positive" attitude and see if you can give it a whirl....
For me, when BM is completely off her rocker with her idiotic stupidity victim status, crying about how she does everything right, blah blah blah... I sit back and realize...
I've got everything she wanted. I've got her husband. I've got the relationship with her daughter.
She got the house... But I got the HOME.
If you can try to look at BM - not as an annoyance, but more, as something to be pitied - and yes, that is right - pitied - for her poor judgment or lack of character or lack of self awareness or whatever... then I find personally she no longer bothers me. She is inconsequential to my life and she will be stuck ... right where she is bitter and unhappy and I will have moved on..
Don't know if that helps... but would you mind telling me what you think about that??? Either way - I don't care.. I'm just curious if it makes sense...
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
I think...
If all she did was the typical petty BM stuff, I would be with you...She does all of it and I just ignore it.
BUT She has threatened my bio-children and me in front of them, interrogated them about me when she can get them alone at the feild, also tried making friends with my ex to dig up dirt (but didn't bc he and I are normal),ect. It's the over the top things I can not handle. Also, it is very hard to watch my Skids get affected by her emotional abuse, if you have read my previous blogs, it is so twisted. There's a Bio DAD(my DH), a Step dad who is also a Bio DAd to one Skid, a daughter in juvi that is not DH,PAS of DH now PAS of current (one kid biodad hubby), a new BF before current hubby is even out....all the SKids calling random man "DAD"....and me just trying to offer stability and compassion to these beautiful Skids while my DH has blinders on.....
I used to think positive but this is a lot of baggage for me to think of carrying forever.
Well, then, Isthis4me
She is making her own bed and lying in it too. She's a psycho hose beast! Are you afraid? Truly afraid for you and your children's well being?
It must be all you can do to hold your head above water. But just remember.., you are better than that. You are better than her. She is GRASPING AT STRAWS and failing. Miserably.
I just wrote to Evil Diva and when it comes to PAS, I had written that I tell SD the truth.
I don't know if you can tell you skids the truth(s) about BM..... but in my situation, when I did, it also helped me get over some of the anger. Because I wasn't pretending anymore that everything was "normal".
I know it's hard... but really, I believe that when your skids are older... they are going to "get it". They are going to see what's really healthy and what's just plain old F*cked up. I know that doesn't offer comfort or tell you how to get through each day... And I don't know how much you can really just "accept" as it is what it is (meaning the multiple dads) and let the rest just slide off your back. Not disengagement from your husband or stepchildren, but disengagement from the feelings your BM brings on.
Sorry Rags - didn't mean to hijack your post... Isthis4me... if you ever want to talk, just PM me.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Just to clarify, my DH found out the my SS-9 wasn't his until SS was almost 5. Since he will not acknowledge it or even discuss it. Bm wanted DH to give up parental rights until now, she got rid of Hubby.
Sorry Rags, Thanks Stick
Didn't mean to do that either...I am selfish.
Sorry about what? Apparently I missed something.
Nothing to be sorry about from what I can tell.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)