Poop Success!
Things went pretty well yesterday. We went out for lunch, to the library, and back home to watch Christmas Shows. Boyfriend's daughter had a pooping accident at the library: she was too engrossed in the video games on the computer! Those are so mind-numbing. When I have children, I'm going to bring a timer to the library. They will be able to go on the computer for twenty minutes. When that buzzer rings, they will be off and we will be looking for books! Anyway, she pooped in her pants and boyfriend took her to get cleaned up. Standing outside the bathroom, I heard her beg him first not to tell me how many times she had had accidents that day. The plea shows me that at least she knows that pooping in her pants is wrong. Boyfriend and I discussed what we should do. She kept asking if we were still going to watch a movie; we left her hanging for a few minutes. We decided to make no-movie-if-you-poop-in-your-pants the new rule. We reminded her a couple of times and made it clear that if she had an accident there would be no if's, and's, or but's. She didn't poop during the movie! My boyfriend told me today that she did have an accident later on and he forbid the other movie she was going to watch while he was going to shovel the drive way. Good for him! Unfortunately, I learned that she didn't poop at all today. She's back with her BM for the rest of the week. I wonder how things will go there. I will inform the crowd.
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