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He's a keeper

queenofthedamned's picture

FDH is the man. If he didn’t look out for me like he does, this relationship would be toast. Burnt nasty smelly inedible toast.
He and BM have been trying to figure out what they’re going to do for child care this summer (they alternate weeks in the summer). Last summer both skids went to a day camp and it worked out perfectly because they have drop off sites close to both our home and BM’s, so I could drop them before work on FDH’s weeks without too much trouble.

Skid1 – the problem child – didn’t like that camp last year because he was one of the older kids there and he found it boring. Unbeknownst to me, BM signed him up for a different camp close to her home, which is completely on the other side of town from both our home and my work. Also unbeknownst to me, FDH told both BM and FMIL that skid1 is going to have to figure out the bus system to get there because I won’t be driving two kids all over town for drop offs in the mornings.

God, I love that man. I work long hours, and I am in school which means that I will be in class until 9:30pm 3 nights a week. The last thing I want to do in the morning is cart a bratty kid half an hour in the opposite direction of where I need to be for work. Plus I just won’t have time to make it to work when I need to. FDH just gets it, and I am so appreciative that I don’t have to explain that to him.

Of course, FMIL – who babies the crap out of that kid and indulges his every desire – doesn’t like that I won’t be playing chauffeur. Well, too fucking bad. I didn’t make that kid, he hates my guts right now, and no one bothered to ask me what my schedule would be like before they signed him up. BM and FMIL just assumed I’d do it. Tough titties. They can figure it out. The kid has two parents with driver’s licenses, and a grandma who can’t keep her nose out of parenting him – it’s not my responsibility. Which is exactly what FDH told his mom Smile .


queenofthedamned's picture


RedWingsFan's picture


JMC's picture

Good for you and good for DH tackling the issue before it became a problem. Score one for the home team! Smile

MotherTrucker's picture

Good for your DH! I hate that it is assumed that as SM's we are to play shuttle bus. That is what our BM did this school year on her days to drive SD to our house. She figured since I work closer to her then our house is, she would just drop SD off to me at owrk and make her sit at my desk for the last half hour of my day :jawdrop:

clydella's picture

Awesome!! Glad your DH stood up to for ya, sounds like he knows what side his bread is buttered on, lol.

oldone's picture

I STILL ride the bus on occasion. I'm in an urban area so it is common for kids to use the city buses to get to school.

When my SS27 was lamenting his lack of transportation I suggested to DH that we buy him a bus pass for the month. DH said "SS wouldn't have a clue how to ride a bus." Sad. So he had to walk.

Being able to navigate a city transportation system is a good skill to have.

queenofthedamned's picture

I agree completely. I grew up in a major city and got myself all over at that age. The city we live in is mild by comparison - far safer, and easier to navigate. It certainly won't kill him to learn. FDH is willing to ride the routes with him beforehand just to be sure.

Of course, because he wants him to be competent and independent, he'll be accused of not caring. These people and their thinking, as another poster said, make me stabby and cranky.

So sad that a 27 year old couldn't figure it out.

queenofthedamned's picture

He is pretty fantastic. I just wish he would've never met BM and procreated - then he'd be PERFECT! lol