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Stepmom confessions

Queencow's picture

I have been her target for 11 years - about twice a year she cycles, and her focus becomes me. Everything from flat out accusation of abuse to refusing to use my name ("his wife" ... or Ms XXXMaiden"), causing difficulties at exchanges then accusing me of it (yes I had a witness), her whole family accusing me of abuse (in legal documents), to flat out inferring that not only am I interferring in their "coparenting" but in a way that it seems she think DH is her DH and should act in that way (its creepy - I have mentioned to him on occasion its like she treats him like hes her DH, and he should be doing things like a DH).

I was thinking about this and I have to admit something...a confession. I admit that there are times I will knowingly try to get a rise from BM, and I enjoy doing it. I do NOT communicate with her, talk to her, look right at her. BUT I do things knowing full well I will get a crazy reaction out of her which is the only point of doing it. I know her reaction stems from her jealousy/hatred of me - thats HER issue 100% - but I exploit her problem. I wont actually directly contact her, I will passively do things - like the outfit I will wear if I have to be around her.

Thats my confession. I am not necessarily proud of contributing to the "competition" - but it makes me feel good. And honestly she deserves to be put in her place on occasion. I probably need that self esteem boost from her, because of how much shes beat me down and treated me like crap - it feels good to have the upper hand on occasion.


bellladonna's picture

Wow, if that's the worst thing you've done to BM then I feel really bad. I've done way worst than that I don't feel bad about it!

I got sick of her making our lives miserable and I did something to make her miserable in return. I was just so sick of her at the point. So I get where you are coming from we are only human and can only take so much!

BSgoinon's picture

Oh, I fully admit that I do and SAY things directly to BM to get a rise out of her, when she is being a complete douchebag. I have no problem admitting that.

Queencow's picture

I hate being judged, especially when I know we talk about the BS behavior of the BM's. I wouldn't say its the worst but I make fun of/do things out of spite to her I wouldn't ANYONE ELSE in that situation....

MamaDuck's picture

If I knew BM would direct her anger and jealously AT ME, i'd so do things like this! Lol, sounds like a lot of fun! Smile

BUT the BM I deal with takes everything *I* do out on my SO via her lawyer, which causes him a lot of stress and money of course, also, because she's BPD (or something of that sort), when she gets upset she does nothing to hide her "pain and suffering" (*roll eyes!) from SD3 who I adore, that is starting to have a really bad affect on SD, it's becoming PAS towards SO b/c SD blames Dad for upsetting BM. So for now, I try to be as invisible as possible.