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puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

I am 46 yrs old and I live with my fiance, I have for over 3 yrs, we got this house together, and his 17 yr old son lives with us unfortunately. I hate that little piece of shit. My fiances family has always treated me like shit for 3 yrs, and he always puts the blame on me and never sticks up for me. This past Friday his little dink son attacked his father in the dining room, his father put him on the floor, I told the little puke to call his bitch mother to pick him up and he got up and followed me to the living room, he kept slamming his chest into me and I swung at the asshole, I guess I hit his face I dont know because i just swung to defend myself and then he threw me on the floor between the end table and the recliner. How convenient that my fiance only walked in when I was swinging and he said that i slapped his face and thats why he hit me, i told my fiance i was defending myself from that puke. So now tonight my fiance and I are fighting because I said I did not want to be in the house with that psycho because I am afraid he will attack me or shoot me or something, he is not all there, he has a lot of issues. My fiance says i am crazy and imbosil boy would never do that and if thats the way i feel we have a problem and i will have to leave. Well, i pay a lot of the bills and we moved into the house together but it is in my fiances name, so now what do I do, I feel like I am to old to start over and I am soooo hurt at the way my fiance is treating me, what should I do, I just wish one time he would defend me.


puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

Thank you for the comment, I wish you had magic words too, but your words do help, I feel so alone in this right now. I didnt let my kids know the whole story. They know what happened on Friday but they dont know how my fiance treats me. I am so upset because I feel so hurt that he always finds a way to blame me for what is done to me.

Shannon61's picture

If I were you, I'd start planning an exit strategy to get out of this trainwreck. When you don't feel safe in your own home, it's time to go.
I'd consult an attorney to find out if he can legally throw you out since you purchased the home together. SS sounds like a time bomb, waiting to explode.

Also, the next time SS assaults you, call the cops and have him arrested. But make sure you have some place else to go, because your fiance will likely be so angry, he'll demand that you leave and may call the cops to have you removed.

Until you can get some legal counsel, try to keep things as peaceful as possible. If your fiance didn't defend you after this type of behavior, it's likely not going to happen. His job is to defend you, not his son. He should have been reaming him about never putting his hands on a female under any circumstances. Your fiance has shown you his true character, believe him and act accordingly.

Good luck.

bearcub25's picture

If you pay alot of the bills, then there is some money for u to spend on your needs. Try a women's shelter since you are in danger of getting hurt or killed. They have the resources to hook you up with any other assistance you need.

you are in danger and need to put yourself first.

Disneyfan's picture

See if you can take out an order of protection on him.

Do you have nephews or friends with sons his age? If so, maybe they can "talk" to SS about putting his hands on you.

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

Good advice thank you step aside, I am so fed up with this shit of this kid telling his father how smart he is and how he has the highest iq in his class and oh by the way is never on the honor roll lol. He is simple minded and the product of a drug 24/7 mother and a father that is full of guilt and god forbid he ever tell this imbosil no.