Sick skids?
I have a question, How do you ladies and gents do when your skids are sick? What I mean is that if it is your time or your dh's time with the kids and they are sick, do you or your dh's let the bm take care if them or do you or your dh's get them and take care of them yourselves? I ask b/c dh lets bm take care of the boys when they are sick his logic is that we don;t need to get sick and if they aren't here then it can;t be spread. I understand where he is coming from so I let him do what he wants. however there is a part of me that thinks he should have to take care of them too. But then I think thanks god I'm not getting sick and neither is my kids.
- purpledaisies's blog
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Ss doesn't get too sick
Ss doesn't get too sick often. So he still comes. He has come when he has had an ear infection and when he broke his toe. I WISH he'd use it as an excuse to stay home with bm! I think if he were really feeling bad and wanted to stay home then dh would let him but he doesn't get that sick. My oldest is in school so I don't worry about ss bringing his sick germs over because my kids will still be exposed to other kids germs anyway. I also let dh handle it if ss is sick- he deals with giving medicine, taking care of whatever. I'm not ally a nurturing person with any kid except ss. Idk why.
the skids stay at BM's house.
the skids stay at BM's house. we dont want to spread the sickness and that's part of her duty as the custodial parent - she uses her sick time to stay with them.
It depends on how sick they
It depends on how sick they are. If they are running a fever or vomiting then they usually stay with BM and we swap weekends or something. Kids *generally* prefer to have their moms take care of them when they're sick and really feel bad, plus we don't want to drag them out. Just let them stay in their own beds at BMs. Now if they just have a head cold or something they still come over and I usually catch it from them. LOL
My DH is NCP and we've done
My DH is NCP and we've done both. SS actually came to our house and he was sick but we didn't know and BM didn't say anything until we dropped him off. That's a whole different issue. But generally if SS has a headache or whatever, he comes; if he's puking, he stays with BM. BM is a WAHM, so if SS is sick, she's there to take care of him, but now that we are back in the area, if he is sick and she is unable to care for him, I guess we'll go get him? Not sure yet - we'll see what happens.
I guess I should have said
I guess I should have said that if they have head colds or somehting like that then yes dh will get them but if they are really sick they stay with bm.
It seems that mothers are
It seems that mothers are much better at the sick thing than fathers and the kids usually want their mothers when they are sick - when we had SS full time he wanted me to be around him not DH - I am a nurse which helped but I think it is the female prescense that the kids like - we are soft and much more patient than the dad's are - unless you are a single father and that is all they have!
when skids are really sick
when skids are really sick like contagious sick, dh makes bm keep them. he doesnt want dd3 and ds7months to get sick. if that's the case, we usually pick up an extra weekend or something...but i just love when bm sends the kids over knowing they have a stomach bug or something really bad and tells dh "no they are fine" when they are sooooo not. ugh he calls her and tells her to come get them! now if its just a little head cold or something minor, they come. which i might add, they always have something...usually minor and turns horrible lol
The skids are with us most of
The skids are with us most of the time and most times that they have been sick...we took care of them. It used to be that if one of the skids got sick...either DH, MIL or Favorite Aunt would stay home and take care of the kid (MIL is retired and loves to help, and F.A. is a ER nurse, so her schedule varies..also loves to help). If DD got sick...I was the one to take care of her. Not complaining either...I'm her's part of the job.
However, now that the kids are older, we can leave them at home during the day by themselves (unless it's really bad and need someone there with them.)
are yoU kidding?? bm sends
are yoU kidding?? bm sends their sick asses if it's our visitation time.. lice, resp. infection, strep throat, you name it.. one time last year, she kept them home when they were sick, but i think she had a b/f at the time (who had kids, too) and she wanted to show him what a devoted mother she was..
i'm not saying we shouldn't have to deal with sick skids, but when skids have to carry a puke bucket in the car for the 45+ minute ride only to get up an hour early to ride another 45+ mins back home where bm will only send them to her mom's across the street ~ seems a little irresponsible as a bm.... and if it's a school day on her days, she'll still call dh to p/u them up b/c she can't miss work (already missed too many with a hang over)