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O/T Greedy anyone???

purpledaisies's picture

I was on face book last night and one of my 'friends' (she is really one of my sons relatives but I have her there to keep an eye on my son and what they will say to him) anyway this is her post:

"Cheap ass pol only giving 1 piece of candy!!!!!"

this is my response:
"should be grateful for what ya got!"

This is her response:
"ppl should not be so shisty, 1piece of candy really!!!"

This is my response:
"that is all i gave. I went through 5 bags of candy so yep I understand why they only gave 1 piece."

This is what someone else wrote after that.
"You have 4 kids, which equals tons of candy. We don't give out any candy. Plus it's so expensive and like your friend said, it goes fast."

So entitled, greedy, or what??? :sick:


purpledaisies's picture

I LOVED the other lady's response! that was good. She shut up after that lol

stepfamilyfriend's picture

It is sad. All our work to give our kids an easier life and really the outcome is a bunch of entitled selfish people. Reminds me of the Italian comedian Roberto Benigni, when he received his Oscar he said: "And I thank my parents for giving me greatest gift of all, being raised in a poor, loving family". What is not earned is not appreciated and I know I have failed my own daughter by working so hard to give her things without her having to earn them. Not as bad as most parents I see, but still...

purpledaisies's picture

I agree and I am guilty of the same but not near as some i have seen. I have a friend that has done that with her kids and I have to tell you so far her ss and her ds has been the same. They both have been getting drunk and doing drugs and blaming her and she takes it. She told me that they are jsut doing what most kids do which is partying. :jawdrop:

I told her NOPE ALL our kids have NOT done that crap and will not do that crap and if they do they will be out the door faster than their heads can spin! I told her that they would be in some kind of boot camp or the like. I also told her that her ds needs to be in one but she said no she can handle him. OKAYYY what ever he is on a BAD path right now and she can not handle him hence the police has brought him home too many times to count! He took her dh's car and wreaked it without permission along with stole money for them and his younger brother, they know he has smoked and drank and he blames it all on her!

So anyway thinking like the lady on face book thinks does bring entitlement to our kids. so sad!