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Have to share what dh just said LOL

purpledaisies's picture

I just found out that my soon to be ex sister in law's sister and her bf are have a baby. They are basic white trash people who live off her child support and live with her mom. He job hopes when he feels like working and they party all the time. They have a several snakes that they let sleep with them every night. I not against pet snakes but to sleep with them? :O

Plus they are both fat and ugly. I told my dh that she is going to have another baby but this is his first. He said "they are 2 people that should not reproduce!


ddakan's picture

people who sleep with snakes??? that's nasty. our BM lives off CS...aka prostitution on the installment plan...

My DH rarely says anything funny about BM except the time I had to send insurance cards over and he told me to wipe my ass with them first. LMAO.

mommyto6's picture

"BM lives off CS...aka prostitution on the installment plan"

I seriously just laughed out loud. That is just too funny! We deal with one of those BMs as well-I don't think the BM I deal with has ever had a real job for any length of time. She always ropes some man into paying her bills.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Ew. Snakes kinda just potty wherever. EWWWW!EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!I'm so grossed out by this.

Sorry, that had no bearing on the point of the blog, but to reiterate: EWWWWWWW!