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Bm has to make everything more difficult then it really is.

purpledaisies's picture

SS15 had a football game he had to go to since he is in band. The game was over very late but dh did tell bm that he didn't care how lat it was he wold pick him up. Of course bm said NO and that he can pick him up at her house sat morn. First that is not fair second it is not right for her CHOOSE what dh does on HIS time.

So on fri. night bm called dh and told him 'I NEED YOU TO PICK UP THE KIDS AT MY HOUSE NOW!' She was yelling at him but the thing is they meet half way. Dh asked why of course yelled and said she has a flat it will be hours before she will get it fixed. Dh didn't like the way she was talking him and demanding that he do this and that so he told her that he would wit til it was fixed no big deal. Bm went off on him saying that she can't wait and he needs to come get them now. Just the younger 2 b/c ss15 has a game. Dh told bm that ok I will come get them if you will bring ss15 to me on sat morning to my house. Of course bm said hell no! So dh said I will wait til your tire is fixed and I will pick them up half way if you can't do what you expect out of me and he hung up.

Bm called back with in 5 mins and said ok fine I will call you when the tire is fixed. Dh picked them up only about an hour late not several like she said it would be. lol

So then about 11:30 bm called dh saying that her tire is flat again and she needs help. He told that he is asleep and he can't help her and for her to call her dad or someone else b/c he is not married to her anymore. So then bm said that she will let him have ss15 and to come get him. So of course dh went to get him but he said he will not fix her tire that is not his job.

He went and got him after he picked him up from work and he did not fix her tire. }:) }:) }:)

I am so proud of dh as he is really been standing up to bm. I assumed that someone fixed her tire b/c it was fine when we picked ss15 up. I know that was the reason she said he could have ss15 was b/;c she really thought dh was going to fix it for her. Bm NEVER just lets dh have any of the kids if they have activities like that but dh is getting very tired of it since it is HIS time. Which is why dh has been standing up to her.