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ADD, ODD Mood disorder

proud mom's picture

First Global developmental delay with low tone, then Inattentive ADD and now to put the icing on the cake now they think 6 yr old BS has a mood disorder or ODD ( Obsivie Defiant Disorder) I don't know what else I can do I feel so overwhelmed I don't know if I can take much more.

The temper tanturms are completely out of control sometimes. Last night he started into a tantrum at bed time all because I was busy so DH went ot give him his asthma medicine and he wanted me too. So, needless to say the tantrum began and lasted about an hour it started over medicine and just progressed into anything he could think of to try and be mad about. (these tantrum included kicking hitting throwing things screaming yelling etc......) Anyway, he finally crashes about 10pm. Get up this morning and he was fine I tell him as I was dropping him off at school that he won't be riding the bus I will be picking him up and he seems ok with that. Boy oh boy was I wrong, I go to the school at 12:30 to pick him up, as I am waiting for him in the office his teacher walks in and asked me to come down to the class room he won't come with her. So, I walk down to the room and have to physically pry him out of his desk while the entire class stared at him. It took everything I had to carry him kicking and screaming to the car, I then had to hold him down in his boster seat to seat belt him in. He screams and cries all the way to the doctors office and then refuses to get out of the car and locks the doors. I finally get him into the office and he just stands there with his little arms crossed, the nurse comes out and calls his name and he won't move I once again have to carry him kicking and screaming back to the exam room. Needless to say the whole staff wittnessed his fit. So now the doctor thinks that on top of the Global Developmental Delay, Inattentive ADD, and low tone he may have Obseive Difiant Disorder(not sure of spelling) or a Mood disorder

I am to the poing I am ready to give up I just don't know what to do, what to think or where to turn. He seemed so out of control today that I am begining to think maybe his dad is right and he would be better off with him (he says he doesn't have any problems like I do with him although I know he has had fits on him to I have talked to people that have witnessed them). MY GOD WHAT KIND OF MOTHER AM I?????? HAVE I LOST MY MIND, HE IS MY CHILD THAT I LOVE MORE THAN ANYTHING WHY WOULD I EVEN FEEL THIS WAY. I can't belive that the thought has even crossed my mind.

Any suggestions?????


Anne 8102's picture

My SS is 11 and he was also diagnosed with, among other assorted things, Obsessive Defiant Disorder. We saw very mild things, but his mother and school had to deal with the major blowouts. These things can be helped greatly with meds and also with special programs at school. The trick is finding just what works for him and you may try a few things before you find the magic combination. SS was finally diagnosed with this at around age 6, as well, although he was exhibiting signs as early as three. He was a holy terror at school. He actually got kicked out of preschool twice. He's 11 now, almost 12, and the ODD his pretty much a thing of the past. There's hope. Take a deep breath, deal with one thing at a time. Now you know that it's not the job you're doing as a mother, but a real problem within him and IT CAN BE MANAGED.

Hang in there! It WILL get better!

Love and hugs!

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

proud mom's picture

You have helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your support and encouragement helps keep me hanging in there.


Live for today,you may not have a tommorow