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When I get the step kid web site up, let ya'll know

princessandthepee's picture

Ok, so here's the best thing about pain. It drives you nuts. Completely, totally nuts. When you are nuts, there are no barriers between you and truth. The idea of writing is crazy to me, I have not done it in so long.
Writing feels like my secret step child. All the things that are not supposed to happen, that are not supposed to be seen, experienced, but yet are. The things we live with, the things we hate living with, the things we know teach us truth, teach us trust in knowledge, knowing, eventually faith. The things we stupidly shy awy from, the things we must face.
Shit, ladies, we're all facing the same shit.
Shit, ladies, how much courage are we supposed to have?


Kes's picture

"When you are nuts, there are no barriers between you and truth" - this sentence rang true to me because I had a collosal breakdown in 1999 and was hospitalised. I was nuts for a while, caused by various overwhelming stresses in my life. But while I was so ill, I saw things very clearly - too clearly by far - and some of this gave me insight and helped me to get better eventually. I saw that if I wanted to remain well, I had to leave my unhealthy first marriage, which I did.
It is true, life requires immense courage. I don't believe we are only given what we can bear. A lot of people - including me in 1999 - are given more than they can bear, and they break, some temporarily, like me, and some permanently. The things I learned about myself and others when I was unwell have stood me in good stead for dealing with the incredible pressures of my step situation. For me that has been the silver lining in the cloud.