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SD's lazinessss is driving me insane.

porcelian-doll's picture

She has been wearing the same outfit for two days. When DH asks her to help around the house she just moves things around in extra slow motion. Her room is just one pile of clothes stuffed in a corner, unmade bed and soda cans and an open bag of chips on her desk and wrappers all over the floor and her vanity is a mess with makeup open and spilled everywhere and tissues and cotton balls every where and that is what she calls clean so imagine it dirty.

I'm annoyed with her laziness. She can't even put her own dishes in the sink just throws them from across the room she broke a glass plate so now she can only use plastic. And the dishes she "washes" are all greasy and crusty. If you saw our guest bathroom your eyes would sting. I am only going to get bigger and more and more pregnant. I can't keep cleaning up after her and I don't want her here if all she is going to do is bring filth and not clean up. Before she decided to move in our house was always clean now we have ants and roaches. I picked up the clothing iron off her bedroom floor and it was covered in ants. I can't take it. DH had to go off to work but I am going to ask him to have a talk with her when he gets home because she won't listen to me so its not worth talking to her just for her to roll her eyes and huff and puff and then still barely clean anything.


SM with BM from hell's picture

I don't even allow the kids to eat anywhere but the kitchen and dining room. I've caught my SD trying to sneak food in her room and I went nuts. I've recently established the rule where I tell BS and SD once to clean up their stuff and if I see their belongings randomly scattered around after they know its going in the garbage. Both have already had things thrown out and now I'm not seeing clothes and other items scattered about. They also know that everything in their room has a place and if I tell them to clean their rooms that's what I mean. In other words do not shove things in desk drawers or under the bed put it where it goes. If I come in and see things everywhere it also goes in the trash b/c I interpret it as you no longer have space for things, so we make room. It took a couple of times for them to know I was serious but it was worth the few days of headache and pouting.

Starla's picture

DH of Starla here, this is what I had to do with my kids.

Just a little history to start. My ex is a pig. While we were married I did the cooking, cleaning and working full time. She did laundry, well her own cloths at least. I catered to everyone, I was just a sap that way.

After our divorce I got fed up with the messes that my kids would make when they would come for weekend visits. Nothing ever got put away and they would run wild when my back was turned. One day enough was enough and I barrowed a truck and started hauling things to the dump. I went though everything. If it had not been used in the last two years it was either sold or thrown. That included everything that the kids had and I was even more stringent in my choices there.

The kids got daily inspections after that and were assigned daily chores (areas that they had to keep clean at all times, floors counters sinks etc.). Their rooms had to be clean and inspected before they went any where or were allowed to play.

Your husband has the responsibility of controlling his daughters environment when she is there and cleaning up her messes when she is not. what I feel he should be doing is standing over her and making her cleanup her own things. That is his obligation to you, his daughter and the family as a whole.