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SD threatening to harm herself if DH takes her phone.

porcelian-doll's picture

She has failed the school year. Not one grade above a D. She was doing good earlier but just got lazy. DH told her to hand over the phone because she is grounded grades are nothing to be played with. Its not like she tries so hard and fails its that she doesn't try gets home and jumps on the computer and cell phone. Always saying she doesn't have homework the same thing at BM's house. She ignored DH so he snatched the phone right out of her hand. She got hysterical and threatened to kill herself or run away if he took her phone. I mean she was acting insane. DH walked away from her and told her to calm down. You could hear her from the other end of the house crying and screaming " give me my phone". BM came over and tried to get SD15 tried to calm down SD. SD then started screaming that everyone hates her. I took DD out for a stroller ride around the park because i was done dealing with the drama. When I got back SD was gone.

DH said he gave SD's phone to BM and BM took her. BM said she was putting SD on suicide watch. DH had his head in his hands. This is not a situation anyone wants to be in.


Shaman29's picture


She's a 15 year old girl having a temper tantrum.

This is the equivalent of a 4 year old holding it breath until they get their way.

porcelian-doll's picture

That's what BM did. Its one thing to throw a tantrum its another to threaten suicide that is a serious thing. I hope she is in there right now thinking about this. Was all of this really worth it over a cell phone.

StepKat's picture

She is acting like a brat. The phone and computer should have been taken away from her when the grades started dropping in the first place. Let her throw her temper tantrum, but DO NOT give her back that phone!

Needalifeboat's picture

What is with these kids? Teenage girls are just a nightmare and a half. I understand how upsetting this is to you all but I'm hoping she's just full of empty threats. That it is just a temper tantrum. Kids can't do this to get their way, there's no easy way to show them that. Has to be done the hard way. And yes, watch her like a hawk so she has no opportunity to follow through on her threats.

Shaman29's picture

Trust me.....had I threatened suicide over a cell phone, my mother would have looked me in the eye and said...make sure you clean up after yourself when you're done.

Needalifeboat's picture

Absolutely. My parents would have grounded me for weeks and the phone would have been disconnected indefinitely.

DaizyDuke's picture

DH was attacked by his own daughter for taking away her phone, she broke his shoulder.

Holy Hell in a handbasket! did she get arrested, thrown in jail??? WTF?

porcelian-doll's picture

Hanny thanks she's doing great she laughs at everything. right no she refusing a bottle from DH and kicking her little feet.

misSTEP's picture

If she would seriously attempt suicide over this? She's got bigger issues than grades.

DaizyDuke's picture

What is with these kids and their terroristic threats around here today? This is just ridiculous. She needs her ass called out and her phone shut off.

My BS4 got mad at me the other day because I told him no about some stupid thing. He told he was going to run away. I asked him if he was leaving right now? then a couple of minutes later, I asked him why he was still in the living room, I thought he was running away? I know he's only 4 and not serious, but I promise you if he is 14 and pulls this shit he will get the same reaction. I will not EVER be threatened by a child FFS.

learningallthetime's picture

When I was this glorious age, I made similar threats, my mum said "make sure you do it in the bathroom, where I can clean up easily. Any other room in the house, I will kill myself too and hunt you down in hell". She then walked away and cooked dinner LMAO

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Great response! I have also heard in reponse to over-dramatic teenager threats:

Firt, you kill youself, then i will kill myself, then your grandparents will kill themsleves, since they have just lost both their daughter and their granddaughter.
AND THEN all their money will go to your cousin, who you HATE SO MUCH!

The girl is still alive...

Jsmom's picture

SD18 did this and then BM called her bluff and took her to the hospital. We were out of the drama at that time, but lets say she stopped that after three days in the hospital. I know so little of that time, since I stayed out of it and we had given custody to BM. But, BM doesn't ever follow through, but SD has threatened it, but I think she knows now, not to say it out loud or she is going back to the hospital.