Have you seen this “suck it up SM” blog?
Apparently everyone needs to suck it up in every situation according to this shrink. For example, she tells SM here that she should be ok w BM at holidays. Click through the rest of the site- SMs feelings are rarely taken into consideration. https://bonusfamilies.com/im-not-grateful-for-thanksgiving-with-my-ex/
- pixielady's blog
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https://exetiquette.com/ here’s link to main site.
I had a look at the site.
I had a look at the site. "Turn your step family into a BONUS family" seems to be their strap line. OMG, barf, or what? If I had to spend a holiday with NPD BM (TG in the UK we don't have Thanksgiving) I'd lose the will to live. Tbh, I'd just never agree to it in the first place. I don't think this is an actual letter from a real step mother anyhow - it's probably just a made-up one - no step mother would be that effing stupid.
" turn your cat into a
" turn your cat into a unicorn" and other fantasies.
Bonus implies good or extra
Bonus implies good or extra or advantageous profit.
My experience is the opposite.
Step family life is a ball of sh!te!
I already told DH if MIL ever
I already told DH if MIL ever follows through with her "the Skids shouldn't feel their family is divided and she should be at holidays" crap. I will not be attending the holiday. She causes me unnecessary stress, she causes it for the Skids as well though... (so this all could just be that she's beyond high conflict) I'll host my own holiday.
I don't get why you'd make everyone uncomfortable either. Personally out of respect for the wife of my child... My daughter in law... I wouldn't invite the ex to holidays no matter how pleasant she was either. To me that's just causing tension that doesn't need to be there and failing to create boundaries.
I wouldn't go. Why would I
I wouldn't go. Why would I want to be around my ex and his wife there?... How can that be a comfortable situation for anyone???
i'm so glad my dh supports
i'm so glad my dh supports me. not related to the holidays, but i vividly remember they day his own mother (who even *I* called 'mom') screamed in my husband's face (regarding dumb@$$) "SHE IS FAMILY AND SHE WILL ALWAYS BE FAMILY!!!!"
dh has had ZERO substantial relationship with her in the many years since. she made 'amends" back in may without actually apologizing for anything, but it will never, ever be anything remotely close to what it had been.
Bahaha MIL tried telling Dh
Bahaha MIL tried telling Dh the girls shouldn't ever feel like their family is divided and that she's part of our little family... And How the girls should get FAMILY PICTURES of them and DH and BM (uhhhh no). DH normally just lets her talk and then ignores her... Gotta love the crazy some days...
BM is crazy in our situation and has virtually zero contact with the Skids by her own choice anyways... I think when you ditch the skids you kind of lose any pull you might have had regarding together time anyways... Because if you're being their mom, I can understand trying to facilitate the OCCASIONAL situation (def not holidays, family reunions, family pictures... etc.) But NOPE! Crazy lady who cheated the whole marriage and neglects and border-line emotionally abuses the skids... There's no reason for amends to even be made. The Skids are happy where they are.
I don't know if this exact
I don't know if this exact clip is the best example of your feelings.
The person clearly identifies that dad is not the one sending the invite but the in-laws. I understand SM position about being uncomfortable about this but we lack enough information to tell what's really going on in this case. Either way it's not really up to her or dad if BM is invited or not and in many cases in-laws might maintain a relationship with the Ex for all sorts of reasons including seeing this person as the mother of their grandchildren.
Basically there is way to little information here. I'd like to share an example.
My parents where married almost 25 years when they divorced. My dad's family made sure to very clearly tell my mom she was still 100% apart of the family no matter what was going on with my dad. Even when my mom had essential cut off all communication with my dad my grandparents still cared for her, called her, and ensured she knew she was welcome. Why was this the case? Because my mother is a daughter to them after that long. Yes even as an adult it was very odd to be at my grandparents and see both my now divorced parents present.... What was even more odd was to see my grandfather clearly tell my dad that he screwed up big time.....
We have no clue why BM and BD in this case split. We don't know how old the kids are and honestly we don't know how the rest of the family feels. Maybe the feel odd because of how SM behaves? Maybe this tradition of both parents being present even if divorced has been going on for years.
I think the very end is the hardest part. Of course it's once more telling the SM to put the kids first and yes as we all know that may not be possible but maybe it is. Who knows.
This clip is just an example
This clip is just an example of the thread that runs through this blog (and through society’s head) that SMS feelings are st the bottom of the totem pole. That SM needs to co-parent w BM (mentioned in other blog posts). That SM has no needs and that skids feelings needs trump all. Just frustrated because under my inlaws superficial niceties, they think we should all be one big happy family.
In this case though it's not
In this case though it's not skids feelings it's the in-laws.
I do understand that there is pressure from society. Trust me I despise those sappy sick pictures of sport kid with both parents / step parents label "Co-parent" win.
Yeah co-parenting is great and wonderful and if we call could do it that would be amazing but it's not always possible. The world needs to see that sometimes trying to co-parent can actually be harmful for the children if one parent isn't having it.
We attempted niceties of inviting BM to be with us for certain 'smaller' holidays this first year to which she responded very heatedly. Alright fine done. Point is we can show the children we did make an honest attempt and that's good enough for me.
On the other hand this excessive unneeded hostility from moment one towards BM is also over the top. I understand wanting something special and not having her over for tea but not all BM's out there are the slime most of us on this site deal with. For that matter not all SM's are that great either.
I think if it is possible then parents and stepparents should try to be cordial for the children's sake. If possible attend the same games, school plays, and so on. Sit in the same area though by no means do you need to sit together but the kid being able to look from the front row then back a few rows to see all their family would be nice. SO's kids have seen BM and I stand near each other. Trust me I hold no pleasant feeling for this woman but they don't need to see us fight and they should have to feel they have to pick sides for every little thing.
Holidays are bigger of course but in this case your asking in-laws to reject a person whom they may see as family because you can't be an adult. If you can't handle it then don't go and come up with some excuse like work, being with your family, some friend is in the hospital. Whatever but trying to control what other adults do isn't going to make you out to be a good person.
Again this doesn't mean that BM should be allowed to come over and start crap. If it's going to be openly hostile then the in-laws need to respect that their child has a new partner and they come first but don't make it a problem yourself. Let the ex do it.
I have had to be in social
I have had to be in social situations with meth ex (school recitals, ballet recitals, plays) and it was simple to ignore her and pretend she was just another body in the crowd. In a family gathering thankfully none of DH's family lives here, and none of them ever liked meth ex anyway.
DH's parents are divorced and have been for a very long time, almost 32 years in fact. DH went for a visit and his mom hosted a BBQ and told DH to invite his dad and wife, she even offered to leave her home and BBQ for a few hours while his dad and wife were there if it made them uncomfortable. DH's dad was okay with that, but the wife was livid and refused to allow DH's dad to go. Personally in that instance I felt the wife (SM) was in the wrong. DH ended up leaving the BBQ for a few hours to meet up with his dad and the wife to have a drink at a local bar so that he could see his dad for a bit. Personally the wife (SM) does really get uppity over my DH and his brother who are all grown adults and she married the dad after kids were all grown adults. I used to like her until she pulled some absolute BS about telling DH he needed to be a better son to his father and come visit more and call more and yet she won't allow his dad to come visit us because they have horses and she can't take care of them alone. After that I really don't communicate with her. I mean I understand being a SM can be hard, but DH and his brother have always been nice to her and have never treated her poorly. Yet she has a huge chip on her shoulder about DH and his brother for some reason.
I have stayed very close to
I have stayed very close to my ex SIL in the 25 years since she and my brother have been divorced. As were my parents while they were still alive
But NONE of us EVER expected my brothers wife to attend any function with her husband’s ex. That is just, rude, crude and socially unacceptable.
You're amazing. I just felt
You're amazing. I just felt you should know that. It's THIS thought process that would save TONS of SMs a lot of pain in the long run!!! Plus wouldn't make her feel like she's some weird half-wife because everyone wants the other one around.
If a mutual child is having a
If a mutual child is having a huge moment, such as graduating from high school, college, getting married, just had a baby, or G-d forbid is very sick- those are the only moments that I can think of that really make sense for divorced people to hang out together if they have new spouses. In those types of situation, everyone should make nice.
Holidays that happen every year, birthdays, etc... those you can do separately.
I can't wait until my child with my ex is old enough that I don't have to talk to him about anything anymore. One more year!!!!
Can't imagine showing up at all of their family holidays even if I were invited. I wouldn't want to be there. Some of these BMs have no pride, and the DHs have no sensitivity to their wives. Those types aren't fit to have second marriages.
Yes, agreed on the once in a
Yes, agreed on the once in a lifetime events.
The ex etiquette blog ladies
The ex etiquette blog ladies are nuttier than 100 fruitcakes. Their mantra that they constantly repeat is that EVERYTHING must be done with the overall theme that the children come first. Always and evermore. Doesn’t matter if the “children” are in their 50s and the divorced parents are in nursing homes on life support. All life decisions must be based on what is best for the children.
We were faced with a similar
We were faced with a similar situation this year when OSD decided to host Thanksgiving at her new home. She invited us.... but also invited her mom and her BF.
Now, backstory is that I really dislike family holiday functions... my family..your family. I don't care... don't like them... torturous.
So, add to that the difficulty level 100 of having to sit at the same table as your DH's EX. Someone who has caused a lot of stress in your household and has said horrible things to you in the past.
Nope.. nein, non. Not happening. My DH was in complete agreement. It's not that he dislikes his daughter, but he doesn't want spend time with his EX either.
MIL gets all teary and how "family should be together".. blah blah blah and how the EX has done way more to HER than to ME... so I should be able to just suck it up.
No. Lady, we have and had a different relationship with the EX. She didn't sleep with your husband. Thanksgiving dinner isn't life or death. It's not once in a lifetime wedding (which I DID go to).. 22 yo OSD has unrealistic expectations if she thinks her dad and I are going to voluntarily spend time with his EX.
So, the same way I didn't attend showers for her baby etc (but sent gifts).. if she includes her mother.. then she is excluding her father.
I mean, I guess if your family wants to maintain relationships with their family's ex spouse.. fine. But don't expect your family member to want to be around while you do it.
You know what's funny. I keep
You know what's funny. I keep seeing how "everything has to be for the children first."
If it was that way for all parties involved we wouldn't have these issues.
If BM wasn't an insane vindictive b*tch just out for money then there wouldn't be fights in court over who gets the kids when. If BD wasn't running around the country chasing tail then the kids wouldn't feel ignored.
If everyone did put the kids first then splitting Christmas wouldn't be such a big deal.
The thing is that in this case it's only step-parents who are expected to put the children first and completely ignoring the fact that many times bio-parents are the first failures to this. If BM was polite and respectful which is putting the kids first then more SM's wouldn't have issues sitting down together for a ball game.
Just a thought.
Spot on, dontfeedthetrolls.
Spot on, dontfeedthetrolls.
Nope. Not worth it. My hubby
Nope. Not worth it. My hubby tried to do this our first year...not holidays but bbq’s. Turned into such a joke that has now gone on for eight years. Forcing the get together never works.
Ex and I did a combo college graduation party for our daughter....never again...awkward .
Our son is graduating high school next year. Not doing a combo party. I have no idea what he will be doing for his son but he and his parents are not invited to the party I am throwing for my son. We just want to have a fun time and not an awkward time.
shrink Are people who can’t
shrink Are people who can’t get real jobs, if you get to know them on a personal level, you find out they are nuts. Or nuttier then I am.
Don’t listen to them. Don’t let them play Happy Family. It’s not for the kids, it’s for them
Quote: "According to the
Quote: "According to the rules of good ex-etiquette, the ex shouldn’t be invited to every family get-together, but holidays are understandable if the children are also present."
There are rules of ex-etiquette, what the shit? Did anyone get an SM handbook on how to deal with the hot mess of baggage, Disney Dads, BioHos and assorted soul-sucking drama? Stupid blog and a stupider website. We're expected to hold hands and sing kum baya with the baggage now as well as look after their kids for them, thanks but no thanks![Sad](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/sad.gif)
Valkyrie, EVERYTHING you
Valkyrie, EVERYTHING you said!!!
Barf. This is the crap my MIL
This is the crap my MIL spews. “The only thing that matters is the children.” Which basically means skid. Eff me, eff our marriage, eff our bios. This is code speak for keeping BM in the forefront.
Is this shrink for real!????
Is this shrink for real!???? Cheese and rice!!!
Second, you married a man who
Second, you married a man who has been married before and with that comes an ex-wife. You can wish her away, but believe us, she won’t go. It is what it is.
Third, extended family lives on after a divorce. Many former in-laws have told us, “We didn’t divorce her (or him), our child did.” Family ties are not easily severed and the reason why some exes continue to be invited to family gatherings. That’s what bothers many in your position. They feel that out of respect for the new union, the former spouse should not be invited to special occasions. And, when they are, they take it personally.
1) yeah, and he's had other relationships...so he has a bunch of ex-girlfriends too. They're gone, why can't she? The kids? They're around, why does she have to be there too just because she's the mom? Please.
2) extended family infers there's a "family" tie. The tie was cut when they split. Are all the other exes invited? No. Because the tie is cut. You wouldn't invite any other ex...just because the kids slid out of her doesn't give her a free pass to be elevated above all the other exes like she's something special. She's not.
The existence of kids doesn't change what is appropriate or not. If the kids didn't exist, the ex wouldn't be there. Leave her out of it, she's no longer part of the in crowd.