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SD faked her pregnancy!

Patsy's picture

This past weekend was a complete mess. We were celebrating DH's birthday with friends at camp. My DH and DD are musicians and they were performing with my DH's band when SD showed up in the middle of their second set. We were not expecting SD so there was the first initial shock just that she was there. I think my FIL or MIL must have told her where we were. SD was the first to meet my Dh when he was done playing and I see them hugging and SD crying. My DD came over to tell me that SD lost her baby. I was of course sorry for her and wanted to talk to her about it. I gave her a hug and told her how sorry I was this had happened to her. I asked if she drove out on her own and she replied that she did. SD asked if she could stay the night with us because she didn't want to go home to her husband. I did not answer I just told her she needed to ask her dad. DH and SD talked and cried and talked and cried. I felt terrible for the both of them. He did end up letting her stay in our camper. I have no clue if her husband knew where she was or not. I went to bed early that night to give them some time alone. Well in the middle of the night I see that SD is gone and my DH is by the fire alone. I didn't even want to go out I just figured SD went to the bath house or something and I went back to bed. The morning came and SD was still not there. DH told me that BM picked up SD. I told him that I could understand that after all she is going through. DH looks at me and says,” She was never pregnant. I told her I didn't want her here in the morning. I didn't want everyone going on about how sorry they were for her. I called BM to come pick her up."
I felt like my heart was ripped out I was so pissed I couldn't process this. I didn't bring it up until last night. I wanted to know how SD told DH and how she told BM.
It turns out that after sitting with her dad and facing his questions she couldn't keep up the lie anymore. I have had 2 miscarriages and one stillborn at 25 weeks (close to where SD should have been in her pregnancy now). DH knew that what SD was saying didn't add. Just the fact that she said miscarriage instead of stillborn to him was enough to know she didn't know what she was talking about. DH then told me that BM was in on the lie too. This really blows me away. I really thought the pregnancy was the entire reason why BM allowed SD to get married at 17. Then it clicked why would they keep up with the lie --- DH had been giving money directly to SD. DH came clean and told me that when he would see her he would give her money and that is the only reason why he thinks she kept up with the lie. Ok that explains why she stopped cancelling on you so much. SD wanted your money. So I ask well WTF does her husband think about all this! DH just says " I don't give a $hit what he thinks or what he knows. I’m done with all of them.”

I think the whole situation is sad, but I so want to gloat to my FIL and ask him if he still thinks SD should be DH’s priority?


Patsy's picture

I hope he is done, but I won't hold my breath. I can hear it now. SD needs more counceling..

Patsy's picture

Lady- I just thought of something she has been married for 5 months now and she hasn't been able to get pregnant and you know she had to be trying her damndest. Maybe this is her real karma coming back for lying about it in the first place.

QueenBeau's picture

This makes me sick to my stomach. I am 15weeks & a few days pregnant right now & I felt soooo sorry for her reading about the miscarriage. But when I got to the end I was just DISGUSTED.

It would be my worse nightmare to lose my baby. To see that women are lying about this is just gross.

Patsy's picture

I'm thinking this is how my DH felt when he was told all of this. He has been there before and for anyone to just think they can lie up something like this is sickening. I think this time he is really done. If SD only knew how much this really hurt her dad.

Patsy's picture

It's terrible to be happy about something like this, but I am in a way. I was so worried about how things would go once my DH became a Grandpa.

Patsy's picture

I would think that her husbands mom would be asking questions about the "pregnancy". I have thought about getting ahold of SD's husband or his family, but then again they didn't even have the decency to tell DH about the marriage. They in fact hid it from my DH. I wish I had a hidden camera to see their reaction! }:)

zerostepdrama's picture

Wait... so why did she get married? Did she just want to be married for whatever dumb reason? And her and BM came up with the story she was married so that DH wouldnt be mad and would still support SD? Or was it a lie to the now husband so that he would marry SD and be trapped?

Dont they fight alot? This is probably why...

Why... what a messed up story...


Patsy's picture

If I had to guess.... BM gave permission for SD to marry thinking Dh woulnd't find out. I think they made up the pregnancy so this boy would marry her. The boys family has them set up in a house that is paid off. This boy is a worker and maked good money for his age so BM thought he would be perfect for SD. Sd's husband can support her while BM collects CS. When we found out SD was married DH stopped support. As to why BM kept up with the lie I don't know. I think SD kept up with the lie because Dh thought he was giving money to SD for things she will need for the soon to be baby.

hereiam's picture

Well, giving her money was a mistake, he should have bought her diapers. Lots and lots of diapers. And wipes.

Patsy's picture

Yes that would have been so much better! At least then she would have had to sell them to get money. My Dh was an idiot for giving her money like that, but what can I say if I thought my daughter was in the same position I might have done it too.

Patsy's picture

This will be my SD. She complains that she hasn't gotten a raise in two years from her job.... Could that be because you only work two days a week, request weekends off and out of those two days you are late for the majority of the time? She always feels like the world owes her something. SD is the eternal VICTIM.

hereiam's picture

I would be absolutely livid.

I have a SIL who lies about everything. She used to have my DH on the phone for hours, getting his advice and sympathy. He would be emotionally drained after getting off the phone with her, only to find out later, all lies. I was so pissed (I have not spoken to her in years).

People spend time and energy (and money) trying to help someone or they stress themselves out worrying about them and it turns out it's all for naught.

I'm just glad she 'fessed up. And got married.

Patsy's picture

I'm glad she fessed up too. I know this whole bulding a relationship back with his daughter was because there was to be a baby in the near future.

Patsy's picture

At this moment I feel the same way, but I know there will be a time and we will just have to see how I feel when that day comes.

Patsy's picture

Oh I would have never questioned it with the show she was putting on. MY FIL and MIL were besides themselves with greif for SD's fake baby. She chose to do this at my DH's birthday celebration and my DD's first time preforming with his band. What should have been a great time was ruined. I'm pretty sure someone posted a picture of the band with my DD playing and she just had to show up to ruin the night and make it all about her.

clydella's picture

Wow, just wow, I am so sorry that you & your DH have to go thru this. Does this girl not realize the damage she is causing in people's lives or does she just not care, what a selfish, selfish girl. I truly hope your DH keeps to his word and is done with her and doesn't fall for her tears or pity act that she will come at him next with.

It's time for your DH to face the truth about his daughter, I know it's hard, it was for my DH. It's hard to admit that your kid is messed up, my SD is an evil person with a bad heart, she looks for how she can take advantage of a situation and use someone till she bleeds them dry. Your SD took advantage of your DH's love for her and that of what he thought was his unborn grandchild, it's unforgivable IMO.

Patsy's picture

I don't think Sd cares about anyone but herself. I thought this for years. I guess maybe I shouldn't have disengaged then we would have known the truth before now. However, I do get satisfation from the fact that DH started to question her story and she had to tell him to his face what she had done.

Patsy's picture

Oh the family will just go back to blaming it on her upbringing. My inlaws will keep making excuses for her. My DH on the other hand will not make excuses for her. Not after this.

Patsy's picture

She crossed the line and I didn't even have to push her. She went on and on to DH how she thought it was going to be a boy and all the things DH would teach him....SICK. The baby we lost at 25 weeks was a boy.

Harleygurl's picture

What a low life piece of shit thing to do!!! Faking a pregnancy for money?? WOW! Hugs to you and your DH. That had to be hard to hear and face.

Patsy's picture

I have mixed emotions about it. When we were all preparing breakfast people were telling my DH how sorry they were about the loss of Sd's baby well, I never saw a man more beat down as to when my DH had to tell the all the friends we were camping with (over 20)that his daughter lied and was never pregnant.

Willow2010's picture

Oh Patsy! I am so sorry. And SOOO very sorry for your DH. I feel so bad for him.

Patsy's picture

Willow- AS much as I am happy he is seeing her true colors I am very upset for him. This is just another thing I have against her. I am pissed, but I'm sure DH is more hurt than pissed. I just hope everyone backs off him and doesan't push him to rush in and try to salvage a relationship. It isn't healthy for him. Funny thing is that my DD shows no emotion about it at all.

tabby yabba do's picture

When I read skid stories like these, I imagine "How would I feel if it was my DD"

And the answer is this:

On some level I failed as a parent. My kid is a hot mess and has serious unaddressed mental health issues. Time for me to apologize to everyone my kids hurts with her mind-fuck games and distance myself from her crazy ass until she seeks help for herself.

There is no excuse for this and your SD17 is a POS with little hope to ever develop any redeeming qualities. Waste of air as they say.

Patsy's picture

We all had a part in raising this mess of a woman, but she is a woman now and your right she has to see what she has done and stop being a victim if she ever plans on having a relationship with anyone. It's so sad I never would have imagined SD would have turned out like this. I can't help but to think if BM wouldn't have put up constant blocks to keep SD from her dad this would not be this way. Everyone said it was her age, they were wrong it was because she was being raised by a self-absorbed alcoholic who didn't want anything better for her own daughter.

Patsy's picture

I don't know him very well. I hope he was a victim in all f this and not just letting the lie go on so his wife would get money out of my DH.

Patsy's picture

Thanks Hollow I am doing pretty well with it. It is painful to think about our son he would have been 7 two days before SD gave DH the news of her lie.

Patsy's picture

My stomach has been turning ever since. I guess I am just still in shock that she would have gone this far.

Patsy's picture

I was never so happy to hear she was gone when he told me the news. I have a vision of blue and reds lights coming into the campground if she would have stayed. I am so thankful he called BM to pick her up and made sure she was taking her car with them.

Patsy's picture

There are no words to describe the hurt she has caused. My husband is so beat from all of this and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. I feel better talking but my DH rather just keep to himself.