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Thank you

Parrotmom's picture

I would just like to say a massive thank you to all of you, before I had this blog I would just sit and cry and let the sadness take over and now, although there is still tears i find some peace in knowing I'm not alone and all of your advice is so helpful in helping me process the thoughts in my head. I don't have any friends that have stepkids so have never had anyone able to talk to and who could give me sound advice. I don't think I will ever find my situation easy but to be able to put it down on here and empty my head has helped me so much so Thank you to each and everyone who has ever commented. Xxx


justmakingthebest's picture

This site has been a Godsend for me for years. I hope you take some of the advice given. Only you know what is best for you, your marriage and your family, but there is a lot of advice given here that will save your sanity. 

JRI's picture

How I wish Steptalk had been available in 1972 when I found myself with 2 kids and 3 SKs at 27yo.  It wouldn't have cured anything but it would have saved so much anguish.

CLove's picture

Ive been around for a looooooong while. I stick around to share my experiences because "these are my people" (I always found this cliche, but it works).

Glad you found us and joined our community. Ive been pretty raw on here and these are the folks who can take it in and give me their rawness back. We grieve for the life we had thought we were going to create with people who are broken or worse personality disordered. 

Glad you are here.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This site was a game changer for me. I found it at my lowest point, and got the validation and education I needed to better my situation and stop being a doormat.

StepTalk is truth and reality delivered straight with no chaser. Not everyone can handle that, but it was exactly what I needed back then to snap me out of my delusions and keeps me grounded today.

Stepdrama2020's picture

This site helped me see I am not crazy like my ex told me I was. Well some may argue with that LOL, but at least we are in good crazy company here. Awesome that you feel validated and helped.

For the first time in 10 years I felt the validation I needed from this site. Even though I am no longer in a step crapola family I come on here because its therapeutic . A community of like minded.