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Angry Weekend

panda's picture

I have spent the entire weekend angry. Sad

I don't know if Hubby will stick by what he told Demented about her not having SS this weekend. Apparently, she has a party planned and has already told SS. (When you want to be sure to get your way, make sure that you jump the gun and tell the children all about it first, so that if the other parent doesn't agree, then THEY are the bad guy for refusing - not you.)

Hubby said that he feels that HE has influenced how I feel about Demented by the things that he has told me. I told him that I can recognize incompetence, mental illness, games and manipulation quite well all by myself and I am capable of forming my own impressions of people.

I did decide that I will be the one deciding when I meet her to pick SS up. If she doesn't like the times that I am available, then she can meet Hubby at a time that HE is available. I can do that little, at least, to control my own time. I will not play games and be manipulated.

This whole situation is interfering with my schoolwork and concentration. I need to get her out of my head.
