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Going on strike!

overworkedmom's picture

It is only a matter of time before I am able to move out with my bios and I probably shouldn't rock the boat right now because I am not ready to leave, but F this!!!!! I am not just disengaging, I am on strike. I will not do a god damn thing for either one of those idiots.

I told ahh that he needs to put ss in check because his mouth is out of control. Ahh says to me "your the one I need to put in check". I told him that this is why his son is a little asshole and slammed the door. I am D.O.N.E.


KiFire's picture

Omfg what a tool bag!! Good for you going on strike. Stay strong and just take care of you and yours.

overworkedmom's picture

Hopefully 6 more weeks and it will be done. If I do decide to move one town over I have to wait until mid June... It's complicated dealing with my bios and school...

misSTEP's picture

When I was getting ready to move out, I tried to be as dispassionate as possible. None of it mattered, really, because I was leaving anyway. Once in a while, I still got very hurt. I made the decision that he would no longer be allowed to see me cry so if I felt a spell coming on, I went to the bathroom to have privacy.

Harleygurl's picture

What a douche canoe! Polite but firm is my motto. Don't do anything but be very polite about it and slip away into the great wonderful world out there when he's not looking. But first you might want to install a hidden camera or two so you can see his reaction when he comes home and realizes you are gone. That would be priceless! LOL