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Do I tell him??

overworkedmom's picture

Yesterday I posted about BM being a fugitive (that still makes me giggle }:) ). She had 2 charges against her, one a felony and failed to appear in court. I didn't get a chance to tell SO before the kids went to bed but right I as am coming out of the kids rooms I hear SO on the phone. Guess who? BM's mother.

She told him that the case was continued and BM is living with her for now until she can get into another halfway house (she has already been kicked out of 2 in the past year). I just sit there stunned. Now I am afraid to throw out there that I know what really happened. I feel like it makes me nosey or petty to have looked it up in public records to find out what is going on with her. Should I tell SO or should I just let it go? How should I bring it up if I do?


cant win for losin's picture

Heck yea I would tell. (but that's just me }:) )

I would tell him a friend found the info, and then told me.

"oh man, dh. Today so and so told me they were on the internet and saw BM's name about this and this incident. I guess it said....blah blah (details of incident) Can you believe it? I thought it was yada yada (what he thought it was)"

Then if he asks questions you can say "i dunno, I didn't ask her." (your friend)

stepmama2one's picture

Hell no! Dont feel petty..I do this on my SD's mom all the time. I feel as if its a way to find answers for my SD and my husband because the BM constantly lies to them. Let him mention it and say," Yeah I was going to tell you but I didnt get the chance to do that before someone else did." If my husband doesnt mention anything I bring it up anyway. I mean if you dont tell him then that is the same, IMHO, as Bm knowing whats going on and not telling him. Im not trying to put you in the same category as her by no means Im just saying thats what bm is doing right now so I would tell him.....

overworkedmom's picture

Thanks Ladies. I think I will say something along the lines of I was curious how long it was continued so I looked it up, and guess what it said??

stepmama2one's picture

Well there you go..That sounds good. Let us know how he takes the news }:)

CrazieCoconut86's picture

I like your plan, you were looking up how long it was continuted and saw ...

But then, I would go one step further... call the police and make an anonymus (sp) tip that you know where the fugitive is. }:)

overworkedmom's picture

I don't know where she actually lives just the general area and I don't know the BM's Mom's last name... All the women in that family have different names and none are married, so go figure! They are all messed up...