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Bio Brag time!!

overworkedmom's picture

My kids got report cards sent home. My son is so freaking awesome! He is at "mastering" level on everything (they don't do alphabet grades yet)! He had a whole paragraph written for each subject about how smart and motivated and just excited about learning he is. My heart exploded with joy reading it!

My daughter is the same way! She is in Kindergarten and since she is so far beyond grade level her teacher has her helping with the 3 kids that don't speak English. She is helping them learn to read! I am so very very proud of her too!

SS- LOL... developing or below grade level across the board. 2 sentences written- Need to develop basic reading, needs to develop basic math.

AHH wanted to ignore my kids accomplishments beacause " they always have good report cards" and wanted me to praise SS for raising 1 stinking grade from below grade level to developing.

REALLY??? :sick: I think we are going to do a movie night! Blum 3


thinkthrice's picture

Good for your kids!! Shows what can be done when you have ACTUAL EXPECTATIONS for them!

Sweet T's picture

congrats to your kids! I am sorry but if my kid wasn't doing well in school I would be doing everything I could to help them.

Thanksfully all the kids steps and bio have always excelled in school. BS was just invited to participate in his 3rd program in the gifted program this year. When he was invited to the reading one his father complained because it was more homework and we have to do it with him. Guess what he did it once. To me it is an honor.

You soooo need amovie night to celebrate.

overworkedmom's picture

My son is gifted too. I will say, sometimes all those extra projects to get frustrating. But I am so proud of him for having that honor I would never show it!

Sweet T's picture

I know, it makes me so proud. Good grades are so important. My brothers son struggles and may not pass 3rd grade. His mom is a teacher at the school he attends. I am not sure why they have not gotten a tutor or enrolled him in something like learning RX. When I was home visiting and was sharing BS's accomplishments my mom said it made my brother ( who is much more successful then me) feel bad, because he is really worried about his son. To me it's a no brainer get him help... to my mom, I should not brag about BS infront of them.

I am so glad you are getting your kids out. This last month has been hard, but not walking on egg shells is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your kids.