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News Flash.....BM's have sore arms......

overmyhead's picture

BM's it has been discovered have very sore arms......between pointing fingers, patting themselves on the back, and covering their ears, they must be exhausted.....

(a version of this was posted in the wrong spot by me in error)


overmyhead's picture

Good one Katrinkie......I should have been the first to think of that one......
Lets see if we can think of some more.....

How about from "stirring the cauldron"?

overmyhead's picture

drying their eyes.....DH doesn't love me anymore.....He didn't wish me happy birthday, or happy mothers day....or happy freeloader day.....

OneStepBehind's picture

You make a very general statement about BM's though you are one yourself. So are these all the things you do also?
Take a look in the mirror

PoisonApples's picture


You only joined 4 hours ago and this is the only post you've made.

What are you hoping to get out of this site?

dguiwh2334's picture

Hahaha, I was really enjoying reading these before the negative poster had to comment.. No offense to you, but pretty much everyone on this site dislikes the BM in their situation, that doesn't mean tho that comments were thrown towards mothers on here who do their job!
My notes.. BM arms are tired from primping her bleach dried out hair n applying enough makeup to llok like a hooker Smile and of course reaching out her open palm for money! But def "patting herself on the back" I love it!!!

HennyPen's picture

there will always be a party pooper in each crowd. I thought they were pretty darn funny too and I am a BM and a SM too. Us BM's that know if the shoe doesn't fit us not to take offense...if it does..well then..if it walks like a duck and looks like a

dguiwh2334's picture

HennyPen, thank you! I totally agree.. Aren't we supposed to vent here? Lol.. In order to all get along, we can't take things personally if they aren't directed towards us..

overmyhead's picture


I took your advice and looked in the mirror.....which was hard to do as I hold my head so high....see.....joke at my own's called yes I am a BM.....therefore I am also guilty of some of the above mentioned posts.....

JMC's picture

"I took your advice and looked in the mirror.....which was hard to do as I hold my head so high...."

OMG, overmyhead, I just laughed so hard I snorted coffee out my nose! Too funny!!!

Bettina's picture

Hehehehehe.....You Girls make me laugh....Thank You for that. Sometimes I have to call my sis and read some of the humor on here to her. It makes both of our days.