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MIL has church member send SD fruit basket...

overit4tenyrs's picture

I am all for uplifting and support. I am a woman of faith myself but this just really ticked me off. MIL is apparently sharing SD and DH moving out situation with her church family. One of then sent SD17 a fruit basket and had it delivered to the house this weekend. OMG...I am so over the crap. First MIL crosses the line and offers SD a way out, so there is no reason for SD to heaven forbid improve her attitude and contribute to this house, now there's a concept. Anyhow, when SD and DH get into it about leaving and SD insists she isnt living here afer she turns 18, so DH says theres the door...THEN MIL decides to try and change DH's mind????? This is so screwed up. Does anyone else see how manipulating this woman is...interfering when SD is NOT her child. Ughhh!

I had half a mind to call MIL and tell her thank you so much, it is amazing the change in SD's attitude sense she received the basket of fruit...remarkable Smile Then I have to keep reminding my self to disengage...I am not responsible for SD or DH's outcomes...they were on that road a long time ago. All I can do is change me and the outcomes for my children with DH.


stepoff's picture

Your MIL needs to mind her own freakin business. Has DH talked with her about staying out of the family business? All I can suggest is hang in there until she's 18. At that point, there's no legal obligation to keep her in your home. She can go wherever she likes and you can wipe the slate clean of her.

katieholmes07's picture

Fruits and vegetables should be a staple in the diet because they pack in nutrients and are typically low in calories.Fresh Fruit Bouquet They make healthy snacks and great additions to omelets, add color to the lunch or dinner plate, satisfy with their chewiness and hydrate with their high water composition.