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Puke keeps trying

over step's picture

Puke tells dh that for her birthday she wants him to take her several states away to go see a girl she has never met. Dh says no. Now Puke is playing the sob story card saying how down she has been lately. This is a card Puke has played many times before to get what she wants. Dh will undoubtedly fall for it. Poor Puke has such a rough life. Boo hoo. He will however not tell her yes to her birthday present.


over step's picture

I have my suspicions that she has taken a dip in the lady pool once before but has a steady BF now.

over step's picture

Puke is doing online school so is home during the day. As far as doing things outside of the house, I don't know. Puke told dh that the pup is so dependent on her that it gets really upset if she isn't right there with it. Now do I completely believe that? No. Sounds like a pity excuse to have to bring the pup.

Bm would probably be willing to watch it if she did go out. But that just proves that she is the better parent. Yeah right.

over step's picture

Puke's hate club has a new member! Here is your welcome packet full of all sorts of goodies.

Oh yes Puke's life is always worse than anyone else's has ever been or will be. Convenient how this is only an issue when it's not going her way. I'm so immune to her disease.

Monchichi's picture

I didn't think you'd support it. I am surprised at the kicking puke's ass part. Saying yes then flaking. I'm so used to the whole kissing butt to make sure the kids never hate dad ideal.