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Tupperware and forks

oneoffour's picture

Please PLEASE explain to me why I have an ever increasing supply of tupperware and utensils from BMs house? Yes, I know my SS18 brings over food and utensils and leaves them at our place. We have even ended up with a cordless phone from her place this week! If someone took my cordless phone out of the house I would KILL them. We aren't talking a cell phone. A cordless phone! Not to mention forks, spoons, cups, tupperware. it never ends!

If I was paranoid I would think that she is trying to infiltrate my home but seeing she would prefer I fell off the face of the earth and NEVER speaks to me this is unlikely.

So this weekend I am collecting ALL the stuff that needs to be returned to her and dropping it off.


alwaysanxious's picture

Interesting, I'm missing silverware. I think SS12 is throwing them away and not realizing it.

Ewe, I wouldn't like having BM stuff in my house. You're nicer than me. I would throw it away.

branmuffin97's picture

Man...we have 4 kids here full time...I need to make a list of things they can happily accidentally bring home....towels, toilet paper, tupperware, rubber bands.....we never have enough of those things!! lol

We have the opposite problem...nothing makes it BACK son is down to 3 pairs of pants.