tomorrow it starts- we have SD7 EOWeek!!!!!Scary.
WE are going from our EO weekend plus half a week to a full on week with SD 7 and then a week without her.
Initially SO was same as me not convinced of the new plan that BM brought forward and we both agreed on a trial.
Like a miracle the new arrangement showed up in their to-be-lodged divorce papers as an appendix now.And like a miracle he told me hat he feels now himself that the new regulation is the "best for his daughter".
How convenient, since NOW he doesn't have to discuss things with BM since they pulling suddenly the same string.
We discussed the original 8 week trial again....and now it is more like"if I am NOT happy he promises to fight it with his ex and find another solution then".This will have the consequences of mediation and cout though, I was clearly told.
I feel already alienated in this process- it is nothing what he originally said since he "changed" his mind.
And - it puts me in the position that if I am not feeling comfortable I will obviously be made responsible to insist on what he said before and it will feel as if I drag him to court myself.Not fair.
He apologised hundred times to me for messing things up.
I told him that this arrangement is not starting well for me at all now.I feel like I am backstabbed although all I wanted to be was supportive to start with.
I am scared to have SD7 who is bossy and clingy with her dad for 7 days straight, I am nervous as hell and feel tense already.It is not generally good or bad behaviour about the child that is bothering me, it is the status that she thinks she is entitled to with her dad.Although things became better since he is parenting her more and puttng her into her place, I am worried as hell when I remember how difficult things were -the whole intense DADA- BABY crap and her mini-wife attitude.
I am worried that things could go backward and I will feel as stressed as I felt at the beginning of our rs.
Any advice how to deal better???????????????????
- oncechoosetosmile's blog
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Gah, this is one of those
Gah, this is one of those where Id hate to not be supportive, but Id be completely against this new plan. EOWd dads create the routine of the EOWd being COMPLETELY about them and the skid(s). And I mean completely, the whole time revolves around their existence/having fun etc. The skids then think that anytime they are there, its all about fun/what theyre going to do/them.
When you come into the picture, its all about you and dad when the skids arent there. Then the EOWd comes and you are in the background, and its like you dont exist for 3 days. I battle this constantly.
Im wondering if this changes any support obligations, or this is all about more time with the SD? I might need to go read your bio/previous blogs, I dont know any background info.