SD7 dobbed SO in at her mums house again - and he still thinks she is an innocent little angel, great!!
It is not the first time that happened - my quite smart SD 7 is a bit of a game player when it is about saying things to her BM about us and vice versa.She likes to push peoples buttons and get a "reaction" as So calls it. (SD seems to think she is an adult , listens to every adult conversation and usually tries to interrupt and interfere)That's one thing.But she is also very smart in using that information to stir up other people.
In this example she overheard So saying something about school photos and that BM gave him the forms back because she expects him to pay....he said that to me , and SD must have picked it up.Of course it was not ok of him making that comment while SD was around, but anyway, SD7 has nothing better to do as to try to get SO "in trouble" for that and dobs him at his mums, who got upset and called him.(hmmm, I kind of understand that even a bit).
It is very clear that SD plays games but all So is saying is that BM should have given her no attention for that and just ignore it. He actually does that- when SD tries to stir , he pretty much ignores it and he claims that his consistency of his reaction will eventually stop her doing that....
Another popular game SD likes to play is doing the "stepdad-daddy"thing.She nowadays calls her mums partner "dad", yeah I get it- they" made "her do that ,and she is "just confused about the roles"... blahblah.It hurts SO though and nobody can tell me she doesnt know that.
Anyway, that is one thing , but she goes one step further and likes to draw pictures of their happy family with stepdad and mum , then shows her real "dad" the picture and claims very obvious that that dad would be suddenly HIM not her stepdad etc etc, really annoying.
She also likes stirring me up by talking about the times when her mummmy and dadddy were still together, but I am quite cool about it, and even support in asking her about it, so she kind of didn't get what she wants.
She obviously gets a lot of satisfaction from doing those things and gets away with it as SO thinks she is perfectly innocent since she is "only 7".He also claims that she is confused about the roles- even though she was only 3 when they got separated.
Of course he wouldnt listen to my opinion,he actually turns me down by saying, "well I know you have a different opinion and that's not the point, but BM should have....etc..."
SO when was the last time you WERE a 7 year old girl, so you know if or if not she knows what she is trying and capable to do?? SO, tell me as well, how many other 7 year old girls have you experienced to KNOW that this is completely normal and innocent? None.
I wish he would listen a little bit at least.Looking away does not help SD stopping those habits.She needs to be told to stop stirring and dobbing.
See , when my kids do something wrong he tells them and so do I, of course.His pink-glases tactic with SD is rather to not interprete her behavior as wrong to start with and then just ignore it.
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That was what I think...But
That was what I think...But then- she is not mine, if SO chooses to see those things as innocent and no problem, I can't do anything.At least he tells her off when she tries to stir with the old stories while I am around.But he is not bothered when she does that with him somehow.I dont like the way she treats others, especially her dad , who does so much for her!!
since he chooses to look at
since he chooses to look at her like that and clearly doesn't want to hear my opinion, I need to let go of trying to make him see what she is doing, I think.That's why I am posting it here, I suppose!I feel helpless.