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On My Own

OMO's picture

Smile First I just want to state I am not a blogger. However, this past year things have gotten so bad that I just wanted to vent. I am not seeking a divorce or ill well to my husband. I just want to know if anyone has been able to overcome this constant issue that must come up in any household when the wife never wanted children to began with, but now has one step child and the bio parents absolutely hate each other.

I am tired of being the visitor in this household. Child support sucks, and then to not be appreciated until the stepchild goes home is not good. I am told over and over again that I need to become part of the family. ? What excuse me but when you say "I do" you are part of the family. I am a pretend mom, if I pretend to go along with everything my husband says about child rearing, visitation etc. then its all good. But if I "act" like a mom and voice my opinion, ask for adjustments to be made or exercise a little discipline- I am not part of the family! i.e. husband and son.

When I express my feelings they gang up on me. My husband teaches the art of disrespecting women and it is only a matter of time before the son says something disrespectful to me and I know exactly how I am going to react and may end up paying dearly for it.

Does it ever change? It's been 3 long years. And I hate being a stepparent, I thought this mother was of low decent and not involved, now I know that she loves her child and the son is very well cared for, but the real parents hate each other and the fight is really my husband being stubborn and nothing else. Both parents have re-married and the real mother has other children. So my husband's son has two other siblings that he rarely spends quality time with. He is with us every weekend but one, all major holidays and all summer and one addition day during the week. If there is a teacher's workday then we have him an extended weekend as well.???? His sister has another father and visits her dad every other weekend. The mother just had another baby boy and he is not quite one year old. Why she has three baby daddy's I don't know. But the revolving door of children in and out has got to be crazy. I don't like it here!!!! My husband works on the weekends and pays a babysitter to watch his son when I am home?? Am I crazy for suggesting that we switch to every other weekend since daddy isn't home anyway and son has siblings he could be spending time with??????


alwaysanxious's picture

If dad is paying someone to sit and you don't have to, then I wouldn't worry about it. I know it seems like he shouldn't, but if he's not taking advantage of you be thankful.

As for the other things, if he doesn't want your opinion then dont' give it. But don't be involved in the other stuff either. Do you have family or friends you can spend more time with? Any hobbies? Do some things for yourself by yourself.

Don't put yourself in situations where they gang up on you. Case in point from my experience:
SO me and kids in car. "SO I don't think this song is appropriate for the kids to listen to."
HIm: "why?"
ME: "it talks about sex and its pretty explicit"
Him: he starts making fun of my opinion and saying how stupid it is. Then he makes jokes about it for 10 minutes after. Kids are laughing all the while.

The problem, I opened my mouth. At that point, I had already started carrying headphones with me when I didn't want to hear what he was saying. I didn't disengage properly that time. Cause I voiced my opinion in front of the kids.

When you voice an opinion, do it out of range of the kids. If he doesn't want your opinion, then don't be involved. He's already saying you aren't anyway, what do you have to lose?