10 steps to a Blended Family
Here is my response to ohiodad's very awesome list of steps!
Submitted by ohiomom on Thu, 09/24/2015 - 11:13am.
My husband (the OP of this thread) sent me his list in an email and I have to say that I was really curious about the responses and about this board in general. Since I am kid free at the moment, I thought I'd take some time to write a little about my thoughts and perspective on this topic.
The first thing that you should know is that my husband truly is one of the good guys. Smiling Smiling We really did fall in love the night we met. (Although, everyone here should take note that I was the one who recognized it first! Sticking out tongue ) We are still obnoxiously in love 5 years later. I miss him when he travels for work, write him love notes in his lunch, we make our friends sick on Facebook...all that good stuff. Lol. I think it's important to note where we came from to understand us and why this way of parenting our kids was the way we chose to go. My first marriage was pretty awful. My ex physically and emotionally abused me. He still tries to mess with my head now and then but he is more of a nuisance than anything else now. Although he has a harder time admitting this, my husband's ex manipulated and emotionally abused him as well. We talk a lot about why we married our ex's..why didn't we wait for each other, why did we have kids with these people that were so wrong for us?? Ugh, we talk about it, ad nauseam, and the answers don't always come easily. We were both young and naive (okay, stupid!). My husband has already answered why he married his ex..The reason I married an abusive jerk is something that maybe I will never really understand about myself. I just know that in order to move forward with my life I had to forgive myself and do what is best for me, my marriage, and all my kids.
I think everyone's situation is unique to them so I didn't find much fault with this general list. (Of course I am sleeping with the guy who wrote it, so I may be biased. Sticking out tongue) I know that I have felt every emotion possible when in comes to being a step parent. And that every single one of the "10 steps" along the way has been incredibly hard. But now I feel like it's really all been worth it. Our youngest son is 4 and I get to have him with me during the day, Mon-Wed. He is the sweetest, smartest, funniest little guy and I feel like I've contributed to that. I don't know if that makes sense.. Sometimes my husband says things like, "Oh, he has your sense of humor" and I take pride in that, because he is a little stinker and he definitely gets that from me. Smiling (We are big fans of nurture over nature) I love that our 4 year old wants to dance with me, bake with me, wants me to sing him a song at the end of the night, and wants to cuddle with ME. Smiling I can't afford to emotionally disconnect myself from him or his brother (who is the mini version of his father Smiling ). I think that if I was disconnected from them then I wouldn't have those great moments with them both that I do now. I can't say that I didn't do that, or rather that I didn't want to, or feel like I should disconnect in the beginning. I understand the need or maybe the desire for self preservation. Nothing hurts your feelings more than a little boy asking for mommy and not being his mommy!! It's a helpless feeling. Believe me, my husband and I had plenty of discussions (some of the quite loud!) about OUR feelings as step parents. Which is why #10 is SO important to us and it should be for anyone in a relationship.
I think the idea that step moms find themselves in a more difficult parenting position than step dads is interesting. I might partially agree with that, but I would say that is over generalizing things. A better way to say it might be that moms have a different roles in their kids lives than dads do. My husband and I choose together what works best for our family, just like I'm sure everyone here does. Like I mentioned I have our youngest son every Mon-Wed. He has preschool Mon and Wed,that I take him to and pick him up from, and I have to pick up my other step son from his school since he goes to a different elementary school than my sons. I would be lying if I didn't say this caused some resentment on my part at first. Especially because last year our youngest was VERY mommy centered. And as I mentioned, it hurts to have a little guy asking for mommy. I really had to step back and take a look at the situation. Last year I was a bit of a mess. My mom died in April, we had to take on the responsibility of my brother and sister, we got married in June, we had to figure out a way to add rooms onto our house for my brother and sister, we had to figure out everything for my mom's estate and deal with my lousy relatives....Needless to say I was a wreck. I really felt like I was failing at everything,including being a mom. I just had to look at all of this from the kids perspective. Not only had we just lost my mom but now our boys had to take on essentially a new brother and sister. Life was hectic and of course they acted out. Hell, I was 34 and I was acting out! My mom was my best friend (other than my husband) and her loss was..ugh, I can't describe it. I know I wasn't much good to anyone there for awhile. Thank God for my husband. He really is the best. Smiling
Anyway, I guess my point with the above paragraph is that no one here should assume that our lives are cookie cutter, picture perfect and that we judge everyone who handles things differently. That's not my husband's MO. He told me how sad he felt for so many of the posters on here and how lucky he felt that despite all of the madness, we somehow make it work.
I have to say that I am not surprised to read people saying that they don't think they love their step kids as much as their children. I feel sad for you if that is the case but I do understand it. That bond is hard and if it doesn't form then I can see why someone would feel that way. I don't know how I would feel if my husband didn't love our kids the same... I think about growing up as a step kid and where I would be if my step dad hadn't loved me. My biological dad was not in the picture at all so maybe that made it easier for my step dad. I don't really know. And maybe that experience of growing up with a step parent makes it easier for me to love my step kids... I don't know that one either.. We try to tell our kids (and they are younger so maybe that makes it easier) how wonderful it is that they have a step mom and step dad who love them just as much as their mommy and daddy do. We tried to make it seem like having an extra mom and dad was a pretty cool thing and so far it's worked with minimal attitudes from our kids. As we are the guardians for my younger brother (almost 17) and sister (almost 14), we've gotten a fun preview of what is to come in the teenage years and I can't say I'm looking forward to that!! Bottom line is I think all kids can be jerks at any given time, and can sometimes be difficult to like and hard to love. But the moment you can look at your spouse and say "Hey, they will ALL be gone some day! Yay!" and then laugh together, is the day that you know you've got a good thing going!
I really believe that doing all or at least some of these steps could work for a lot of people. But of course they can't work for everyone. It's just amazing to see how our kids act like siblings, which means fighting hard and playing hard and loving each other hard too. It didn't happen over night though but I'm really proud of our family and how far we've come. And that has so much to do with how solid we are as a couple. Lots of things have happened that could have come between us but thank goodness we are both pretty awesome people who deserve happiness after so much unhappiness. And there was A LOT of unhappiness in our previous lives. Lol.Thank God we decided that everything we had to go through to be together was worth it! I think it's made us better parents and better people!
I wish everyone on here the very best. Being a parent is just.. well not that fun sometimes. I think that every parent who thinks that they have really tried their very best should be proud of themselves. This isn't a job for the weak! It's great that there are places like this for people to come and vent. We all need a safe place to do that!
And I really like your list, love. Smiling Too bad we broke that first one! We didn't just break it. We ripped its still beating heart out, stomped on it, peed on it, spit on it, maybe even pooped on it a little too.. Lol. We lived and learned though and I'm so glad that we didn't give up. I love our crazy family and I love you!! Smiling Smiling
PS: I will save everyone the trouble and add these for you Barf! Barf! Barf! Yeah, I know you were all thinking it. Eye-wink Lol. We do really love each other. He is the best man I've ever known and I'm so lucky to have him! And so our all of our kids!
- ohiomom's blog
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Um - lookingconfused
Um - lookingconfused lookingconfused
that's really all I got.
Okay, I have this, too. I
Okay, I have this, too. I got lookingconfused lookingconfused AND you shouldn't poop on things.
LMFAO!!! now my coworkers
LMFAO!!! now my coworkers really think i've lost it.....

""Hey, they will ALL be gone
""Hey, they will ALL be gone some day! Yay!" and then laugh "
sweetie, go cruise around the Adult Stepchildren forums....
one can hope and pray for the best outcomes, but it's never a guarantee.
That's true. Hopefully
That's true. Hopefully because we've raised them SO well they will be more than capable of being grown ups and won't need us as much as they obviously do now.
Lol. Sorry for any confusion.
Lol. Sorry for any confusion. This board is different than other boards I've been on and weird to navigate. Was not trying to confuse anyone! My husband posted about 10 steps to a blended family and this was my response.sorry!
And I totally agree about the pooping thing. Lol.
Why on earth are you sad for
Why on earth are you sad for people who don't love their stepchild as much as their own child? How odd.
Awwww...this is cute. Yes, I
Awwww...this is cute. Yes, I read your hubby's post. You two sound like you love each other.
I am also deeply in love with my hubby. And we work hard at the blended family thing. Things are much better for the most part this year. But I admit - I do feel differently about my two kids than I do for SD. However, I do treat her very well. She lives with us full time.
I enjoyed your husbands list - but was surprised at the venom he was quick to spread to other posters not agreeing with him. I thought someone who could write a blog like that could be more empathetic to others lives. I saw very quickly that he is quick to judge. It was disappointing.
But cheers to your happy marriage!
Interesting that you consider
Interesting that you consider my replies "venomous", especially at the venom that was flung at me. I thought I cleared up what happened. Oh well...cheers.
What you wrote me only
What you wrote me only empathized your statements more. I'd dig a little deeper to be more empathic towards your fellow steps folks.
I remember reading what you
I remember reading what you wrote in his thread. That is great that things are better for you guys! I wonder how different my post or my husband's post would have been a couple of years ago! Lol. It would have been pretty angsty, I'll bet!
I don't think that there is anything wrong with someone feeling differently about their step kids than the their biological children. Maybe I should clarify my thoughts. I read a lot of mommy blogs, Scary Mommy is one that comes to mind. They've had articles about things like "Don't worry if you don't bond with your baby right away", basically talking about how some moms feel nothing for their kids after their born and how that's okay. I think step moms should give themselves a break if the can't bond with their step kids right away, or ever. How many people do you know that don't necessarily have a bond with their bio parents? I just felt like it was right for me to try to bond with these two little boys and I remember the moments that made me fall in love with them..just like everyone does with their bio kids. Maybe I shouldn't say that I love them the same..it's not the same from their perspective, because they have a mom that they love very much. But I want them to know that they are loved and they are my sons. I'm not going to rank them according to how much I love them. Lol.Although, we joke with them that we have a favorite kid but that who it is changes daily. I guess the bottom line is, I just don't want to treat them differently than I treat my bio kids..Because I was a step kid and I remember relatives who treated ME differently..It sucked!
I wonder how people think I should treat my brother and sister? Is it okay to love them as much as my sons and step sons? What makes them different? It's just the blood issue, right? They are my half brother and sister after all so I guess I should only love half of them. Well, I don't understand that. So, I'm weird, but what else is new? I really don't anticipate staying to post on this board. Fun story though, my husband and I met on a message board!It was a political message board.. It was a lot easier to navigate than this site! Lol Literally and figuratively.
As for my husband, I think it's funny that I anyone would think he is venomous. He's the nicest guy, sometimes to his own detriment. And maybe it's because I can hear his voice when I read his writing, but it didn't seem that way to me. Also, he might have felt like he was being a bit hen pecked. Lol. He's also traveling for work at the moment and feeling sick so I'm sure that could come through his posts. I still think he's pretty cool though. Lol. Although, I don't think he should be "fascinated" (his words) as to why people on the internet might perceive him in a way that isn't reality. It's the internet after all. I've already learned today that I'm a liar and a doormat. Who knew?
And, hey, congrats to you for making your situation work out for you guys!
"Some of these skids were
"Some of these skids were produced because their bio parents were utterly irresponsible and chose to fuck around using NO BC. How stupid is that? Others were produced because the bio parents made a decision to have a child. The SP was not involved in any of these choices."
A blogger wrote this^^^^^
"And yet you choose to marry this irresponsible person who fucks around? How stupid is that?"
and your husbands reply was this ^^^^^^^
To me - calling a poster "stupid" is venomous. She was trying to explain what happened in the past that brought on a step kid that is now in her life (and we all know in our youth we made some huge mistakes) and his reply is to call her stupid for marring her husband.
In my book - stupid is one of the worst words you can use on someone. This is my opinion. And also in my opinion, you don't write Rules for people to follow then give them a hard time and name call because they do not agree with all the rules. And finally - hen pecked???? Why do you lump women having opinions and intelligence as hen pecked???? Dear lordy lordy...
As to the feelings people have towards family members - I think it is wonderful you love all equally. My niece calls her SM "mom" and her step sister "sisters" and loves them all like they are her blood. I am happy for you as I am happy for her. Love is a complex thing - you can be so in love - then can't stand the person. (I loved my ex, we were married for 20 years, now I cant stand the guy) How we feel is how we feel. I simply do not love my SD like I love my kids. Can't help it. And that is ok as well.
Enjoy your family, enjoy your husband. I wish nothing but good things for all of you.
LOL I wasn't calling them
LOL I wasn't calling them stupid. Go reread what the OP said in that situation: "Some of these skids were produced because their bio parents were utterly irresponsible and chose to fuck around using NO BC. How stupid is that?" I was using their words back at them. I was reframing the question back at the person stating it.
Well, see, that just makes
Well, see, that just makes sense. Because your fetus/stb kid has you and DH to look after it. And your skids have BM and DH to look after them.
Why would you change your allegiance and put your own child at risk? What would motivate that kind of abandonment?
Unless, of course, you never actually faced a choice, and got to have the lovey-dovey feelings about everyone with no conflicts or challenges.
And by 'you' I mean OP. Even though LadyFace is completely right.
If your skids were 10 or 12
If your skids were 10 or 12 or more when you came along do you think they would be jolly holly happy about gaining a new extra mom? How does your husband's ex-wife feel about you claiming her children as your own? If one of your skids had oppositional defiant or was a budding sociopath and your dh was oblivious to the child's flaws and allowed that child to harm others in the home such as pets or smaller children or yourself, would you instantly stop loving your dh and leave him? Or would you be able to love that child like your own and will yourself to also be oblivious to his/her flaws?
Just some questions to think about.
It was interesting for you to come here and join the discussion and I hope you stay. As was mentioned by someone above, I also felt most motivated to join that other discussion not by the harmless list but because your husband's comments in the thread tended to attack and blame some stepparents without giving them the same courtesy of believing they had tried very hard and may have valid viewpoints.
It's great you have a wonderful marriage. I have one, too and yes people roll their eyes at us cuz we're too cutesy by half. But lots of people end up in marriages that are not the seamless partnerships they hoped they would be. They still get to try to work on it. They don't have to be eaten alive by feral children while they do so.
I find it interesting the way
I find it interesting the way people view my writing. I, in no way shape or form, attacked ANYONE. I thought I was very clear in my list that it was BOTH parents who needed to work. I called out some step parents who act surprised when a few years later, the bratty, mean, spoiled step child they met first is still bratty, mean, and spoiled. Your SO other raised them, why is he going to change his/her parenting style just because you met?
When I met my wife's children, they were polite, well behaved kids. This was in spite of the horrible father they had. I knew my wife was a good mother and I knew her kids were good kids. She had the same experience with me. Thats all I was saying.
Sometimes the truth hurts, and the "truth bearer" gets called an attacker.
Soooooo....unless a person
Soooooo....unless a person did exactly everything perfectly from Step 1 of going on a first date (and foresaw the future), they need to be berated by you and they need to suppress all their own needs/abandon their marriage? Really?
You know there are still people in the world who say you should never ever divorce? You see no parallels with you having made mistakes in your first marriage and people unjustly judging you for moving on and in your own unjustly judging stepparents for any failures to be perfect and omniscient prior to marriage?
You had terrible things you went through to get to the point where you would consider leaving a 6 months pregnant woman. From a distance, that decision to bail at that point and furthermore to embrace another woman while your infant was still gestating could look very ugly and easily be judged. But no one here has jumped on you for that. We really do "get it" that that's your story, marriages can be dreadful, love happens when it happens.
But you feel the mantle of responsibility to whip us all with your "truth" about our possible mistakes, mistakes which amount to "failing to foresee the future?" Are you here to make friends and share experiences or are you here to promote your philosophy which you are hoping to monetize some day? Genuine question. Book deal in mind? or website? Cuz I don't understand your methods here.
I am still looking for the
I am still looking for the berating that I did. Can you help me find it?
You know there are still people in the world who say you should never ever divorce? You see no parallels with you having made mistakes in your first marriage and people unjustly judging you for moving on and in your own unjustly judging stepparents for any failures to be perfect and omniscient prior to marriage?
No because when you marry a person with children, or it is your second marriage, you have a body of work to evaluate and compare. I am not judging anyone, not once. What I said is I didn't understand why you (the general you) couldn't see what was right in front of you. I was asking, not judging. If my wife's children were impolite, disrespectful little shits when I met them, I might look at her and say...hmmm, this isn't the type of situation I want my children or myself to be in. Why on earth would I marry a person like that, and then bitch about it when I am not willing to do anything to change it? You ARE getting a glimpse into the future, a glimpse you did not have the first time around. Take advantage of that!
But you feel the mantle of responsibility to whip us all with your "truth" about our possible mistakes, mistakes which amount to "failing to foresee the future?"
I gave 10 steps that worked for me and my wife. I had numerous counselors, teachers, friends, etc help me with those steps and all agreed that was a good way to go about it. At each step, you have a chance to say screw it I am done. My hope was to reach those that have not yet made that leap, give them a glimpse into a process that worked and learn from my mistakes and my successes. The result of all of this is I have a successful blended family, a great wife, and great kids. Don't you want that for other people?
Instead I get blamed for attacking and spreading venom, meanwhile I get jumped on from every angle. As I said, interesting.
"Some of these skids were
"Some of these skids were produced because their bio parents were utterly irresponsible and chose to fuck around using NO BC. How stupid is that? Others were produced because the bio parents made a decision to have a child. The SP was not involved in any of these choices."
"And yet you choose to marry this irresponsible person who fucks around? How stupid is that?" - ohiadad
Hmmmm calling someone stupid is the biggest form of judging. You also wrote something else very mean, then deleted it after I pointed out what a mean statement it was. SO yes - put on your big boys pants, look inward and see that you did judge and preach as if you have all the answers and if others think differently, then they are "stupid"
You also got a lot of supportive replies from posters, including me... very interesting on how you only remember the ones giving you a different outlook than your own.
I also gave a lot of support
I also gave a lot of support and thanks to people including those that disagreed with me. Funny how you only remember the few were I responded to venom in kind.
WTF called out a good one.
WTF called out a good one. Here are a few more:
To Bethanne:
"What gets me going is when people come on here SURPRISED and shocked that this is hard." <<<< That is attacking all stepparents.
To 3zgirl:
"What bugs me is when people come on here and say things like: "I didn't know that I was going to have to parent the skids too!" Really? Then obviously you got together with SO without any talk of how it might work!" <<<< That is an enormous and false assumption. Very condescending.
To walkonby who explained her bm lost custody resulting in a huge change of step circumstances:
"Then why not find a man without young children? I still don't buy this argument." <<<< This one is my favorite as it advises an already married woman to just find another man. And it really hammers home the constant theme that if you failed to see every possible permutation of life before you married, you are deserving of blame and shame.
And I get told to put on my
And I get told to put on my "big boy pants"? This is VENOM to you? Have you READ this board ever? Wow...ok I think I am done here.
Maybe it has something to do with "dad" being in my name.
No, it does not. We have some
No, it does not. We have some very popular dads here, some of our most popular members. We are all also champions for our own dhs in their roles as fathers.
So I can see now that everything you ever wrote was kind, friendly, thoughtful, gentle, comprehensive, empathetic, helpful, and sparkling with fraternite'. And you're a great listener.
Don't leave. None of us have anything worth saying and we need you to elevate us.
I think I made mention that
I think I made mention that things might be different in our situation because the kids were younger.
I haven't claimed anything as my own. I didn't stick a flag in them. They aren't land for me to conquer. I have had conversations with her about how much I love the boys. I think she obviously has her own issues that aren't mine to share. I do know that because she asked me if I could take her youngest son while she has to work, rather than keep him in daycare, which he HATED, shows that she is grateful that the boys have a step mom who cares for them. Obviously she trusts me..I guess we don't have the same relationship as many people do with their step kids moms...I'd be happy to tell you what a bitch I think she is if that will make everyone feel better! Lol
I can't answer you rhetorical question about your step child. I'm sorry that you've had to go through that. I assume that is what this site is for, and I mentioned in my first post that I think it's great that there is a place like this for people to vent. If you don't vent then you can't get out your frustrationsout and if you can't get your frustrations out then you wind up becoming a serial killer and nobody wants that.
I wish I could just say my husband's name instead of "my husband". I'm not writing DH either because that annoys me. Lol. I'll use the first letter of his name. I did not think that C was attacking anyone. But as I mentioned he was probably not in a great mood with the whole travelling and being sick thing. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. People are entitled to their own opinions about him. I know who he is and so does he so that it really all that matters.
I'm so happy to hear that your marriage is cutesy too! I love to read that! I hate seeing how some married people treat each other. I know that that is just how some people are in relationships but I'm really glad C and I aren't like that. My first marriage was just a nightmare and I just thank God that I don't have to live my life like that anymore. C and I talk about how our lives are hard but WE are easy. It should be that way. Don't you think?
Aside: Sally, new avatar pic?
Aside: Sally, new avatar pic? Laughing because I remember as a kidlet near Lake Malawi and there was this cliff where a troop of baboons lived ... Goodness, they would start the alarm hooting and scare the p*ss out of me. Sinister photo.
Not trying to hijack the
Not trying to hijack the thread ... A cruise? Dang. Tomorrow, I'm off on a 4 day roadtrip to the mountains and the Durango-Silverton steam locomotive train-ride. Aspen trees turning gold and hoping for some good photos.
You know, I skimmed those
You know, I skimmed those posts earlier, but tonight I was gullible. Bite, snap.
Oh, I've been on the
Oh, I've been on the Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge! Breathtaking!
Me, too!! Loved it - so
Me, too!! Loved it - so beautiful!!
Awesome!!!!!! I did that
Awesome!!!!!! I did that train with my daughter when she was 6. LOVED IT!!!!!!! Simply a perfect day! Enjoy! Durango is one of the best towns!
Perfect, Sally!
Perfect, Sally!
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Bingo ^^^^^^^ Ive said it
Bingo ^^^^^^^
Ive said it 40-11 times, I'll say it a couple more. It was not his original list that put me off. I did find that list half good and half off-key but I kept my mouth shut about it because it seemed good-natured.
My hackles got up when he stopped being good-natured and friendly down in the comments. He became self-righteous and dogmatic and smug. Ok, he's got a cold, he's living in hotels. Throw him a little slack. But he does not want to give anyone else any slack! Apparently we are all child-haters and/or dopes! Oh, and do-nothings.
Believe me, there are plenty of men and women on this board who could have recognized Ohio's first wife as a bad match had we met her back in the day. So why couldn't he "see what was right in front of his nose?" That would be unfair to say that to him and none of us have. But when I bring it up rhetorically he still insists that his case is different -- meaning he deserves all manner of loving forgiveness and we don't!
That's very nice of you to
That's very nice of you to say.
Since I know my husband pretty well, I think he just wants to help people. Also, I think because both of us feel like we've figured out a good formula we like sharing it with people in the hopes that it will help them! I got some really nice PM's from people on here that thanked us both so that is definitely worth anything that anyone could say about either of us.
I never like to interrupt a good vent! Lol. I won't be posting very much, I don't think. I was just replying to some private messages and I will take my Pollyanna ass back to the kitchen, where I'm going to be barefoot and making muffins and dinner from scratch, waiting in anticipation of my husband to be home. Lol
That was sarcasm, in case that was missed. lol. Although, I am a baker and am often barefoot. I just had this image of what I must sound like to the "doormat" commenter. I do make a mean blueberry muffin though!
I was barefoot making
I was barefoot making chocolate cookies the other day. Love to bake and cook. And am as barefoot as much as possible! Hate heels - and I have to wear them for work.
Monkey, my life is not shitty
Monkey, my life is not shitty and my marriage is great. My step issues have gotten much better in part because my husband is awesome and in part because I've learned a lot here from experienced Steppers who have great ideas on how to handle specific situations.
My husband has come on here and read the advice and he has asked me to put up a thread soliciting advice on something we were facing and he has been very grateful and gobsmacked by the amount of time perfect strangers are willing to put into a long response full of good info and resources.
Sometimes when he comes home from work he will say, "Any good ST stories today?" Sometimes a ST comment or story will spark a very good conversation with each other as we look at it from different perspectives.
My stepson's life has done a huge turnaround since we've gotten married and parented him together. My husband is so grateful for this it's embarrassing. My in-laws, too, they are my biggest fans and express it openly. My sd16 has even made some gains and her free-fall into high school dropout was stopped short because of my own efforts and my dh's partnering with me in spite of that kid hating on him and me both. She'll never be grateful but he and I will breathe easier knowing she won't be dragging that Dropout tag with her for the next 70 years.
So, there's some inspiration for you. We're doing great. SD and BM still drive me crazy though because they are lousy people and I will still need to vent.
Same here. Great marriage and
Same here. Great marriage and the step life is better. And my hubby is so grateful as is his parents and BM's mom its embarrassing. But I can understand it when SD has a mom like BM. She is NUTS! And I mean really nuts, like stab a person nuts! Which she did - cuz her drunk ass wanted a ride home...from a stranger. They said no, so wife gets stab in the hand. NUTS!!!!
Why didn't you see that hand
Why didn't you see that hand stabbing in your crystal ball ahead of time! Oh, wait a minute, why didn't that perfect stranger see it in THEIR crystal ball so they could have moved their hand first? Or, wait, maybe they did and that's why they said, sorry, no ride to Stabbee Stabberson? But wait why did they still get stabbed? Aaaargghhhhh! So convoluted -- I want simply simple stuff!
*winks, smiles, downloads warm glow of solidarity into cyberspace*
Glad you're doing well. It's great to have the support of the inlaws and outlaws, isn't it? I feel like a Keebler elf right now--life is chocolatey and cozy and soft focus! <<(actually mean that genuinely, do not mistake for snark)
Bawhahahahahahahahaha.....crack me up!!!!!
AND - why did I not see that BM would smash her face in, lose half her teeth and then blame SD the other night for it??? Telling her it was because she does not get to see her enough that she got so drunk and went over the handle bars. Making SD say "I guess it would of been better if I had not been born" and then the mom not caring that SD was crying on the phone. We had to spend 2 hours consoling her. My damn crystal ball has a crack in it!!! I need a new one!!!! - and in case your wondering - yes - BM has been blocked from being able to call or text SD. She went to far the other night. Done with her an her poison she feeds SD.
I am grateful life is good. All Keebler elfy good.
So happy to hear your is going great as well. Wishing you many more days of cozy, cuddly happiness. And sex - lots of sex. 
Writing...that...down.... Note to self: Tell dh WTF says he has some, ahem, chores to attend to. Often. Frankly, I think you will be very popular with my darlin', WTF.
ps. Yikes. What a freakin' horror story. Get your money back on that crystal ball, did you get it on HSN? yeah, I knew their stuff is cheap!