Does anyone else have to deal with this?
Why does BM send us emails pretending to be SS? She throws in a few misspelled words here and there to try to make us believe it's really him, but there's proper punctuation, grammar, sentence structure...even apostrophes for crying out loud! The kid is 8! It's pretty damn obvious it's her! But no, it couldn't be, because at the end it says "I know you think mom tells me to say things but she's outside right now."
It's disgusting! Ugh there is no end to the depths she will stoop just to be a bi@$%. You wouldn't BELIEVE the sh** we went through this weekend. But of course! It was visitation day! Which in her world equals mental breakdown and endless phone calls, accusations, emails, lies, lies, and more lies. What was I thinking?! I should already know and accept that any day that BF has SS means she can call and yell and cuss and scream and make up stupid lies as much as she wants! No wait, that's EVERY day.
I wish my lawyer would hurry up with the f-ing restraining order. I'm getting really sick of this bull. What part of "Do not call me" do you not understand? What part of "Leave me alone" is up for interpretation? GRRRRR
- Nymh's blog
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Hugs and blessings
I can almost feel how frustrated you are! BM in our case kind of does something similar~ we're pretty sure that she has posed as her 2nd husband just to bash us, so that we couldn't be mad at HER for what was typed/texted.
It's hard, but anymore we really just try to cut off BM. We don't go in our email, so we don't have to see if she sent one. If we saw it, we'd be too tempted to read it. So we decide to set aside certain days to deal with that stuff, and other days are specifically for us. It is a great feeling of relief. My advice (if you want it) is to suggest that BF just not answer. I know how you've said she has that issue where when SS is with you that she will make threats because you and BF have "no right" to cut off her communication from SS, but if she calls once and starts to be negative, BF has every right to say he will not be spoken to like that.....and that he won't accept any more calls from her that day.
I'd like to put more but menial chores call.....take care Nymh!
Ive been there
MY stepsons mom poses as other women, other men, anyone to try to strike up a conversation with us tog et into our life. She has made numerous myspace accounts trying to be our friends to be nosey, but I keep on shutting them down. Her newest one was posing as a stripper and saying Scott had sontacted her about stripping for him at his bachelor party. Funny thing is, he doesnt even like strippers! Just keep your cool and be the better one! Thats what I have to do!
Nymh, It's almost comical
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this beyond childish behavior.
I'm sorry, I did burst out laughing when you described her 8 year old pretend use of grammer. Come on that is freaking hilarious. The judge should get a kick out of that.
Oh dear, hang in there, when is the restraining order suppose to go into effect?
hugs. Jo
That's what we did!
Block the email address... an email from SS??? Mine is 3- she says he tells her what to write.... ummm yeah.
Oh, Nymh...
I'm sorry, but that is toooo funny! LOL... This totally reminds me of when SS's BM did his kindergarten homework for him...
The tree that was drawn was just waaaaayyyyyy to perfect for a 6 year old kindergarten at the time. Even came with little apples on the ground and tree and everything! LOL. Oh, it was pretty bad, and she even tried to make her big ol bubbly handwriting look sloppy as if he wrote it, not her. So, we knew that she was doing his homework for him.
So, I know how you feel. I think that's funny! If it were me, I'd ignore the whole email thing myself. We don't do any of that here, but it could be fun to respond... Oh my, SS, your spelling and grammar has greatly improved! Wow! I'm soooo proud of you!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...