Update to my situation
Sd22 is still at mil's and dh is still not talking with sd19 about it. He's sticking to his guns but it's hard because it hurts that his daughter isn't talking to him. He was used to walking on eggshells to not get hit or things thrown at him.
I came up with a set of rules in case sd22 does end up back home and if her dog ends up here with us since mil was threatening us with the dog. One of the rules is she has to be home everyday to take care of the dog. My dd23 comes home everyday and takes care of her dog, even if occasionally she stays the night at friends' homes. Sd22 will not like this at all bc she likes to stay there 4 or 5 nights in a row before coming home. I will look like the bitch bad guy for that but idgaf. This seems like a very reasonable requirement! I don't think anyone should have a pet and be gone for days at a time(barring vacations/emergencies of course) I think mil doesn't realize the dog is sd22's because I'm sure she wouldn't be threatening US with sd's responsibility. I'm going to love setting her straight on this if it comes up *rubs hands together evilly*
Now it's possible that none of this even becomes an issue and that would be best for me. But if she could come home and follow my rules I know my dh would be happier with her. And I could tolerate her. She makes me feel like my ex made me feel :/ and that's terrible lol
- Nottakingit's blog
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Glad you’re standing your
Glad you’re standing your ground with these adult children.
I wouldn't let her come back,
I wouldn't let her come back, but that's just me. She's lazy, is too much maintenance with always needing rides, and comes with too much drama. If she stays somewhere else 4 or 5 nights in a row, that's where she can live.