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BIL's Wife Thinks MIL Has Depression. Now I Feel Bad. etc.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

And BM and SS will be back in the states from their year-long trip to the UK the end of this month.

But before we get to that: BIL and his wife came over to visit the new baby yesterday and we talked about some things regarding MIL (mostly, BIL's wife wanted to get a feel of how much we trust MIL with their children since they're going to start trying this month.)

We told them they have to set boundaries early and not like us--we fumbled and dropped the ball in regards to MIL because we thought she'd be less entitled or at least reasonable.

We warned about a few things:
1. Make sure she knows what she can and cannot give your kid. BD1 caught a cold one day and started a fever at MIL's house when she was about a year old. MIL gave her children's aspirin, which is DEADLY if she gets a reaction called Reyes Syndrome.
2. Make sure MIL knows what behaviors you'll allow and not allow because she taught BD1 how to suck her thumb (she lost the pacifier we gave her) and now it's crazy hard to break the habit as opposed to just throwing the pacifier away one weekend. BIL and his wife were HORRIFIED that MIL did that.
3. Make sure it's on your time and you don't try to accommodate her just because you want them to have "a relationship." I went overboard with that. I let her see BD1 any time she wanted and would drop her off even if it was super inconvenient to me. I even blew off my parents once or twice because MIL wanted BD1 for something. Never again.

Anyway they thanked us and we wished them luck and they had already the mindset before this that they weren't going to tell MIL when they get pregnant or the due date. Their choice. They've always been smarter than me.

Anyway, BIL's wife said she thinks MIL actually has depression because every time she goes to see her, MIL is always in her nightgown, no matter what time of day it is. I didn't know that because any time we've seen her, she's always immaculately dressed up, make-up and jewelry and everything in place.

And now I feel bad. I know depression can make people a little coocoo, and isolating myself from her obviously only made matters worse because I was the one person who put up with all of her shit for so long without cutting her off--BIL and his wife only interact with her on their time, as does DH. It's also weird because MIL has always been very active in the community with the Lion's Club, the local Convent, etc.

But she just has no concept of boundaries and I really, really need some boundaries right now.


Okay, onto BM and SS--BM took SS out of school for a year long thing in the UK for her job. SS is going to be 6 this year, but we think she plans on homeschooling him anyway so not a big deal. DH has no legal rights to him--full physical and legal to BM as per the CO. She didn't tell anyone (nor did she have to) that she was taking him to the UK. We only found out because MIL tried calling one day and reached GBM who told her the situation. Not a big deal, it's her legal right to do so.

They're returning just in time at month's end for SS's birthday. Which happens to be on BD2's what we call Man-Yue in Chinese ("full moon" or "full month"). It's a big celebration for my family and their friends (probably bigger than a birthday, and second only to the 100 day celebration. This one is morbid because it's a celebration that the child will most likely survive since it did for a month already. Some parents don't name the child until the full month celebration for that very reason.) but since DH's family is caucasian and thus have no idea why this is a big deal, we didn't invite them to BD1's, and won't invite them to BD2's--we don't even mention it. Just as well since my parents won't stand for MIL trying to shove SS in their faces like she did that first and only Christmas we had together.

MIL has always been funky during SS's birthday, doing some weird stuff to make sure DH knows he's missing it each and every year. (DH, at this point, doesn't give a shit--as harsh as that sounds, he never met the kid, and only pays CS and a little extra each month for daycare--yeah for a 6 year old--so he has no bond with him.)

I hate that every time around this month, it's always a big fiasco with MIL in the center of the vortex of drama with BM (who thinks the world should stop and everyone turn their heads to look at her and her golden child, including the father and his family who she forbid to be known or involved in his life.) I know this year it'll be some combination of trying to pull us away from doing the full month thing with my family for BD2 like doing so is a competition as to whose child is more important. This has literally happened for every one of BD1's firsts (birthday, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween, you name it--MIL will start waving SS around like, don't forget about him just because of BD1.)

Lady, 25% of DH's income every month ensures we will never forget about him, but by god, do you really have to do this in front of everyone at BD1's first birthday?

I never said anything, just smiled, nodded, and feigned interest, but was really dying inside. I pulled my big girl panties up and always told myself, BD1 won't remember, I will, but she won't and as long as she isn't affected by it, I won't make it into an issue or even bring it to light.

I'm dreading the next few months. I hate the holidays.


hereiam's picture

MIL will start waving SS around like, don't forget about him just because of BD1.

Why does she do this if your DH has no bond with the kid, never even met him, and the BM doesn't want him involved? Does your MIL know the kid?

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

MIL knows the kid because BM thought she could make DH jealous/chase her by letting everyone else in his family have access to SS while shunning him. So MIL had access for a while as far as talking to him on the phone, flying out to visit him, sending presents.

Recently though, it seems MIL's lost... interest in SS? I don't know, it's really weird. She used to tell me about the presents she'd send every week (including trying to send DH's banjo which she stole from his apartment when he was living in the attached unit with her before we married, and DH's cousin's tie that she thought was DH's) and the arts and crafts she'd receive back.

Then when we implemented the whole, DH deals with his family and I deal with mine, all of that literally stopped overnight. She hasn't gotten anything nor thought to send anything else.

fakemommy's picture

Me too. I thought you were the one with a martial arts studio whose SS was smarter than anyone EVER and whose DS was also super smart and could read by age 1.5 but everyone thought he wasn't as smart as SS.

moeilijk's picture

I think they do have a martial arts studio. But the rest doesn't sound right....

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Woah, total mixup here. I have two daughters... We do own a martial arts studio... but that's all the connection to this other user I have.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Oh dear, yes, I think you have me confused with someone else. Yeah, we do own a martial arts studio but that's about it--is there another family who does as well on here?

Huh... yes. MIL does have a thing about boys... uhh... how did you know? Not sure if Italian moms have things about boys or not.

Two Christmas's ago, she pulled out a red nightie (which was apparently my Christmas present), held it up in front of everyone and said it's what I would wear when I conceived a boy. Jokes on her, I got my tubes tied a week and a half ago after BD2 was born.

MIL used to see him (would fly to see him a few times a year) and then she... lost interest when DH stopped responding to her? She and BM still talk and get pictures and stuff though. Her last contact with him was before he and BM left for the UK which was pre-Easter this year.

moeilijk's picture

It's too bad if MIL is going through a depression. But it's really nothing you caused or can fix, you know? It's something that she probably needs help with, and you can cut her a *bit* of slack, but that's more around keeping appointments and keeping clean, not around waving SS like a champion or giving BD aspirin.

You do need to work on your own boundaries. It's really difficult, isn't it? I'm right there with you! You can't do anything about MIL's feelings. Zero. Absolutely nothing to do with you.

Have you ever posted the story of DH and BM and SS and MIL? Like, all at once? I just have snippets in my mind, but it does seem quite the soap opera.

How are you doing after BD2's birth?

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Hey Moe, yeah the boundary thing is really, really, really difficult. I'm about to post a blog about BD2's birth. THAT was a medical clusterfuck (no fault of my doctors--pregnancy is just weird.)

I should probably post a beginning to present story about the entire thing--but I suppose it's no more interesting or boring than most people's on here. Craziness and stalking aside. I'll get to it one of these days. Promise.

Acratopotes's picture

DO not feel bad, MIL is not your problem ...... if she's depressed it's because she did it to her self, I'm sorry I have no sympathy for her.

Talking to BIL and SIL about MIL was way way wrong, it will come back and bite you in the butt... never talk to family about issues you might have with another family member, it not like your people who will honor.... nope we are more like... gossip and tell some one to look better ourselves kind of people...

Go on with your traditions, your husband does not have a problem with it, why stressing now, you know the day BD2 will have her full moon celebrations, you and DH can simply switch off your phones that day and enjoy it with your family.
Keep your boundaries in place, even if you do not switch of the phones, DH can simply ignore MIL's calls and send her a quick text... Mum we told you what we are doing today, now please stop pestering us.... end of it, then ignore ignore ignore

That's why it's called boundaries, you say it once and from there onwards you stick to your guns and ignore the person trying to push it.

DH has no bond with his son, he pays CS, what more should he be doing? It's probably not right for DH not demanding to be in his son's life, but that will be on his shoulders one day, not yours and not the girls...
If DH decides to become part of his kids life in 10 years time... make sure you are prepared for it, currently BM is raising a brat and MIL is helping, 10 years from now, they will not be able to control it and they will dump the kid on DH...

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I wouldn't have said anything if SIL hadn't asked--she knows what MIL is like and was asking if I thought when she had her kids, if she just dumped the kids on MIL so often that MIL gets sick of them (MIL has explicitly told me, when she still had a lot of access to BD1, that she can't watch her for more than 4 hours or she'd be tired--she used to get mad at DH if he picked BD up a little later than he said he would and would dramatically fall on the couch and tell him how utterly exhausted she was) then if MIL would leave her alone.

It would work if MIL could remember...