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My pity party.... Did I mention how much I hate Mother's day?

Not a real step-mom's picture

For those who saw my screaming I hate Mother's Day caption, here is an update.

Friday night was spent cleaning the house "out of respect" to BM and her family when they showed up. Of course, there are two mother's day cards laying on the counter, one for BM and one for MIL.

BF/DP and I went out to blow off some steam on our dirt bikes/ATV's yesterday. I apparently decided to take a soil sample and hit my head pretty darn hard. Trying to be a trooper, I sucked it up. I went home to clean everything up, had a few minutes to clean up myself before the invasion. MIL was first to arrive, since she wanted to see the ex and family. Mind you, I'm TRYING to be friendly while I'm completely nauseas with a splitting headache and my neck is starting to hurt from my earlier fall. BF/DP gives MIL his mother's day card then they chat about the beautiful flowers she got from him. Then BM and family invasion occurs and I'm basically shoved off to the corner with all the happy reunion's until BM's sister makes an effort to introduce herself. Last night was spent with a splitting headache, ignoring medical advise to go to the ER and instead just going to bed.

This morning? BF/DP gets up and goes into the office without one single word about happy mother's day etc. He did bring me two alleve because my neck hurt. When I ask about dinner, he tells me what he thinks would be really good for me to make, but offered to make tacos if we have any hamburger (which he knows we don't).

Now, I'm sure that my headache, neckache, etc are contributing to my level of emotion... but is it really too much to ask that SOMEONE say "gosh, I know we can't really do anything because quasi-SS17 will be a nightmare, but *I* appreciate you. Thank you for helping me raise him for the last 6 years. I know you aren't his BM, but you do his clothes, cook the meals, etc. for 9 months out of the year."


So, of course, now I'm crying and trying to get a grip before I make out the grocery list and figure out what I'm cooking for dinner....although I'm half tempted to tell them to cook their own damn dinner, I'm taking MYSELF out. If I felt better, I probably would.

Well, thanks for letting me throw my pity party.


Cruella's picture

My neck would hurt because if I were put in that situation my head would turn completely turned around like Linda Blair in that movie!!!! UGH what a nightmare Fearless.

I hope you feel better soon!!!

Not a real step-mom's picture

Well, after BF/DP returned from work and I still felt like crap and had been crying all morning, I decided that I probably should see a doctor. (Not to mention that two medical professionals advised me to seek medical attention.) BF/DP decided to drive me to the ER after I completely broke down about how much I hurt and how much I hate mother's day. On the return trip, I let my sarcasm get the worst/best of me. First, when he mentioned getting Taco Bell and "skipping" dinner, I informed him I was taking myself out to dinner and he could figure out what he wanted to do for himself and his son. When he was apparently fine with that (although I knew he was a little surprised), I mentioned how nice it was that several nurses at the hospital wished me a happy mother's day. This started an argument about how much he does for me, etc. He is "sorry" he didn't do enough for me on Mother's Day, I pointed out that it wasn't a matter of not doing enough, he did NOTHING. I, of course, was crying the whole time. By the end of our "discussion", he acknowledged that with everything I have been through this weekend, with helping raise his child for 9 months out of each year for the last 6 years, with watching the happy mother's day card exchange and gushing about the flowers that it was NOT too much for me to ask for him to simply say "happy mother's day, I appreciate you". He apologized for being an idiot and told me how much he appreciates me and that he does not take me for granted.

Soooo, we are spending the afternoon together, and he is going to BBQ so I don't have to cook.

Oh, and by the way, it was a mild wonder I am a little cranky. Yes, you have it right, the Ex AND Family, WITH MIL, in OUR home, WITH a concussion. Next year HAS to be better...right?

Not a real step-mom's picture

Fearless, will you be my SO?


After the happy ending, it didn't end so happy....

Let me just say that I KNOW that there are ups and downs....I get it. I'm just done for the moment.....